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Poll: Photo Of The Month - June 2009

Poll: Photo Of The Month - June 2009

  • 1. GMT

    Votes: 9 4.4%
  • 2. Demian

    Votes: 8 3.9%
  • 3. Tonatiuh

    Votes: 36 17.6%
  • 4. Highlighter

    Votes: 12 5.9%
  • 5. Bobby Stainless

    Votes: 36 17.6%
  • 6. Anima

    Votes: 9 4.4%
  • 7. Bubbleman

    Votes: 45 22.0%
  • 8. Chrome

    Votes: 16 7.8%
  • 9. Rainman

    Votes: 24 11.7%
  • 10. bonecarver_OG

    Votes: 10 4.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Honestly they are all pretty fucking fantastic. I wish 2 things, that I myself could take photos as well, and that I had those kinda subjects to photograph!


Greets Bubble Man ...... gotta say that I DO dig yer macro pics. Always very cool , though I do think that a macro and a cola shot are two different beasts. Bobby S. did a bang up job with tha Sonja and happy he had a nomination, however I have never nominated him or anyone else, nor "rallied tha troops" to win a competition. My vote is my vote alone. I don't feel I need to inflate to take 1st place..... one of tha many reasons why we don't bother in entering ANY type of competition. Usually a popularity vote (bros) instead of by merit.

Be well,


Active member
I mean to be perfectly honest steele i never have felt the need to inflate to win.. but after being in chat today with a friennd who mentioned he got a pm from a member on here asking if he would vote for him. Now i have never taken the contest very seriously but after hearing peeps where actualy " rallying the troops" i figured all was fair...
i kinda just liked the idea of having one POTM on my belt after so many photo's taken and posted on the site.

This is the pm i sent out to be fair..

Hey guys apparently a few of the people i am in the running for are rallying the troops so i figure its fair for me to
photo of the month is up and i've been nominated.
In all the years and photos i've posted here i've never won and i figure its my time..
so if you find it to be the nicest photo.. give us a vote.. if not.. give someone else your vote

So i didnt ask for the vote i asked for the person to vote for the one that was the nicest.

and to be honest i felt the same way that it was always based on votes... but after hearing a person who had won in the past ( one i was nominated for as well ) had "rallied the troops"
SO this all came up in chat and people started saying you should rally the troops see how you do.

If anyone thinks what i did was unfair... you can remove me from this Poll.. but i suspect more than myself sent out a pm or two to a friend or two.....

Also if i won..the seeds would be gifted to a medical patient from here... i have no need for seeds.

My two cents.

Bubble man

Ps, thanks for the nomination doobie...

maybe a new poll will have to happen... is it fair to Let your friends know the poll is happening.. and that you are nominated?
Last edited:

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
This is fucking bull shit.

Just for the fucking record. I have not solicited one vote. Period.

I would also like to be taken out of this bull shit popularity contest.




Damm have i only 1 vote
Excellent pics every one . enjoy ..

Choice is a terrible thing , giving it to rainman for that wall of green

Denial N Error

I voted for Bobby Stainless picture, top notch photo there.

The rest of them were great as well.

As for the rallying the troops thing, I think that is pretty lame, even if you dont tell them to vote for you, it's still implying that you want their vote. Dont take me the wrong way please, just being honest.

peace friends


Active member
To be honest thats all im looking for Denial N error and Truly iF BoBby thinks its that big of a deal...
I can remove myself from the running.

I would rather be open about it than not...

I like the idea of a discussion on the sending out of pm's asking people to vote or even asking people to vote for you
The alternative is just letting the people that know about the thread vote?

Bubble man

Denial N Error

One idea I have just pondered was to make the voting a closed thread, link from the front page, bam, you go look at the pics, and vote.. Then after voting is final open the thread back up for discussion? Who knows really I just thought that might make it more straight forward..


The revolution will not be televised.....
I just wanna say no matter who wins, what a honor it is to even be considered in the same convo. with these guys. Much love!

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
You missed my point Bubbleman.

I don't care at all. As you can see from my pic, I am covered on genetics. I've got just about everything Grindhouse makes.

I was going to tell the mods to send the pack to the 4/20 auctions.

I just don't want to be a part of it anymore. It's lame.

Everyone have a great weekend. I am going to take a bong rip of that exact bud.


The Tri Guy
Thanks for the vote Bag.

I've never heard of anyone requesting votes in these things, my vote went for Ton, as always I went for the best photograph.

puffin fresh

Active member
ICMag Donor
Highlighter got my vote but Tonatiuh & Bubbleman ran a close second for me. Great photos everyone, thanks!


not first time winners are found like the sit we have now. poty 2007 won the same way for instance. Bubbleman deserves to win but i dont like hiking votes from chat and the chat mods should try to avoid it.


I think paying for votes should be encouraged.... :D

Anybody wanna buy mine? :biglaugh:

I'm cheap! $1.00


Active member
wow you are cheap LolaGal... i had to give all my friends a full 8 bag 5 gallon bubblebag kit and a bubblenow ... Some even needed a beeline spool on top of that.

I will add you to my group of friends in case i ever get nominated again..

Bubble man


People need to use the oldest trick in the book... Take a photo of some breast next to a bud.