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possible 10k loss here


New member
3rd cycle with spider mites problem so i went and bought some Azamax
never used it before but was still vegging and already had mites so i went to worms way and got some was recommended by staff
this is a 2000 watt 5x8 deal
been vegging her for 6 months in 20-30 gallon pot
only the best organic soil...worm poop/guano ect.
this was to be my last cycle of this unknown indica
trellis...carbon filter.. nice setup really
azamax did its job and everything was fine
looked at directions and it recommend soil drench so i went ahead
i think thats what caused this situation
2 days later i checked and almost puked
she looks like she hasent had water in a week
total droops
complete lack of vigour...
leaves hanging straight down
good green colour in leaves but really bad droopy look
so i decided to flush soil yesterday...
i mean what else do you do?
So with great anticipation waited 24 hrs for improvement
lights just came on
the droops are TWICE as bad now
colour in leaves strangely enough remains good
but it looks almost dead
this plant could not possibly have any less moisture in it
this plant was supposed to yield 1-3 lbs
before i drenched the soil with a light azamax solution it was fine
i pulled the plug on one of the 1000 watt bulbs because there is no way this plant can survive a day under 2k watts

have you ever forgot to water a plant and let the soil go completely dry?
that is what she looks like

it looks like i cut it down 4 days ago and its been laying on the ground dying
i also foliar fed straight 6.2 water yesterday also
didnt help obviously
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Active member
just one plant?
thats a big one.
usualy when u dont water them they do what ur describing...or killed them

i hope u turned the lights off after u found her wilting.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Sounds like root damage or shock of some kind, it might have been super sensitive to the azamax. Next time get yourself a whole shitload of ladybugs dude. Good luck man , please let us know how it works out. ;)


New member
from a scientific standpoint it it truly amazing
3 days ago it was fine
now i think it might die today

the azamax soil drench i think was the culprit
i never ever experiment during runs so things like this wont happen
but i figured if i could get rid of the mites a little new technique would be ok
mabey only run the light for a few hours a day until some sign of life?


careful with azamax, it doesn't kill the critters, it only breaks their eating and growth cycles - hopefully enough to stop reproduction, but it will have to be reapplied periodically to keep the bugs in a state of stunted growth
best of luck with a full recovery for your big gal


Even in Arcadia I exist
Holy shit! This happened to me also.

Holy shit! This happened to me also.

not good at all
i NEVER pop my head above water but this is serious
3rd cycle with spider mites so i went and bought some Azamax
never used it before but was still vegging and already had mites so i went to worms way and got some was recommended by staff
this is a 2000 watt 5x8 deal
been vegging her for 6 months in 20-30 gallon pot
only the best organic soil...worm poop/guano ect.
this was to be my last cycle of this unknown indica
trellis...carbon filter.. nice setup really
azamax did its job and everything was fine
looked at directions and it recommend soil drench so i went ahead
i think thats what caused this situation
2 days later i checked and almost puked
she looks like she hasent had water in a week
total droops
complete lack of vigour...
leaves hanging straight down
good green colour in leaves but really bad droopy look
so i decided to flush soil yesterday...
i mean what else do you do?
So with great anticipation waited 24 hrs for improvement
lights just came on
the droops are TWICE as bad now
colour in leaves strangely enough remains good
but it looks almost dead
this plant could not possibly have any less moisture in it
this plant was supposed to yield 1-3 lbs
before i drenched the soil with a light azamax solution it was fine
i pulled the plug on one of the 1000 watt bulbs because there is no way this plant can survive a day under 2k watts
i hate to be dramatic but this will be a catastrophic loss if i dont see a miracle
i have 10 years of success and have never seen anything like this before
have you ever forgot to water a plant and let the soil go completely dry?
that is what she looks like
it is the saddest thing i have ever seen in the plant kingdom
i have no idea what is going on here
i always keep plant count low but now i am paying the price
it looks like i cut it down 4 days ago and its been laying on the ground dying
i also foliar fed straight 6.2 water yesterday also
didnt help obviously
i cannot stomach a kilo loss
im already behind schedule with extra veg time on this girl
and now this

Tragic, I really feel for you man.

Incredibly, this EXACT same thing happened to me about 3 1/2 weeks ago with just one plant - the only plant I azamaxed.

Pretty much what you described - roughly 48 - 60 hours before severe drooping, presenting just as you described . . . same a water-starved plant.

