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Possible consequences of a lost iphone?

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I would just like to apologize on my part for not saying anything the first time I read this thread, before you got busted. Reading back nobody really advised you to close up shop temporarily, which is always the thing to do when you get spooked. Safety first. I had a situation a while back where it was unlikely that I would get my place searched but that time everybody said shutdown shutdown shutdown, and I did. Nobody including me said anything like that this time, so sorry.

Hope everything turns out ok for you and good luck. My next 168 beers will be to your lost girls man. What I cut down when I shut down paled in numbers, but I know the pain.


Thanks for the support everyone.

AK- don't feel bad about that. Closing up shop was not really an option, given the size of the op, and the fact that the DEA had been watching me for the past week. Thanks though I appreciate that.

I'm going to be posting a new thread detailing the whole situation and asking for any advice, as there are some strange and interesting facets to it, and I don't really know what the best thing to do now is. So, if you are knowledgeable at all on the legal side please do chime in.


I hate to throw some more shit in the mix however they could be checking out this site right now... If you ever logged in to here on it know what I'm saying? :tiphat:
Time to switch it up homie you have given us way to much info...
Get a new user name and make broad sweeping statements when asking for advice... I hope you find peace in my words not paranoia!:comfort:


Thanks. My thoughts are that I already have been busted, so there's not much more that can be done at this point. I already confessed and let them in the door rather then have them bust it down. They had a warrant. They didn't take my computer so I don't think they would've had a way to access this or to know who I am or that I'm even a member. Right?


I can't believe cops went through your phone when you got pulled over. What the fuck is that? Is that legal for them to do? Especially if you haven't been arrested they have no right. I can understand searching you for drugs or weapons if there's reasonable suspicion, but there ain't no drugs or weapons in a cell phone. Wow fucking goddamn pigs. OK that's it my new phone is getting locked.

Sorry to hear about what is happening.

A little late but to answer your question, recent court decisions uphold police right to search a smart phone without needing a warrant.

It hasn't made it to the supreme court but it looks like state courts think its just a phone... morons.

Being a Luddite is the way to go....

Let them can keep the electronic toys... Ill keep my privacy.

Good luck with the DEA. :comfort:
Really sorry about your bust Jedi.

Too late now, but for anyone else reading this:
As HippyJohnny said, 2 state courts (OH and CA) have ruled that cops can search a phone without a warrant. I expect it will eventually go to the supreme court, where they will immediately rule in favor of the Govt just like they did with the GPS on cars.

Always lock your phone with a password.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about your situation, I guess this is worst case scenario. Let this be a lesson to those with pics and videos on their mobile devices right now and no password to protect their information. I am pretty sure though they do not even need the password to gain access to the phone's storage & memory because they have a program that allows them to do so via USB with any phone or laptop type device and strip the data out regardless of any basic passwords in place. Sucks for us I guess. :(

Good luck to you my friend, I wish a car would have ran it over instead. Be well, and give them hell! :canabis:


wow.. aint that some bullshit. Hope you get off lightly.

You lose your phone on new years eve..and then get busted because of video on it 5 days later.

I'm assuming the video is of your garden?

How the hell can the DEA just serve a warrant based on that video alone. How did they know it was YOUR residence that the video was taken? What were you doing in the very few days you may have been watched before being raided?

Lawyer should get this dropped if thats really how its went down..

Should of let em' break the door. Fuck letting them in...ever.


Active member
^yea how did tehy know its YOUR grow. if i had pictures of a grow on my phone why the fuck would i admit its mine? "no officer, i was at my friends girlfriends cousins house and he had a small grow so i took a picture of it. no i do not remember where the house was no i do not remember his name i was drunk"

what the fuck is that...sounds like you got muscled into confessing. doubt they even had a legit warrant..sure it wasnt a chinese takeout menu?


Active member
He said he was under dea investigation for a week. That was Bs,lol, Tat was the bait to admit to the grow.
He sunk his own ship.


Active member
in the week after losing the iphone were you doing countersurveillance? check under your car? drive around and look for tails? why the fuck would the DEA waste manpower to do undercover surveillance on a smalltime pot grower...unless you live in bumblefuck county.

what were your patterns since the time you lost the phone since you got busted. did you visit your grow....did you do anything stupid/illegal that they might have seen. you gotta rack your brain and figure out these things....



Chill out my friend you simply make someone happy ,
sure thing that it is going to search your iphone ,
sure thing that is going to see messages,videos and photos ,
but little chance to bust you anyone from that.
I will prefer to keep the iphone versus giving it to the cops ......
and maybe cops prefer to keep the iphone versus bust you ....


Freedom Fighter
Chill out my friend you simply make someone happy ,
sure thing that it is going to search your iphone ,
sure thing that is going to see messages,videos and photos ,
but little chance to bust you anyone from that.
I will prefer to keep the iphone versus giving it to the cops ......
and maybe cops prefer to keep the iphone versus bust you ....

You seem to have missed this--:tiphat:

Got busted today.

It was all because of that fucking iphone. Someone turned it in to the police as a lost phone. In an attempt to find out its owner they went through it and found a video I had taken a while ago and forgotten to erase.

DEA came to my house. Charged with cultivation. 168 plants. That's federally fucked.

1st time offender and the DEA agent in charge actually knows my uncle pretty well, and because of that he's going to go easy on me. Gave me a PTA so I'm free till the 20th. He said he'd try to hook me up, and chances are I'll get a suspended sentence, probation, and a fine. I'm not sure. Hopefully my uncle's name can help me out.

Your phone is a computer and should be treated as such. Lesson learned the hard way. I'll be happy to not do time. Fingers crossed. Fuck.



Freedom Fighter
^yea how did tehy know its YOUR grow. if i had pictures of a grow on my phone why the fuck would i admit its mine? "no officer, i was at my friends girlfriends cousins house and he had a small grow so i took a picture of it. no i do not remember where the house was no i do not remember his name i was drunk"

what the fuck is that...sounds like you got muscled into confessing. doubt they even had a legit warrant..sure it wasnt a chinese takeout menu?

They already had the GPS of the grow from the pics-- They had a warrant, and were waiting there when he arrived--


Active member
you could have had a passcode protection to buy you or someone you know enough time to remote whipe using the find my iphone app so that when someone found the phone it was erased. oh well. at least others will learn from your mistakes. good luck!!!!


It was all because of that fucking iphone. Someone turned it in to the police as a lost phone. In an attempt to find out its owner they went through it and found a video I had taken a while ago and forgotten to erase.

First off this fucking sucks, i do not grow in your ammount so im not too afraid about getting busted, tho i avoid it at all costs. Anyway in your other message you say you have alot of hour / half hour meetings, am i to assume you are dealing aswell as growing? Perhaps you were under the scope and the dea actually nabbed ur phone? Im just sayin, i dont think they really have any limits to methods, especially if they had you under surveilance. And that is the real reason your getting off easy, they want to avoid any situation where you do not accept the judgement and things will be closely examinated.

In an attempt to find out its owner they went through it and found a video I had taken a while ago and forgotten to erase.

How is that finding out who's the owner? You pick up the phone, dial the first number you find on last calls, ask "who am i?" case closed. Not "lets look and see if he has any nude pics of his underaged girlfriend".

Stranger thoughts have happened while beeing stoned, good luck man either way.
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