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Population ...the ticking time bomb!

Population ...the ticking time bomb!

  • Yes, I think it is our biggest long term problem...

    Votes: 35 44.9%
  • Yes, we should be concerned but there are bigger problems...

    Votes: 22 28.2%
  • No, nature will take it's course and that's the way it is...can't do anything about it.

    Votes: 19 24.4%
  • No, we will most certainly take rational steps to control our population before it is an issue.

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
Sustainability is the 'Rule' when looking at population. We must consider the 'carrying capacity' of Earth and evaluate 'our' resources accordingly.


Here's the problem: people who should have kids don't want them, and people who shouldn't have them breed like rabbits. Of course, that's a generalization, but it has a grain or two of truth in it. Many couples just want to have kids because they're cute, will make them "happy", or because society projects this idea into people's mind that they should have children, even if they are unfit to be good parents.

I like this post the best so far.

Kids having kids is so bad. Young teenage girls wanting kids because they're soooo cute then getting pregnant by "accident" is quite simply an epidemic.

To many bad parents are having far too many kids. Just one example, one of my neighbours this young woman around 32 years old, she has 4 kids, 3 of which are to different fathers all of which are long gone, she's heavily pregnant with her 5th and i see her all the time outside chain smoking. I mean wtf people like this need to be made sterile even if it is fascist.

What about having a license system to have kids similar to driving license concept; rigorous means testing of parents before consent is granted?

People breeding like rabbits in Africa that live in total poverty is just retarded. In the animal kingdom, animals born with severe defects are usually rejected at birth by their parents. One must wonder the legitimacy of allowing severe down syndrome, or HIV positive babies to live. I know i'll probably get flamed for that and im NOT saying terminate all because a life is a life, im just raising the issue is all.

Ive wanted kids but the last year living in a neighbourhood over populated with these noisy little f******, i now am thankful i have none and just have my awesome animals. Hey, on the brightside though at least my fans can't be heard over their constant racket.

I take my hat off to all the great parents out there, the world needs more of you all.



ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
i guess we better get started spaying and neutering our children?

i agree when it comes to oil/population not sustainable when oil is the metric

but then its really the oil that is running out so that is an issue of priorities and every statement must be qualified


How the F is oil and population directly related?

I have serious doubts about the validity of that statement yo


Active member
Tjis is a self creating problem. Everyone praises tje modern world tjat is built on petro chenichal everyyhing. The population is too high because the weak are no longer culled due to the era of plenty. One day this will change and the herd will cull. The only alternative is to abandon most of modern life and let the weak perish. Both are going to be nasty. But itsbthe nature of thing's.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
How the F is oil and population directly related?

I have serious doubts about the validity of that statement yo

well, more people use more oil in an oil-dependent society

more oil to harvest more crops
more oil to ship more food
more oil to bus more kids to school
more oil when the kids get to driving the more cars that take more oil to produce


Active member
How the F is oil and population directly related?

I have serious doubts about the validity of that statement yo

every war faught,for the central banks to keep countries hooked on the petro dollar.
and the same central bank who has every branch of government and you and i on its payroll if you value your labor in payment of federal reserve notes,from federal reserve member banks./

its only my opinion ,that perhaps just mabey the state approved assosiation's of intellectuals known as PHDs who go along to get along in form's of payment from government resources for their research , might have a biased opinion weather or not if we should go genocidal on our kids and neighbors to fufill other state approved economic PHD's monetary fallicies.
sorry to get cynical but that's the basis of the argument for population control.as you may have seen in my previous videos logic and even mathematical orders of operation are ignored to validate national socialisim.




if i'm being misunderstood at all, i'm an advocate of self defense in the strictest meaning of the term. to put it in general as other libertarians put it, I believe in the non-aggression principal.not to initiate violence,but defend yourself however you see fit.

