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Population ...the ticking time bomb!

Population ...the ticking time bomb!

  • Yes, I think it is our biggest long term problem...

    Votes: 35 44.9%
  • Yes, we should be concerned but there are bigger problems...

    Votes: 22 28.2%
  • No, nature will take it's course and that's the way it is...can't do anything about it.

    Votes: 19 24.4%
  • No, we will most certainly take rational steps to control our population before it is an issue.

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....First and foremost people need to be educated as to the ramifications of producing children...They need to understand what reproductive health is... and be made aware of what choices they may have in regards to that....

A child is the responsibility of it's parents until they can take care of their own wants and needs......and if you cannot afford to feed cloth, educate, shelter and bring your child/children up as a responsible and caring parent for at least 18 years of that child's life then it's not a good decision to propagate them and could be a bane not only to the society that you inhabit but also to the child itself....and yourself...

Personally I would not have the quality of life that I have without my kids....They bring much joy to my life and give me a lot of satisfaction and purpose in nurturing them and seeing them develop hopefully into bright, strong, educated and informed adults one day....


Active member
Population will always be an issue, due to the way of life. Pollution and food are serious concerns, for population control. I am sure war will drop off the numbers, sooner than later. Just wait for the next Hitler type~

I don't have kids, I don't see a good future or a dear wife.


Active member
There is reports that once a country starts to technologicaly and economical advance they start having less children as seen first hand most of my "educated" friends are either to selfish or waiting til the right moment to have kids resulting in having no children or only one later in life 30+...


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Learned years ago in environmental studies that the planet has a maximum carrying capacity which translates into how many people the earth can support at one time. I forget the actual number but we are growing exponentially toward it.


Andinismo Hierbatero
....First and foremost people need to be educated as to the ramifications of producing children...They need to understand what reproductive health is... and be made aware of what choices they may have in regards to that....

A child is the responsibility of it's parents until they can take care of their own wants and needs......and if you cannot afford to feed cloth, educate, shelter and bring your child/children up as a responsible and caring parent for at least 18 years of that child's life then it's not a good decision to propagate them and could be a bane not only to the society that you inhabit but also to the child itself....and yourself...

Personally I would not have the quality of life that I have without my kids....They bring much joy to my life and give me a lot of satisfaction and purpose in nurturing them and seeing them develop hopefully into bright, strong, educated and informed adults one day....

agreed, even though I would add that once irresponsible parents bring children to life and do not take care of them properly, it is also everyone's responsibility to assure those children grow up in a healthy well educated environment.

cannot turn a blind eye on that one.



ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
'overpopulation' is just another 'scarcity' fear mongering tactic just like the 'which 2 billion have to die' bullshit conventional ag argument

there is probably 10,000X as much arable land as these guys make out

i know that i dont live in a very densely populated area but i know of huge regions of arable land sitting fallow and i m not talking about 1000 acres or anything petty {more like several 1000 acre farms sitting fallow}

we have insane grain surpluses and the farmers keep pluggin along paying for their seeds and machinery

sure double the population again and more people may have to change their lifestyle but people could probably use a few more moments away from their 'smart' phones anyway


Here's the problem: people who should have kids don't want them, and people who shouldn't have them breed like rabbits. Of course, that's a generalization, but it has a grain or two of truth in it. Many couples just want to have kids because they're cute, will make them "happy", or because society projects this idea into people's mind that they should have children, even if they are unfit to be good parents.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Learned years ago in environmental studies that the planet has a maximum carrying capacity which translates into how many people the earth can support at one time. I forget the actual number but we are growing exponentially toward it.

We've passed it. I read an analysis of the carrying capacity of the earth a long time ago, but it said basically that the current population could not be sustained long term by the planet's resources going into the future. I think the maximum population that the US should have was about 150 million.

Here's a bit from another study I just found:

Lester Brown of the Earth Policy Institute, has said: "It would take 1.5 Earths to sustain our present level of consumption. Environmentally, the world is in an overshoot mode."

For those looking at all the land that is empty here in the US...its about a whole helluva lot more than empty space to build dwellings. It's about arable land, it's about fresh water sources, it's about all the waste that every individual human generates.


