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pollen questions


Active member
i have a few questions about pollen.

i had two males in my room. (m-i-s and a hawaiian indica.) my friend had to bring his 4wk flowering plants to my house for whatever reason. although my males werent flowering they seemed to have pollinate his buds. i cant change the fact that theyre seeded. tried to help him out in a jam and he knew i had males. I vacuumed the room and wiped down the walls. i even used the arm n hammer powder that says it takes care of pollen.

My questions are, Although my males arent flowering can they still pollinate plants? How long does pollen remain viable? should i seal off the surfaces of my room j.i.c.? maybe seal off the surfaces and get an extraction fan w/ carbon filter?

any fingers to point me in the right direction will help.... thanks in advance


Males can't pollinate females until they release pollin from sacs. If no pollin sacs have formed,yet, then no pollin has been released. Can a woman get pregnant from simply being in the same room with you? You would have to "release some pollin". The only way yours might have pollinated his is if there were at least one pollin sac somewhere that you didn't see.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
If the plants are pollinated and you have no pollen, then they were pollinated prior to delivery or have self pollinated since. If you have no flowers, you're not to blame.


Active member


do preflowers count? by preflowers i mean just the one nut sticking out.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Single nut pre-flowers count for ID purposes but, until they cluster like a bunch of grapes, they're too immature to do anything. If your plant is in the single ball state, you had nothing to do with any pollination with the possible exception of failure to secure the air zone. It's possible that your neighbor's growing and his pollen has jumped the fence. Still, the most probable explanation would be some form of self pollination, a not uncommon occurrence with weed.


Active member
wow thank you... thats great information... yeah theyre only single nut-like things...

they've only been at my house for 5-6 days.


Active member
yeah i guess theyve been pollinated for a while.... im not sure how long it really takes... seeds are there. i found out what happened. SABOTAGE... lol maybe. my friend might not have known (probably not; but i like to give people the benefit of the doubt.) that 3 of his plants had balls coming out from the nodes.

now for my next set of questions:

if pollen was released in my room, how long does the pollen remain viable? how do i get the pollen out of my room? could i start flowering in a week or 2 and not have seeds?
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Active member
b.e.a.utiful! that simple!? i thought i was going to have to get an ionizer and other hardware. that's simple enough. thanks!

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