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positivity 2010


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Locked n loaded, ready to fire!!!! Lookin like monday is D-day, cant wait to see her in action!!!!

Happy harvest yallls


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And One more..

Microsoft ICE photsticher free dnld
Snap a whole mess of pics from one spot and load them in, 2 min later whala!



Active member
Your updates are amazing. The Twister work station looks so clean and ready to work.

Great Job on those plants. Plants look so healthy in all your pics. Congrats!



is the twister really $16k... ?

yes, but when rental charges start coming in then it pays for itself rather quickly. not a lot of people can justify keeping one going on their own dime...Unless you're HL or something..


Active member
It beyond pays for itself if you've ever run a big trim crew for a big crop

too many people handling too much herbs, plus the puffing, and little trophy nugs that are natural to make their way to personal jars.

food to feed, beverages, massages, travel time,

Trim scenes arent always "Pretty" You dont always know all your workers
huge trims tend to bypass alot of little lowers that this trimmer will probably clean up
Those alone will probably pay for it,
now add up the the other stuff
add in to it the rental of it
and if you grow big enough, Its beyond a good investment.

What new car pays for itself in a month?

:) Ive heard it said,
you know what they say about big grows
big trim bill.......

Thank you for the props community


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@ OMMPatient
The Purps (mendo Purps)
EDIT: Been told its Purple Diesel... so I'm not currently sure

Really easy plant to grow and care for, Sturdy, very little tying needed, could mostly back-tie to itself for support of longer brances
Under the scope, the resin glands are actually violet purple by about half the population. The calyxes are a deep purp color that contrast beautifully with the orange hairs and golden glands, purp all the way, not an environmental coaxing
didnt really use much for ferts this year in the crop I tended but
The larger crop im working in /for they had some lock up issues apparently caused by overferting them? The sativa hybrids are garbage cans, they eat everything thrown at them it seems
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Active member
A few notes on some products used this year

Spinsad (Montery brand) may have worked some what on caterpillars this year but didnt seem to help the mites at all

Bacillus thuringiensis (Safer Brand worm killer) Did the trick this again on the caterpillars as usual

For PM -powdery mildew I was using green cure, it seemed to hold it back but thats about it, could of been a bad year last year

I tried something new(to me) this year
Serenade organic (Bacillus subtilis) actually took the pm off the leaves, as well as my eye could see. took about 2-3 days but the leaves looked clean after just one heavy application. I could see inside a few water leves in the bud where i mised, sprayed the other day, will check tomorrow, should be cleared up. This year Mango was the culprit for the most part. At least she's the most suspetible carrier of it in the immediate garden.

Another thing, dont just spray the leaves, I hit the soil, the undersides and stem area ( we clean our insides out pretty clean) and most of the surrounding area in the garden area.

And for mite control where needed, Azatrol brand (azadirachtin insecticide)
continual, systematic applications are necessary to wipe out all the life cycles of them buggars

I mixed caterpillar killer with the PM for a dual application in one spray. then a few days later would apply the Azatrol sprays. I assumed the azatrol would render the bacteriums useless. Not sure just a thought

----Just a few more cents of mine


Active member
your going to need more dry racks! Awesome thread man, hope your harvest is successful!

Aint that a biotch:headbange

I think we have 25 total and three different varieties in the farm so hopefully it works out in the process

If not, looks like im building racks and screens. But...The drying racks look really simple to manufacture. mesh and a wire hoop n a sewing machine. way less materials than wood n screens