Well-known member
could it be it's just the way all "resources" are distributed among the people?
for example, why folks in countries where education gets better and more accessible to the masses start having less and less kids?

basically the poverty in the world is artificially created, and with poverty comes a decreasing access to education and many other important factors.

the technology for sustaining even bigger populace has been there since 10s of years, BUT where the hack would mankind go, if we were all to be treated as equals, have access to the same possibilities and were allowed to exchange knowledge and technology amongst each other, instead of patenting and separating each others advancements?



Allow me to BLOW your mind with a link. A link to the best lector I've ever seen... speaking about religion and babies...

The sum up is that we will be about 10 billion humans on the planet. If thats to much... well.. thats not yet to be told. The earth does for sure have sufficient supplies to feed 10 billion people, the energy should be the problem I recon..

This guy really explains the population-growth in an AMAZING way!


Enjoy!! :>


Bubblegum Specialist
Bombed, whether I am crazy or not has nothing to do with it but I will include that option next time.

I tried not to load the question and most people seem to agree here that another doubling of our population would probably just compound our problems.

Gypsy, thanks for stopping in. You are right and we both know the responsibility of parenthood. Nice to see what the effort has been worth. Our boys have Grown up nicely.

So if we realize that resources are mis allocated and that we could do a lot better making sure everyone gets e basics but that's a big job already. Half a billion was the number of maximum population according to that Georgia monument.

It took until the year 1900 to reach one billion and now it's seven billion! Maybe half a billion or twice that but most people on the planet live pretty cheap really.

Let's think about positive solutions that won't rip rights away from people. How about a cap and trade policy where one mom could sell her right to have one child or buy another right to bear certificate just like gift coupons. Or maybe pay women not to have kids. Or free birth control maybe?

What do you think will help?


Active member
the matriarch mouse a mouse colony secrete a hormone that causes sterility when she senses the population is too high

well before I had heard it i had the same theory that homosexuality was a resoponse to population, but that confrimed my suspicions(at least for me)



Power Armor rules
If you're feeling adventurous pull up two graphs online: Crude oil production and human population growth. You will see the two lines are almost identical. Energy is the answer to the population issue.



3rd-Eye Jedi
I'll probably get flamed for this but increased homosexuality can be explained by the increased amount of gender bending chemicals that are found in our diets (and of course our larger population/more open western society). Estrogen mimickers are in ALL plastic and canned goods and about a hundred other things.

i dont doubt that there is truth in to that

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Allow me to BLOW your mind with a link. A link to the best lector I've ever seen... speaking about religion and babies...

The sum up is that we will be about 10 billion humans on the planet. If thats to much... well.. thats not yet to be told. The earth does for sure have sufficient supplies to feed 10 billion people, the energy should be the problem I recon..

This guy really explains the population-growth in an AMAZING way!


Enjoy!! :>

That's encouraging, nice to see that the population will be leveling off at 10 billion. Still, that doesn't say anything about whether we have the resources on this planet to continuously support that kind of population.


Active member
ahhhhh, I think you guys completely missed my point about misallocation of resources.
its central planning that causes this problem, each and every person is capable of knowing whats in their own intrest and when you get government central planning in the mix you wind up with communisim and facisim and death will be rampant.
promote freedom

oppose tyranny and central planning


As soon as we run out of easily obtainable oil, the earths population will plummet back down to near 1 billion or so within a generation.


very interesting link posted on the last page, the talk from Hans Rosling concerning religion and babies. he shows using UN statistics, that we have already arrived at the magic number of 2 children pro woman, which is just enough to maintain present day world wide population. but he explains that despite that we are in for another 3 billion more, before it will stabilize and even go down again.

did you know what has happened in China as a result of the 1 child policy? girl children were killed, so that the one child they were allowed would be a boy. now they have a shortage of woman in their populations.


Well-known member
interesting number gaiusmarius, peaking out around 10-11 billion?
provided nothing catastrophic happens in the interim
i suppose doom could be around the corner, but somehow we keep on trucking
better grain production here, some more natural gas there
historically, famines ran riot across the globe
they still happen, but much smaller percentage of the world's population


Active member
Overpopulation has several built in natural deturants. We may be able to push back on the rules of nature to some degree, but eventualy, nature takes its course.

Overpopulation controls are increased homo sexuality. Choising not to breed, that is uniquely human. Desease, food suply, war, even suiside.

No need to go Ligans Run yet.

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