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Popping the Question in Amsterdam


Natalie J. Puffington
YaY!! :jump: Congratulations, AOD2012!! :yay:
I knew she'd say yes. :) I am really happy for both of you and glad you had a safe and enjoyable trip together.

So tell us, how and where did you decide to ask her?? ...Details!!! :D

I hope you two have a long, happy life together; good luck planning your big day!
And never forget:
when momma's happy, everyone's happy. ;)
Be good to each other and never go to bed mad. :joint:


ICMag Donor
Thats great AOD, congrats!! Yea what Natty said, lets hear some details!!..Where were you?...did you get on your knees? Lets hear it all!:) How was Paris?


Bent Member
Take her to the flower (Auction Site)market largest in the world, tell the Visitors employee and they might make it a very special day.


gratz man. hope its the start of something special for you. but please give the detailes. did you do it on a bridge like i sugested?

im very happy for you


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Ok, ok down to the gritty gritty. Basically, I planned this trip in like three weeks, so I did not have anything set up for us. I wanted to go on a dinner cruise thingy, but the lady is a very picky eater, and in a few more words than this reminded me kindly hahaha.

So anyways, in addition to loving to toke together, we also enjoy having a drink, as we do not get to do it often at home, so I talked her into going on a cocktail cruise. I am from New York, and luckily their was a couple from Brooklyn sitting right next to us who were on their honey moon. When the lady went to the bathroom, I told them my plans, and these people really came through for me, they got their camera ready so they could get a shot immediately.

So when I felt the time was right, everyone on the boat was quiet enjoying the view, I made my move. This is the best part haha. My girl had NO IDEA whatsoever, so when my somewhat tipsy ass gets up, she gets the immediate look on her face like "What is this drunk motherfucker about to do?!?!?!" and she proceeds to give me the "sit the fuck back down stair". hahaha

I told everyone on board that i had something really important to do. Everyone was watching as I dropped down on one knee, and pulled out the ring.

Without sounding corny and shit, I could have died a happy man seeing the look on my wifey to be eyes. I dont think she ever thought that this was going to happen, and honestly, it was the happiest I have ever seen her.

Everyone applauded, they popped a bottle of champagne for us, and the next two weeks were the best time we ever spent with one another. We did not argue one single time, and if you know us, you would know that that alone was a miracle. Thanks for the encouragement. Now its time to start stacking for a wedding, as its only been three days and I already have a list of shit to do. hahaha



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Best move you made was popping the question early and having the good time that comes after it the whole rest of the vaca..... rather then waiting till the end and missing out on some real fun :)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

okay, the setting was perfect, your timing impeccable but could you imagine having arranged to have some genuine Nathan's Famous hot dogs there as well?

just sayin'.......

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