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Police wait to catch grower red handed.


Active member
I was watching one of those police specials they have on TV here and it showed the police going up to a person's home and knocking on the door. When the guy answered the door they asked for his name and then showed him that they had proof he had imported seeds. He had a few plants growing that looked about a month old. It seems like they intercepted his order and let it through before going to get him a month later. There is no other way I think they could have known. It's not like the card company would give out info on sales. 


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
That's a crazy story...
But don't forget this is a show, usually it is used to scare people...
When receiving seeds from overseas, always use a safe adress...

See u !


Active member
I saw on the news today that the police raided a net seed business here in Japan (idiot) and their list of customers, all 2,600 of them. I believe the string of arrests we've been seeing on the news is from this case. Looks like they organized the news release and the investigation to maximize fear. They are targeting growers it seems and trying to put fear into kids thinking about it.

It's curious that it's college students who are getting into it the most. I wonder where they are picking up the habit. At the raves?


Active member
titoon29 said:
That's a crazy story...
But don't forget this is a show, usually it is used to scare people...
When receiving seeds from overseas, always use a safe adress...

See u !

Yeah man, but even though it's edited and staged, you can still learn a little bit about what's going on if you read between the lines.


territorial pissings.

territorial pissings.

They wait and they watch and just because your paranoid, don`t mean they`re not after you.