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Post-bust growing. Yes or No?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
shit, had a whole other place going when i got busted. keep on getting yours.....


I'm a convicted felon as many know from previous posts last year. I've been out since 1990 after a doing a dime day for day.
Unless your on parole or probation they won't keep tabs on you. The only thing your going to have to worry about is that record's hanging over your head if your trying to get a job that would include some kind of clearance.
Otherwise take it day for day, one step at a time. Don't rush doing things, don't get paranoid because then you increase the chance of slipping up again. Learn from your mistakes and ACT ALONE now.
Just remember the golden rule of a hustler:" The more chances you take the better your chance of getting caught. So choose your chances wisely ".
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I'm a convicted felon as many know from previous posts last year. I've been out since 1980 after a doing a dime day for day.
Unless your on parole or probation they won't keep tabs on you. The only thing your going to have to worry about is that record's hanging over your head if your trying to get a job that would include some kind of clearance.
Otherwise take it day for day, one step at a time. Don't rush doing things, don't get paranoid because then you increase the chance of slipping up again. Learn from your mistakes and ACT ALONE now.
Just remember the golden rule of a hustler: The more chances you take the better your chance of getting caught.

Out of curiousity, in what way would they keep tabs on you if on parole or probation? Probation is a probability in the future.


depends on if it's supervised or not. If not, they usually just check with your employer to see if your working. Supervised can be a whole different ball game, depending on how big a case load the agent has and how tough they are. With supervised you could be looking at:
regular scheduled visits both at their office and your home.
drug analysis
maintaining employment or f/t student
Check the guidelines that they have to follow in your jurisdiction. Some parole/probation officers esp. parole can enter your residence at anytime without notice and can execute a search of your residence if they so wish. They can also take you into custody without warrant if they find you in violation of any of the terms of the court order. What most don't understand is that in most jurisdictions parole/probation DO NOT have to follow the same rules as say a police officer. Simply because you have been convicted and are know custody of the State. You basically will lose a lot of fundamental rights and freedoms for a while. But again a majority will depend on how the judge sentences you and the case load and esp. the attitude of the officer.


Feral is spot on from my experience. While I was on probation I was just a prisoner walking free. Probation dept could walk into my house anytime they felt the need. I was not even allowed to possess alcohol while on probation in the state I was in. They did not have to have any reason to suspect anything, they could just come and inspect at will.
Dubya you said that probation was a possibility in the future. If I'm reading that right I take it you have charges pending awaiting trial.If that is the case, I would highly suggest cooling your heels for a while. Especially if the town you live in is not that big.
I absolutely love growing, but I love my freedom, too. I was itching to grow in a very bad way the entire time I was on probation. But I held off. With a monthly piss test I didn't see any point in growing what I could not smoke. I don't have the discipline to just smoke a joint a month. If I'm gonna smoke, I'm gonna smoke. Not to mention that they can just show up at your door and walk in. While on probation/parole you are on their radar. If you complete that successfully for the most part they forget about you.


One more thing. Unless your bust was a big operation or a lot of cash, the DEA is going to foret about you in a second. It's the local leo's that you need to be concerned with. Especially if you live in a small to medium sized town.


Great points feral and duckslayer. A couple ?s...

How can they enter your home at any time without notice? Do they get copies of your keys? What if you just don't answer the door?

Did either of you receive such searches of your residence? If so can you describe the experience?

As far as maintaining employment goes, do they just ask you to show pay stubs? What if you decide you want to have your own business or are self employed? What if you get paid if cash, like a pizza delivery guy or something is that not allowed? That would suck if they actually called your boss. That means you'd have to tell your boss what happened.

Duckslayer you said you were itching to grow but didn't. If you had, would you have gotten away with it?

As far as local task force is concerned, what if you just moved a few towns or more away?

Finally, if you are put on probation, are you required to stay in that state or are you able to move to another state and set up a probation there?


It depends on what conditions they impose. We simply can't answer because we don't know how the officer will act towards you.
It boils down to these points:
* You are not a free man on probation PERIOD!!! Your are custody of the state.
* DO NOT try to blow a smoke screen with your PO because most will see right through it. That applies to trying to buddy up, kiss ass, etc.
* Stay away from others that you know grow. You don't want to be suspected of still growing and you def. do not want to bring unwanted attention to a fellow grower.
* Stay away from friends that smoke regularly. It will cause problems with some friends and you may get a hard time from some or even lose some friendships but peer pressure is a MF'r and those 'friends' won't be sitting in a 6x8 cell with you will they?
* Some folks play the game even while on probation and that's their choice, not yours. Remember the more chances taken the greater the chance of being busted by the PO. Is doing the time hanging over your head worth violating probation for. Some say yes until they realize what the hell just happened when that steel door slams shut.
I think you are young and scared and dude it's cool to feel that way but it's not the end of the world. Be a man and deal with whatever they throw at you then move on with your life. If you can't handle this, then seriously, GET OUT OF THE GAME NOW!!!!! Prison/jails are not fun. Its a day by day watching your back 24/7 and trying not to lose your sanity. I was able to deal with it because I realized something while locked up. They have my body, but they DO NOT have my mind. I'd lay on my bunk, meditate and could go anywhere or do anything I wanted inside my head and they couldn't stop it. I WAS STILL A FREE MAN for those 10 years. Apply that philosophy to your situation and you will be fine.


As feral said some of your questions are case specific, so while I can answer what my situation was, it won't necessarily be accurate for your case. There are some differences from state to state, and even from case to case.
They could enter my home anytime because it was one of the conditions of my probation. They did not get keys. I suppose I could have gotten away with not answering the door once, but that would not have accomplished a thing. They would just come back.
In the three years that I was on probation my PO "visited" my home a dozen times or so. Early on he was very thorough. Towards the end it became more casual, but even then he was always looking for "signs". My PO had been at this for a while. He had seen it all and heard it all. Trying to bullshit him would have been a waste of time and ultimately not in my best interest.
In the state I got busted in most people with the same conditions as mine go to prison. Besides the circumstances that I named in an earlier post, what kept me out of prison was a very good (expensive) attorney. My point is, I didn't get probation because that's what they do there. They are happy to send you to prison, and if I had been screwing around while on probation they would have been happy to send me there.
If I had tried to grow while on probation I would not have gotten away with it. I grow pot to smoke pot. When I smoke pot I smoke daily. Daily smoking and monthly piss tests don't work. My PO stood right beside me for every piss in the cup, so there was no way to cheat the system that I felt confident would work.
In my case I could not move across the street without approval from my PO. Going out of state even for a visit was not allowed without permission.
Feral gave you good advice so I will basically repeat it with a twist. I too, assume that you are a young guy. I know that when the judge says that you have "x" years probation that it will seem like a very long time to stay clean. But the alternative, being locked up, will feel much longer.
While on probation just play by their rules. My PO was "cool" towards me, but only because I did what was expected of me. I stayed employed, showed up for report day every time on time, and made my fine payments on time and in full. It made my time on probation much easier than it would have been had I bucked the system. If you don't have an education already, get in school while on probation. Between work and school the time will fly by for you. And you will have put yourself in a good position to have a better life than before you got busted. If you want to stay in this game use your time while under their thumb to plan for the future. Figure out what you did wrong this time and come up with a solid plan for the future that will maximize your chances of avoiding falling into their trap again.