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Possible P DEf in Coco newb needs help


oakton, I will check it again, We have city water, and like i said most people around here have a water softner due to how hard the water is, we do not. The ph is like high8 low 9s


whats the easiest thing to calibrate it with, I checked the website and it said add mg salt per liter of distilled water = 1pm, and to add 1mg so I would add 600 mg of salt per liter of water so that it will be close to what ever the ppm should be when I feed my plants, kinda over my head is there an easier way. I did just check some distilled water and it said 0 So i would assume its calibrated.
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Dr. Doolittle
normally your supposed to use calbration fluid, one acidic and one alkaline......

it depends distilled can have a ratio... but if it is correct then I would mix distilled and some tap water.......


Bad Old leaves

Bad Old leaves

The rest of the plant looks pretty healthy some of the stems are like rubber mainly on the old growth. New growth looks good, I have alot of purple on the stems, no purple on new growth, but as new becomes a few days old purple creeps up to them. Most likely I would think I'm through this problem but just checking. I have been mixing like 1-2 ml of bloom fert with grow for 1 feeding. I have noticed what I think is cal-mag def on not so old growth, I think this was about the time I started mixing 1/2 gallon of distilled with 1/2 gallon of tap. I just purchased a small boy filter but haven't hooked it up hopefully I'll install it tomorrow.

They are about 1 foot tall and am thinking about flipping them to 12/12, but my question is should I transplant into their final 3 gallon pot, before I flip or go ahead and flip and let get close to root bound and then transplant. Wasn't sure if this would cause excess stress by transplanting and then immediately going into bloom cycle. My problem is I don't really have enough light to transplant and keep them vegging in 3 gallon pots, I would have to turn on the other 2 bulbs 1 ea in each growzilla in order for there to be enough light for the plants. Due to the increased space the 3 gallon containers will take, it will be cramped already when I transplant. I really don't want to leave 2400 watts on 24hr 1-2 days what ever they would need. Any suggestions I guess based on the size of the plant it might make since to transplant now and then flip. Also I've read that before the flip give them 24-48 hrs of complete darkness before the 12/12 cycle starts what are your thoughts on this. Thanks in advance. Thanks stitch for all your help greatly appreciated

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Dr. Doolittle
Those leaves show nitrogen issue and phosphorous problems.......
If your plants are rootbound now, yes transplant them.... rootbound plants do not transfer nutrients correctly with how crowded the root zone is.....

if you put them into 12/12 like they are now you will have some issues, get the plant healthy and transplanted before switching them over.

Since you might not have the room for them, getting them healthy before 12/12 may not be an option for you, so change the plant to a new pot and after a week flip it to 12/12

Your feeding it after transplant needs to have nitrogen and phosphorus,because that is what it is showing.... the last 2 pics show nitrogen with the yellowing and the browning in between veins is a progressed phosphorus issue.


Could these plants be root bound in only 2 weeks, I transplanted on the 10-27, they were in rockwool, some had roots showing but not as much as they should have. Is this a def, or could it be burn. Most likely def, So I should increase my feeding and also add some bloom in there for the phosphrus. This is only on the older growth, top of the plant looks ok, What ppm do I not want to go above in veg 1000 I was thinking 8ml bio grow, 2-3 ml of biobloom so 10-11ml per gallon, I think I never should have backed down from the orginal 10ml per gallon what do you think. My bio grow has a very low phosphrus. Thanks coach


Dr. Doolittle
How often are you feeding your plants? How big are the plants now?

What is the ppm you feed them now before the change?

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