I don't think I'm alone on this but I will remain consistant reguardless of its title. I just think people misunderstand that murder is wrong,it doesn't matter who or what is doing it,and it ceases to be murder in my opinion if someone is actively trying to kill you or your loved ones.it becomes self defence,and if you decide its your own intrest to abandon that option its your right to impose that on yourself,not others.

so the population control isn't all that different from growing or smoking its going to boil down to a witch hunt and genocide. it's tolitarian in the same way as our economic policies. its my opinion that's where we stand today as targets of the war on drugs. I personally wouldn't force people to live on the mragins of society and impose sanctions on them because they decide to live life their way but the users don't victimize anyone by violating their rights.

so again I'll put it plainly to advocates, why should one man tell another how to live his life, and then further say he should die for being a scapegoat for the slave masters and cause of the original problem,a warm sense of collectivisim?
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ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
yeah thats kinda why i said the population bomb was fear-mongering and scarcity tactic


LMFAO @ this thread.



Cool link bro, but why you yelling, especially when your wrong :laughing:

Monthly World population figures:

07/01/12 7,017,543,964
08/01/12 7,024,140,935
09/01/12 7,030,737,906
10/01/12 7,037,122,072
11/01/12 7,043,719,043
12/01/12 7,050,103,209
01/01/13 7,056,700,180
02/01/13 7,063,297,151
03/01/13 7,069,255,706
04/01/13 7,075,852,677
05/01/13 7,082,236,843
06/01/13 7,088,833,814
07/01/13 7,095,217,980

I copied and pasted this directly from this website, im no PHD student but looks to me like its increasing still


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the resident population of the United States, projected to 04/09/13 at 07:49 UTC (EST+5) is 315,641,113


One birth every 8 seconds
One death every 13 seconds
One international migrant (net) every 39 seconds
Net gain of one person every 14 seconds

Net gain of one person every 14 seconds is alarming!

60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours x 365 days = 31,536,000 seconds per year / 14 = 2,252,571 population net increase this year (approx) just in USA.

And LOL at one net migrant every 39 seconds, aint that a bit racialist?


Active member
If the global population is not put in check soon, there will be no way to feed and hydrate everyone. As farms all over the world disappear, cattle, pigs, and birds keep getting diseases that are passed to humans, water sources are polluted or used up, biochemically engineered crops and seeds are now the norm, they do open heart surgeries on 90 yr olds, people are human guinea pigs to find drugs that prolong life, and we are breeding like rats. I doubt in my lifetime I will run out of food and water, but who knows, they could keep me alive, well into my hundreds..............


Well-known member
the frightening wild card with population is climate, there's a wiki that lists the recorded historical famines, and climate is one of the biggies
in particular, drought - and not a couple of years of low rainfall, but cycles of drought that can last 100's into the 1000's of years
for example, there were epochs where the Indian subcontinent's monsoons stopped, as in stopped dead
want to talk depopulation? go no further than the rain


Bubblegum Specialist
The population is at the all time peak now and it has never been eight billion but it will be soon.

I'm not convinced growth will just level off on it's own without a catastrophe but in any case we can't support ten billion indefinitely.

Perhaps we can find a why but it doesn't require answers like genocide if we think and prevent a catastrophe from happening.

Free birth control for all would be opposed by our republican party but I don't see why. The demographics show that those breeding a lot are not republicans in America but the poor seem to have more kids.

Population is high enough for me and I don't want to kill anyone but we need to see the facts and decide what would be the most rational strategy for planning how we live here and how many.

With no guidance the earth would be total anarchy with so many people. The pressures will eventually make everyone see this as a problem.


to be honest i think this matter is already being dealt with on many levels. you have so much pollution of 1 kind or another getting into our systems that we are having lower sperm counts then ever and woman are less fertile as well as men, the trend is still advancing, so very soon you will no longer see an increase in world population. in fact if we continue with this rate of poisoning our air, water and land, we will soon be seeing reduced life cycles again as well as lower fertility. so the population should automatically go down world wide.


bottom line, we can not have 15 or 20 billion people polluting the world the way we are now.
besides, can you imagine the traffic in cities with 20 billion people world wide?