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poll: ever called the cops ?? please describe instances when you would 911 ...

poll: ever called the cops ?? please describe instances when you would 911 ...

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Freedom Fighter
I was being harassed by a cop at a Motel I was living at...back in the day, as a heroin addict-- I had my friend call 911` to help with the cop that was trying to get me to fight--
A Sergeant showed up, and the pig that was fucking with me...changed his whole deal up with a quickness!!
Yup...I called the Pigs on the Pigs!! :ying:
I've only called 911 once in my life. We have these crazy neighbors in our otherwise really nice little neighborhood. So nice, it's got about 25 units out of 100 that are people from our church. So nice, that when it was built, they got an arborist to plan out all the trees and shrubbery and that was 30 years ago, so everything is peaceful, cool, green, and shady.

Anyhow, some lady whose home is kitty corner from me decided she didn't like the civic league (this was years ago), and when she moved, she turned her house into Section 8 housing. Well, now there is this lady, with two young adult daughters, a teenage boy, and a girl who is in middle school. They have had the cops called on them (not by me, I only called once) at least 1-2 times per month every month they've been there (maybe about 3 years). Animal control has been out there so many times, I can't even say. When they moved in they had a dog that barked 24/7, so someone (not me) called animal control. When AC came, the lady was so awful, that AC called the cops for backup. AC came back a day or two later and their dog "had died from Parvo," but they had a new dog, even though a new dog would be in danger if the previous one really had Parvo. The middle school aged kid is known to steal shit. I've had my car egg, bike tires slashed, two sets of flower pots destroyed, etc. The two young adult girls have propositioned men in the neighborhood, they have bf's who come over and get in public fights with them. They have bfs who come to the house, get stuff out of the trunk, go in, come back to the trunk, and leave to drive to another city that is a notorious drug area (and I'm not talking weed here). They have people dropped off at their house or at the front of the neighborhood, who go in their house for 5 min, come out and get picked back up. All kinds of shit goes on over there all night long, but nothing ever happens to them. Of course, although I'm worried they'll case us out and steal from us, they also provide good cover, bc/ THEY are obviously the drug dealers (along with 3-4 other houses, that I won't mention here).

Anyhow, one night we're about to go to sleep or had just started sleeping and we start hearing screaming in the street. There are two people in front of that house (adults) who are chasing and grabbing at a younger teen or middle school aged boy. This went on for a while before we called the police. I DO NOT like calling the police, as evidenced that in almost 37 years on this planet, I've only called 1 time, but we were worried that something really bad was going on, whether it was the adults harming the kid or the kid going crazy and needing restraint.

Oh wait, I DID actually call one other time, b/c when I left for the day there was a white van with a window blown out of it just sitting in the neighborhood at like 7:00ish in the moring and I was worried it was a group of thieves that were casing the neighborhood. As I was on the phone, though, my two doors down neighborhood pulled up in his blue and white, so I told the lady that my neighbor had pulled up (an officer) and I would get him to check it out. It turned out to be the yard people and I guess someone had tried to yank their equipment and blown out a window or something, but better safe than sorry. I would have felt bad if I'd seen that and then a bunch of cars or houses got robbed.

I've never called on a drunk driver, although when I used to deliver pizza at the 2nd spot I worked out and still lived about 30 min away from that spot, I would often see people driving literally in the middle of the road when I was driving home and believe me, I WISHED the cops were around. I wasn't a grower back then, but I already hated the cops and the fact that they BOTHER epople all the time and yet, when we're in danger, they're nowhere to be found just made me hate them more.


So what was it? Did the kid need restraining or were the adults trying to get him?


i had to call the cops one time when my DRUNK REDNECK neighbor charged my door trying to fight my dad. crazy POS is a skinny inbred hick, but dude has guns in his house n shit. we decided to pass on being the tough guy and just dialed LEO


May your race always be in your favor
I had my house ripped off several years ago. Damn right I called the cops fucker got almost a grand in cash. And I HAVE AND WILL Call for my wife's medical issues. Other wise no.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned this, but there is another exception. I voted No, without thinking too long. But after reading a few pages, I realized I've called 911 for a severe suicide situation. I was far away from the individual in question, it was a very sensitive situation, and I personally couldn't assure a safe outcome. So, my only option was to call 911. Many hard-core anti-police peeps would even be against that, but I can't have someone's death on my conscience. If you think back and realize your prejudice, fear and paranoia may have been the deciding factor in the life or death of a dear friend or family member? I have no qualms with sacrificing my personal beliefs to insure the safety of my loved ones. And I'm sorry for those who are willing to sacrifice the safety of others, in a quest to perpetuate their hatred for an opposing force. Don't get me wrong, I hate the police for many reasons... but some things are more important.


