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poor man's grow




Things are going well, happy in a dresser now, though it is still under construction :)
I am very pleased with this grow so far. I am watching the calyx grow, while in the future it is already being vaporized :jump:

been a minute since i've updated yall, i guess these plants just want to grow very slowly. i have better beans i will pop soon, but these girls are taking a long while
looks great man its all a learning process. Sorry for my absence i've been gearing up for outdoors no excuse but been kinda busy. I see you transplanted to larger pots i'm sure they appriciaed that. Keep it up
Nice little set up you got there.

Its been about 3 weeks since your last set of pics, I'm curious to see how they're looking now.


Got to start somewhere right. So those are mexi plants i am guessing. Switch the light cycle to 13/11 flush and use black strap molasses that will finish them, u may have finished them allready. Nice effort on 1st time indoor you will get it soon, words of wisdom keep it simple. good luck to ya lets see an update.
whole ton of shit went down, cops ended up coming and fucking with me, ended up taking my paraphernilia and ganja
and my pots that were thankfully empty due to copscare a couple weeks previous
won't be able to grow for some time it seems
uncle waltzed right in while i was at work. saw my shit, so i killed them later.
he thought i still had them and tried sending me to prison next time he got pissy
his ass will be taken care of


pure dynamite
sorry to hear that. this remembers us all that security comes first when growing. great that you're ok.


That sucks big time. Sounds like you got pretty lucky with the cops tho. Destroy that evidence! lol.
If there are other people around maybe you should think about doing a stealth cabinet or something?

exploziv_gbb - very true, trust no-one but yourself or you'll get burned:hotbounce

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