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populating+ecoforming mars +how to!?

All this global warming thread has made me thinking more about getting a second planet for us

what is really keeping us currently from starting to grow stuff over there????????

all kinds of life eat reproduct and expand

so we ve shitted ourselfs in food+fucked lke bunnies for some millenia now

isint it the time to go bigger?????

when a plant remains 24/24 on vegetative doesnt it produce oxygen from water constantly????

so is it reallyimpossible to transfer large quantities of water+co2 and make growrooms on mars that will produce more and more oxygen and the rest stuff for an atmosphere???

from what i hear the only thing that is surplass in earth is water and co2

we could easily bombard mars with tanks of co2+water
the gravity would not permit them to leave mars but to trap em there
the only thing that would be needed would be fuell(mj biofuell)-for that thing we have to understand that we really have some unlimited quantity aslong as we have sun!
and metal
or maybe because the tanks wouldnt have to enter some atmosphere and burn their self would it be possible that they would be made mostly from mj bioplastic????ive seen concrete blocks made of hemp seed carcass

im sure that mars would be extremely rich in minerals etc
i beleive that we maybe could create there also some mj bio rocket fuell +space carriers construction facility+metal refinerys that would be able to ship mineral resources back to earth

oh andi wanna trademark that idea :D
+im not high right now, was as hell yesterday but now now :))))

so please lets start some discussion about that
and please lets make a discussion with serious statements

i know there are some "Scientists" in icmag

im by no meens one

but i would like to get "enlightened"

lets have some "scientific?" discussion :)


Bokashi Bucket Rockets first to colonise the soil with benneys first though...but why not build a BioDome to travel there in? Hemp powered rocket, hemp plastics, o2/co2 replenishment/scrubbing...clothing...etc...collect an asteroid, crash it into the poles where the water is, releasing it to the planets winds...Then biodomes on the surface to begin terraforming...:smokeit:


But really....if we're gonna do this we have to colonise the moon first...much the same as I described.



Lets face it...what we need to do something on this scale is something th@ can self replicate and source out and use materials to do wh@ it needs to do...we need automated mining 'bots out in the asteroid belt ASAP...they can source materials and send asteroids our way to collect and mine...we need to use nanotube technology...we need to set up long term {centuries} mid term [next 100 yrs] and short term {10's of years} goals.



Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Really the only way to do it economically is to engineer yourself some helper bacteria that'll do what you need. Step #1 is change the color of the planet. Make it a bit darker you'll raise temps enough to start keeping the gases that get into the atmosphere there. Step #2 is to actually get an atmosphere going. You'll need to start pumping out greenhouse gases of all sorts, along with any trace gases you'd like. Critters that are chemotrophs or even autotrophs that throw off say methane or ammonia.

Of course you can jump start the process (raise the temps, raise the atmosphere) by doing something dramatic, like slamming ceres into the planet, or snagging a few dozen major ice asteroids and doing the same thing.

The only methods that won't cost the worlds entire GDP for a few centuries are ones that will take at least a few centuries.


Red Mars Green Mars Blue Mare...Kim Stanley Robinson, I believe?

Robert C Flynn wrote a good trilogy on Moon Colonization th@ might have relevant pointers to this topic.



Well..can you sew a seed on mars? will it sustain itself? Imagine the lumens! If there be no water, we can bring water..and an ro filter incase we find water...

All thats needed really is one male and one female...to let a landrace begin? no?


They found frozen water more commonly known by us scientists as "ice" on our last mission when they blasted that puppy
Well..can you sew a seed on mars? will it sustain itself? Imagine the lumens! If there be no water, we can bring water..and an ro filter incase we find water...

All thats needed really is one male and one female...to let a landrace begin? no?

as long as there is the proper nutrients you can seed a seed everywhere :) so in control enviroment that can be done everywhere

as for the lumens, a biodome like smbd said would be interesting but is smth very big and is smth completely out of our reach and smth that we cannot really plan(im not implying here that icmag users will plan the mars colonisation but we can challenge our mind and be productive ;)

smth between scifi and sciense, as steven hawkins said,
science fiction can unlock the imagination

now as for nanobots and bacteria and orbital collectors all sound very yeah but they are all ypothetical asumptions for the future

i would like to discuss and "plan" the thing with ur current resources
small enclosed areas with controlled nutrients and enviroment that will produce the nesecery resources to create an atmosphere

the thing that interestes me is the exact how to, chemistry etc
and there is no need to seek to atomic bomb of eden, i beleive it can be done step by step and costantly- it could start now with the current available resources techniques with colonisation facilities
now if in the future new thngs are discovered they are mostly wellcome

let me put it somehow like that, imagine ur house was in mars ;)
imagine ur house and all other human houses there were the only places of photosynthesis really taking place in the whole planet

i know that in that house we could:
harvest unlimited sun energy->electricity
maintain airflow+temperature control(electricity)
create vegetable food and animal quality protein (hemp)