Active member
last night driving home from a party...(saturday night, 3am)...i saw at least 3 drunk drivers...swerving all over the place. made me think about this thread. and no i didnt call the cops, i just sped by them and got out of the way.
I did actually call the police in a different state once due to an old friend who made a suicide threat on myspace. She wasn't living near any friends or family at the time, so someone called me to let me know she'd made the threat. I called mutual friends who had her parents' numbers, but they were out of town and couldn't call the parents directly. I called her parents, but couldn't get anyone on the phone. Finally, after agonizing for a long time, I called the cops in her new town. When the cops went over there to check on her, she tried to say I was full of crap, but the policeman asked to see her computer and she agreed and he saw the suicide threat. She was unfortunately taken to the hospital and put under observation for the night, but fortunately she didn't harm herself. My friends got in touch with her parents eventually. Oh, and if I'm not mistaken she did it AGAIN maybe about 6 months later. I'd saved her parents number and the cops number for that entire time and kept them under my keyboard at my computer. But that time, I was out of town, so I just called my friends (who were in town), and they got her parents on the phone. Eventually, my friend flew out there and packed all her shit up and drove her back to where her parents lived. She stayed there for a while, but there were no jobs, so I believe she might have moved back in with my friends for a while. Can't remember. Anyhow, she eventually moved back to the same state and got this crazy boyfriend. He was on disability and did a lot of pain drugs, which is fine, I'm sure he needed them, but SHE was also a pill head and this was no good for her. In the end, she died about a year ago from the H1N1 flu b/c she was an asthmatic who was untreated. I wonder if the pills she was always taking might have also depressed her breathing and led to her death, I don't know. I still don't know if she would have taken her own life that one time, and I REALLY agonized over calling the cops, but I decided I coudln't live with myself otherwise. Ugh, cops. Don't like em,and really don't like being in the position of feeling like I can't avoid calling them.


Active member
i look at it like this. my job isnt to help the police do their job, but when PEOPLE need help im there. if that means i have to call the police then so be it. im not going to let my beef with law enforcement get in the way of saving a life.

you have to realize that cops are people just like us. there are plenty of growers who take advantage of ignorant consumers just like there are cops who take advantage of ignorant civilians. but there are good guys too. its not the job its the person. ive met more than one ''cool'' cop thats let me go in my life, so to say cops are evil is ignorant.

some people are evil though:dunno:

love thy neighbor and set the example for generations to come that peace is better than war.


i called 911 once when a friends 500 pound dad fell on the driveway foaming at the mouth after he saw me beat his son in a car race.. was a natural instinct to dial 911 (i was a teen).. he was fucked up for a good 10+ minutes, but somehow woke up, or whatever and came to a bit of senses when the ambulance arrived. He said i shouldnta called but he did thank me for calling and was grateful. THe ambulance hauled him to hospital of course. He was trying to be macho man and act like nothing happened. His son was too busy scremaing and panicing the whole time.

So yes, in a medical situation like that I would dial 911 again. I didn't have time to go google/yahoo the symptoms!


NEVER!..... EVER!..... Call the authorities! For ANY reason. That is rule # 1 in my play book, and is the first thing I tell someone when I first meet them, right before I tell 'em my name.


Captain Expando
Hello, 911... you folks need to come pick up the dead bastard that just tried to jack my family, he's bleeding all over my kitchen floor.


I have no love for the police, but that do have their uses. When I lived in Wisconsin I lived next to a cranberry bog that was owned by a very good guy who did not live on his farm. He and I weren't great friends, but we were friendly. On his farm he had a fuel storage tank that was constantly being stolen from. One night while sitting on my porch having a puff I watched a guy park his car up the road and take a gas can into the woods. I knew that he was headed for the farms fuel tank. I put my stash away and grabbed my gun and cell phone. I caught the guy in the act of stealing the gas. I called the sheriffs dept and held the guy until they arrived.
I have very little use for the police, but I truly cannot stand lowlife scum that steals from hard working honest people.