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Police use 'nose telescope'


Active member
As more cities in America legalise the drug, attention has switched to the pungent smell that wafts from the joint itself.

Denver has passed a new “odour ordinance” with a potential $2,000 fine for anyone found guilty of polluting the atmosphere.

The need to draw up standards emerged because of the confusion over the legal position of whether somebody smoking marijuana in their own home could be committing an environmental offense when the smell seeps into the street.

Under the new law an offense is committed if the odour is detectable when the smoke is mixed with seven times the volume of clean air.

The nose telescope – also known as an olfactometer – is the device used to measure the concentration of cannabis in the air.
more 'ere:


Поскольку все больше городов Америки легализовать наркотики, внимание переключилось на едкий запах, который доносится из самого сустава.Денвер был принят новый "запах Указ" с потенциалом $ 2000 штраф для тех, кто признан виновным в загрязнении атмосферы. Правда!


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The useless jerks that profited from cannabis being illegal try to remain in business using the odor of cannabis as a reason for them to be paid by us.

One is as stupid as the next, no surprise really. When will we fire these turds and turn them into the Wallmart greeters they were meant to be?


$$ ALONE $$
If I seen a guy holding that over his nose on my front porch, I would hit the end of that with a baseball bat, and plant that thing 4 inches into his face.
Or wipe my ass on the nose thing and let him get a wiff of that.
Farts are just as strong of a smell as cannabis....if not stronger.
Same with oniony armpits. Lets fine those people too if they fart in an elevator.
LMFAO! The U.S is getting out of control!

My buddy hangs his legal papers right on his front and back door since the neighbors complain about it.
Things are changing for the better. Keep up the good fight brothers!


As a MMJ user, one of my peeves has always been that it's perfectly fine for a dozen people to surround me at a bus stop blowing cigarette smoke every which way yet it's illegal to hit my Launch Box before getting on. (My seizures are triggered mainly by my environment - buses being densely packed with potential triggers.)

That said - given that this nose-scope and $2000 fine type bullshit DOES apply to smells from GROWING weed just absolutely fucking bullshit beyond my wildest dreams. (Yes, we all use carbon filters. We shouldn't HAVE to.) NOONE CAN EVER COMPLAIN ABOUT CIGARETTE SMOKE !!! WHAT THE FUCK ??!?!?!??! THE FUCKING SMELL OF A GROWING PLANT IS ILLEGAL ????

argh. It pissed me off before, but the fact that there is a god damn device manufactured to sniff out pot is basically just saying "Don't worry, anti-pot ppl, you won't have to smell it." All the while, cig smokers get to pump their shit into the air with no qualms.

Ugh, sorry... just too much...


It never ceases to amaze me how uptight and stupid people can be. The city council is not concerned with all of the vehicles running in and around the city spewing carbon monoxide, diesel fumes etc. You know stuff that actually gives you repsiratory diseases, little things like asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, COPD etc. That stuff we just have to live with but OMG that marijuana smell, we need to fine people if we smell that stuff. Stupidity reigns supreme.
It reminds me of this guy I knew who was damn near evangelical about the evils of second hand smoke but you'd see this same guy running every day down busy streets as buses and trucks drove right past him spewing out clouds of carbon monoxide that he'd run right through breathing deeply.
So it's really not about protecting anyone's health or pollution because if they were really concerned about that they would be actively protomoting electrical vehicles. It's about uptight conservative people, regardless of party affiliation, who still are having a hard time dealing with the fact that marijuana is legal. So they are trying find ways to fuck with marijuana users.
Denver smokers need to point out to the council how stupid they sound when they propose shit like this. Throw up the carbon monoxide issue in their faces and watch them squirm. Ask them if they are concerned about all the diesel vehicles that are driving around the city spewing very fine particulate matter into the air from their diesel engines that is getting into the lungs of children as asthma rates soar. Ask them what they are doing about real dangers like that. Ask them which is by far the bigger danger.
Quote from Medical Daily May 12, 2012- Millions of people are suffering from asthma and those numbers are continuing to climb. The drastic numbers were released in a new report by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Asthma will affect 29 million Americans at some point in their life, note the CDC. Asthma affects nearly 19 million adults and those dramatic numbers trickle down to the number of children with asthma. In 2010, approximately 10 million were diagnosed with asthma during their lifetime while seven million, which is a 9.4 percent of the child population, children were still suffering from asthma.

While the rates of many other diseases, like most types of cancer, are decreasing, asthma rates are increasing. The decade between 2001 and 2010 saw asthma rates increase by nearly 15 percent. In 2009 alone, there were 3,400 asthma-related deaths with close to 480,000 asthma-related hospital visits. An additional 1.9 million emergency department visits were related to asthma.


Well-known member
It was on the TV news so it must be true - right? There was a grown man in charge of that department in Denver. Seriously it sounds like every smell will meet the proposed ordinance. There is a pet food plant towards the N.E. Denver along I-70 that stinks to high heaven. If that meets the law anything can. There are a lot of warehouse grows in the Platte River valley in Denver. When Med first started the locals were whining about all the skunks that moved in. I figure someone forgot the Carbon filter.