if with carefull planning we could get large quantities of water and oxygen there:
ppl would breath drink and eat and they would produce:
ammonia and co2
- the rest plant requirements are minerals, and even if they are not availablein mars they are easily transferable from earth

smbd said that we have to change mars to be able for him to able to withstand an atmosphere

that is no true, there is a law in physics that everything in the universe pulls everything towards it
the bigger it is the bigger the force(gravity of the earth-orbit of earth caused by the sun)
so im 99%sure that if anykind of molecule was on mars surface it would stay there(even the most higly evaporable gas)

that is not true in moons case because propably because of proximity and mass difference earth would overule the moons tractor ability and pull gasses of all kinds towards her ripping em from the moon(the latest assumption is 100%theoretic so if smbd wants to correct me plz do)

also please excuse my english but i am greek
Now that i rethink it, assuming that we would be able to grow lots ofplants there,

we wouldnt really need great quantities of oxygen, just some for start
but we would of water as this will be the thing that is gonna produce the oxygen

and smth more ppl take O2 and give CO2 plants take C02 and give O2
so what ever quantity of C O2 H20 will not be "lost"!


Active member
There isn't enough gravity on mars to really make an atmosphere work in a short period of time. Firth thing you would need would be giant airtight greenhouses which will allow for the creation of a small environment to self sustain the production of oxygen and food for those who will live and work there. Then drill down in search of water, an absolute must find resource. You periodically build more of these with specific purposes like growing crop 1 or crop 2 and for general gas creation ie o2 generation using algae. Algae can also produce biofuels you would just need to streamline the current processes that exist now and supply the additives. Eventually we could create indoor lakes and ponds to fill with algae and create 02 and start working on how to create the atmosphere. It would most likely take 100-200 years of commitment.


So we're looking @ a self sustaining biodome then?

'cause nanotubes are deployable NOW...they will help with superstrong structures.
Then there's wind and solar power generation as well as reverse thermal power generation { heat from above ground and stored underneath rather than the other way around}, and bacterial innoculation of the soil...

As you said, we growers have the exp to nut this out...it is possible, but NOT without a biodome of some sort...Th@ is first!

The only methods that won't cost the worlds entire GDP for a few centuries are ones that will take at least a few centuries.

i really dont get the thing ur saying about making it darker

but there is smth else i what wanna point out

we are really shitty in terms of our earth economical management

we produce so many for what???????????????????

i really beleive that there enough metal on earths surface now that provided it was recycled it would be able to supply all plants need for some centuries for now

but let me make my point through a different rute

what does a human and all living things really need!?
1healthy enviroment
2healthy and different food
3play game enjoyment and balance

so what stops as from having all these??????
what stops us from balancing all these for everyone and focusing on producing the extra needed toexpand????

greed sickness mutation and fear

and i will explain my self
I don't think it's possible since (I think) there's no ozone layer on mars or the moon to filter out the sun's radiation. Also the spectrum of light is different I imagine so plant's wouldn't grow the same. People can't survive without a large number of other organisms.
medi-useA So we're looking @ a self sustaining biodome then?

'cause nanotubes are deployable NOW...they will help with superstrong structures.
Then there's wind and solar power generation as well as reverse thermal power generation { heat from above ground and stored underneath rather than the other way around}, and bacterial innoculation of the soil...

As you said, we growers have the exp to nut this out...it is possible, but NOT without a biodome of some sort...Th@ is first!


im really not familiar in nanotechnology and i strongly believe that if it was ready to be used it would be used on a large scale currently,
example:construction of buildings etc

as for the biodome thing, what makes a biodome different than a "building"??????
for me photosynthesis should be made mainly by artificial sources led hids etc and supplemented by natural light with some optical fibres????

about the wind power. i dont get it, ur suggesting that we harvest wind on mars???

on the underground thermal generation, that sounds really interesting but i guess power will not be in sortage on mars(relatively to elements) and i believe that the only benefit of underground would be temperature control
but u got me thinking :)

I don't think it's possible since (I think) there's no ozone layer on mars or the moon to filter out the sun's radiation. Also the spectrum of light is different I imagine so plant's wouldn't grow the same. People can't survive without a large number of other organisms.

yes there is no ozone layer
thats why:
like astronaphts we need to shelter ourselfs from hazards in technical enclosed enviroments +prosper there for as long as needed to create the needed enviroment!

we will give artificial light of the exact spectrums that plants need and we will carry the organisms with us
smth like joan arc version 2 ;)
Trees do create oxygen and by planting more on another planet, we would (in a far out way) take our first steps to creating a civilization. But the problem is, the more CO2 you add, the more guys like this pop up!


(we can't even escape politics on another planet!)
i really dont wanna object to nanos or anything i just dont know em , and i wanna focus on 2 things!

1 if this can happen
2 why it isint already happening!