Anyways, I really didn't do much . . . to be perfectly honest it was my least impressive plant in a location where there is much competition for space. I did what I'd been doing, in 3 gal organic mix watered with straight distilled water once the pot felt light, like every 3-4 days depending.

I was certain it had died and decided to leave it in there until the white pistils darkened some, and at about days 10 or so I decided to chop it and son-of-a-bitch it looked a little better. Not much, but a little.

So this has been 25 days now since this and she still droops, that never totally right itself. But alive, yes. Weeks behind though . . . several weeks behind the others


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Also when you do a flush like that it will make them drop pretty bad. Dont water for a week and see how she does.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Hey man, about my situation, I apologize but I did leave one thing out, although I don't know if it was really beneficial or simply applied by chance just before recovery (leading me to believe one caused the other).

Anyways, I just watered 'em all with a EWC tea with about 1Tbs of Molasses. Had to pull out the notebook and look up the date to find this out, but it looks like I did this 9 days after the Azamax, so like a week after the drooping.

I have no idea if they were related, and it's even possible that when I noticed the drooping I went to only plain water, but I can't recall what I did that watering, I would guess it got what the others got.

Your issues sound a little more pronounced and devastating than mine, which in part could be due to the massive root mass your plant needed to support life/growth.

I should add that particular plants lost about 1/2 of it's leaves and several side branches were just so stunted I trimmed 'em, but to be honest all in all isn't TOO much worse for wear.

Good luck. Would LOVE to see pics of this monster . . .


New member
well i tell you what
i havent been on a pot forum for like 8 years
you guys freaking rock
my post is only 1 hr old late at night and already al these replies
the growers support has truly blossomed this decade...
i dunno though
light been on 1 hr now and she looks really bad
i guess i will switch out the 1000 watters with 400s and let her ride for a bit
knock back the lights to 20/4?
im shure she will love that lol

the only time i ever asked the worms way guys advice now look at me
i also switched to 12/12 on the same day i watered with azamax

kinda stuck now
do i ride it out?

tomorrow i will plant seeds to make myself feel a little better...
put all my eggs in one basket now look at me
i always thought more plants was more work
big plants been working good for me till now
now my high dollar carbine has exploded in my face so to speak


have you been able to do anything that perks her up even the slightest? This seems so weird that it happened all so fast, I had an Ak 47 one year that she would do that but she was just really sensitive about her watering times if I watered too late lol she would let me know by looking how you are describing but within an hour of watering she looked like a totally different lady. All the best bud hope she gets back on track for you. :)


I am pretty new to everything involved in growing, myself. But I thought overwatering presents the same symptoms as underwatering?
I vote don't do anything drastic, wait and see... I bet she perks up.

But yeah, a shock like this will probably delay your finish date. And you have to do it again to get the eggs that hatch in the meantime. :(


The cat that loves cannabis
Well if you chop it then you know it's as good as dead, I'd let it go for several days now after the flush and just watch it.
You've got nothing to lose by keeping it up and hoping it recovers, but at the same time start getting some replacements going now in case it dies.

Maybe drive out to worms way and smack someone in the head?


New member
moral of this story?
azamax foliar good
azamax soil drench...bad
the guys at the hydro store should have known this and warned me

it did a bang up job on the actual bugs
reduced population by 90% after 1 foliar application
soil application was at 1/2 recommended dose
if i actually wanted to do the next foliar application i would have to lift every leaf up and spray
considering terminating contract with said plant
people always warn to treat these bugs like spanish flu
and just looking at this plant makes me ill
OK, not super familiar with Azamax......but spider mites have NO life cycle in the soil.....so why would you do a soil drench?

IMO, you could have done alot of root damage. Hope yer not harvesting in the next 30-60 days as azadiractin is systemic......will be in your plant for 30-60 days.

I would flush the fuck out of her, then after she drips no more, replace the nutes with a weak feed appropriate for your plants place in life.

I would only mix Azamax up in water and apply as a foliar or 'dip/dunk'.

Good luck man. And do come around more often.....no matter how much you know, you never know it all. I learn something new everyday. :)


Flush, flush, flush, then start with 1/4 strength. I would hold on for a little while longer before i dead the plants.


I'm no soil expert, but are you supposed to do a soil drench between regular waterings? I have done full strength Azamax drenches recently in coco and have had no issues whatsoever. You are supposed to let soil dry out, are you not?

Coming back and flushing already wet soil the next day probably drowned your roots even more and got them started rotting.