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Possibly moving to CO..Few questions

Moustache Waxer

New member
Hey all. I'm considering moving to Colorado for growing purposes. I'm curious if anyone can answer a few questions I'm having a hard time finding answers to.

#1- Is there a limit of how many people you can be a caregiver for? I have seen people saying it is 5 but I can't find that in any of the laws.

#2- Are there limitations if you are growing in a residence? Or do you need to be in commercial space? Is there a state license involved for growing?

#3- What are lbs going for to the dispensaries? $3000? $4000?



Don't bother unless for some reason the Gov. vetoes HB 1284. If/when 1284 is signed into law the cap will be @ 5 patients. However you will only be allowed to sell to them at whatever it cost you to produce. Dispensaries will be growing 70% of their own, and buying 30% from other MMCenters. Pretty much game over for small growers and dispensaries. No more mom and pop shops........MMJ Wal-marts is what will be left.


If house bill 1284 goes into effect july 1, you will only be allowed 5 patients and sell your meds for only what you have in them.....5 x 6 plants = 30 plants, 15 flower, 15 veg MAX....and thats not even touching the fact how much your goign to have to give to your patients for free ect.

Hey all. I'm considering moving to Colorado for growing purposes. I'm curious if anyone can answer a few questions I'm having a hard time finding answers to.

#1- Is there a limit of how many people you can be a caregiver for? I have seen people saying it is 5 but I can't find that in any of the laws.right now, NO.....but july 1st, it will be 5....look up HB 1284

#2- Are there limitations if you are growing in a residence? Or do you need to be in commercial space? Is there a state license involved for growing?yes, residence 5 patient caregiver = 30 plants, but even caregivers can be banned from cities if they please to do so.....there will be a license for growers hooked up with disp...no one knows the $$ amount but some are guessing around 10k per grow site.

#3- What are lbs going for to the dispensaries? $3000? $4000?
now 3.5-4K if you know how to grow....july 1st you wont be able to sell to disp, unless you grow exclusively for them in a warehouse.



my friend dont move here jus because mmj..move here for a better life..its a really cool state and the mmj scene is wacked here..good luck mw
yeah if ya move here just to grow and do not have loads of money you probly wont like it here. now if you got a cool quarter mill and already owned property out here for atleast 2 years ya can open up a disp .


On the flip side...

~ the Bill is going to be challenged at multiple levels & multiple times... the final, final version that will remain as legislation is yet to be determined... the truth.

~ the Bill is entirely up to interpretation... how you read it & apply to your specific circumstances... shit, some are interpreting the 70% "necessary for it's operation" to mean 'wholesale' operation, not retail... all this won't pan out until we start getting Court rulings over interpretation... depending on how well the attny's argue.

~ the market demands quality... no matter how it needs to be accomplished, it wants it... bottom lining it here... each adult has to make his/her own decision on how they want to walk the line though...?

;-) Wait and see, or jump in deep, or wade around in the shallow section, or don't go swimming... oysters abound however!


Read HB1284 closer. It does not go in effect till July 1st 2011
the july 2010 is for dispensaries getting that permit not for patient/caregivers. Patient/Caregiver sales won't have stop till 2011. This date of July 1 2011 is so clear in HB1284, July 2010 is only for dispensaries getting permitted. Then there is the Sept 2010 deadline also where dispensaries must prove where they get their meds. JFC

I visited several dispensaries this week and not one is buying meds atm because they are worried they may have to shut down. Their not sure if they have to spend 5000 or 50000 by July 1st to stay open atm.

It's not saturated in any form. Sales are stilll happening, I sold 2lbs this week, but I feel the market is dead till the end of summer.


seems like someone needs to read amendment20 and all the new proposed laws and regulations.. this is where to start before you even think of packing a bag.
On the flip side...

~ the Bill is going to be challenged at multiple levels & multiple times... the final, final version that will remain as legislation is yet to be determined... the truth.

~ the Bill is entirely up to interpretation... how you read it & apply to your specific circumstances... shit, some are interpreting the 70% "necessary for it's operation" to mean 'wholesale' operation, not retail... all this won't pan out until we start getting Court rulings over interpretation... depending on how well the attny's argue.

~ the market demands quality... no matter how it needs to be accomplished, it wants it... bottom lining it here... each adult has to make his/her own decision on how they want to walk the line though...?

;-) Wait and see, or jump in deep, or wade around in the shallow section, or don't go swimming... oysters abound however!

Fuck dude could not have said it better myself. 6 law suits ready and waiting going against this bill. Ride low and take care of your patients till this pans out, we are in the constitution remember that.