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Pollen bank?

Flying Goat

Anyone besides me see the value of collecting pollen for the "frozen assets" section of the grow room?

Because nature always provides us with superfluous males, only the BEST of the BEST should be used for breeding... (Just like my goats, teehee!)

I am trying to establish a medicinal seed/pollen bank... The goal is to provide genuine medical patients with beans, pollen & assistance in establishing their own "medicine factory" at home where they can care for it despite their disabilities... This is a non-profit venture, and I hope to be able to provide specific strains for specific disorders, with favoritism given to AFs.

As most of the medical patients I know are living on disability, it is extremely difficult for them to access specific strains for their particular symptoms. Many of the best are extremely expensive, as you all know. By sharing our F1s, F2s, etc., we would be able to assist those who cannot provide for themselves otherwise.

If any of you has a truly outstanding male you feel is worthy of future breeding, please consider preserving a bit of pollen in paper bindles, frozen, with dessicant added to the jar. I hope to begin receiving donations later during the 2010 season. Feel free to PM me for details.

Cheers & Best Wishes for a Great 2010 season!



That would be great Flying Goat! Please leave a section for feminized pollen too :prettyplease:


Flying Goat

Duh! Thanks, Hisser... I had not considered that eventuality...

Anyone interested, please PM me. I have been informed that in certain countries, legalities exist prohibiting possession of pollen...

I surely have no desire to disrespect Gypsy or Pink, or cause difficulties for them in any way...

This, sadly, must be a guerilla project, especially here where I live.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I brought this up last year and most had the issue of the pollen itself being more issues legality wise BUT I do see it being easier to ship and harder to find in the mail.

Having the pollen without having to deal with growing the males out is like feminized seeds or clones whereas you get to skip the waiting them out to see what they will be.

It would also be great to have solid PROVEN male pollen to toss on keeper females. A ton more seeds would be made to say the least.

Pollen could go a long way as well. Not sure what amount would be bought/sold but maybe a vials worth would last any person odds are forever (as long as the pollen stay viable that is).

It is easy to spot a pot seed BUT spotting pot pollen would be next to impossible unless they did actual testing on it.

Then again, what seed breeders would want to do this. They would be giving all of their current buyers the ability right off the bat to make their own seeds. I guess if they priced it right they could find a happy medium though.


Active member
really love this idea!! in my freezer: g13xhaze pollen and skunk#2 pollen. a little seems to go a long way...

Flying Goat

Because of the ways the laws are written, looks like it's gonna be up to us undercover overgrowers to handle this project...
