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Police Officer's

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I've never called 911 in my entire life and I never will. Cops are lying, manipulative, unethical, douche bags! It is their job to make money for their municipal/state jurisdictions by creating criminals. The U.S. jail/prison systems are run like corporations whose inventory are humans. A cop's job is to go out in the community and round up inventory for the corporations to make money.

Therefore, Fuck em, hope they all go out like buckwheats.


You are right they had opposing view thats why the federalists and antifederalists duked it out for the public's backing and didn't necessarily come together and talk nicely. If you want to believe in a holding hands world than you can, I am not going to stop you. What I will say is that me trying to make you believe that abortion is a woman's right is a lost cause because we do not have the common ground to come to an agreement other than to agree to disagree. Does that mean I am against debating it? No, it just means that as far as my goal is to convince you that abortion is a woman's right it is a pointless action. I disagree that we need all sides of the circle should have a voice because to be perfectly honest, if you think that America is a country for only white Christians then I don't think we have anything else to talk about. If you are a racist or a bigot I don't think I respect your views enough to hear you out. I won't argue that you shouldn't be able to speak but there is no way I am going to sit around and listen to you. Extremists on both ends of the spectrum are often parties with whom you cannot form the common ground that makes discussing things with them worthwhile. Oh and your scary train of thought is how American politics has worked for decades.

Shows how open minded you are. I am a christian, so I must be a white male who hates minorities and wants to christianize the country. I have not always been religious. My mother was athiest, I was raised athiest, yet after thinking for myself, I chose a religion. I agree that extremists are dangerous. I like to speak my mind, doesn't mean I am trying to change someone else's opinions. I know that ALL politics have issues, but the difference in our country is that because of our constitution, we are able to change things that we see necassary. Nothing is perfect, but fighting for freedom is priceless.


I have stated more than once that there are bad cops out there. I just don't believe ALL cops are bad. I follow the law to protect myself from certain situations, if that is what you mean be "sheltered".

thats the thing, one bad cop can ruin someones entire life. how do we differentiate the good ones from the bad ones? its the equivalent to a cop pulling the trigger early because he thought someone had a gun. his defense is there are people who shoot at cops and he didnt want to take any chances.

there are good and bad people on both sides. and one thing we can all agree on is we dont trust the other side


I've never called 911 in my entire life and I never will. Cops are lying, manipulative, unethical, douche bags! It is their job to make money for their municipal/state jurisdictions by creating criminals. The U.S. jail/prison systems are run like corporations whose inventory are humans. A cop's job is to go out in the community and round up inventory for the corporations to make money.

Therefore, Fuck em, hope they all go out like buckwheats.

You don't see any problem in labeling a whole group of people? If we didn't have any police officer's, what would stop anybody from going crazy and doing whatever they want. In order for a country to work, we need laws, and to make those laws work, we need people to enforce them. Unless you want to be like afghanistan, and have different militias running the country, FORCING you to do what they want.


I think the most annoying, seemingly culturally accepted cop-out to following your own moral code is "I'm just doing my job."

That's a pretty disastrous slippery slope. But I guess if we apply it as used currently(See: Former Nazi soldier recently deported, Nom' Vets who did a plethora of unspeakable acts simply "caught in a tough situation")it doesn't really matter.


i asked my dad why he married a republican. and he said "she wanted to get married and that pussy was just too good to give up, even if she is slightly retarded"


Active member
You said that your grand pappy was a cop and was murdered then folks from your family became cops because of this. Sounds like your family has been on a multi-generational revenge fueled power trip. Not a great reason to go into public service if you ask me. And definitely not honorable.


thats the thing, one bad cop can ruin someones entire life. how do we differentiate the good ones from the bad ones? its the equivalent to a cop pulling the trigger early because he thought someone had a gun. his defense is there are people who shoot at cops and he didnt want to take any chances.

there are good and bad people on both sides. and one thing we can all agree on is we dont trust the other side

I agree with you. You should never put full faith in a person. But I feel that if you show respect, most of the time, you will receive the same. I also believe it is ignorant to label all cops as bad, when that is not the case. I think that the cops who get caught doing something illegal, there should be harsh penalties. If we are entrusting them, and they do something wrong, they need to know that they are going to pay a huge price. I think that way all of us would be a little more trusting, and they would be forced to act the way they are supposed to.


i asked my dad why he married a republican. and he said "she wanted to get married and that pussy was just too good to give up, even if she is slightly retarded"

How does that even fit into this thread? That is completely uncalled for and completely ignorant.


ICMag Donor
If your not one of them then your against them. They will be happy to tell you that. If you are going to go Founding Fathers on us then you might realize ALL men in the U.S. are part of a militia, unless, big unless, they are part of the government. ie: Police, feds,court clerks etc.

And when things go "sour" as you say, take care of your own shit, calling the police to tell them a crime is being committed against you does not stop it.



The founding fathers, who you respect so much, were viewed in the exact same way as cannabis smokers who say FUCK THE POLICE today. Except they were colonialists who said FUCK BRITAIN. Same concept, except you view us as terrorists and the equivalent of racists ("labeling classes") and they are "freedom fighters"!


You said that your grand pappy was a cop and was murdered then folks from your family became cops because of this. Sounds like your family has been on a multi-generational revenge fueled power trip. Not a great reason to go into public service if you ask me. And definitely not honorable.

What about when a persons child is raped and murdered, or a mother's child is killed drunk driving? Alot of the time they will become active in a certain area that has affected their lives. They want to protect others from having to go through the same thing. You don't know my family, so I would appreciate it if you left them out of it. And if that was the case, you shouldn't have anything to worry about, unless you killed somebody. I would like to know what you consider honorable.


Yeah, basically the same thing. They wanted to end taxation without representation and a nationalized church telling them how to think in their most private moments-and we want to be able to blaze weed on main street.

Same shit, basically. I'm basically a 2009 Thomas Jefferson, myself.


Cannabrex Formulator
How? Our founding father's themselves had differing views, yet they came together to distinguish a tyranny. If your talking about marijuana and police officer's, I have already stated that I think there are bogus laws. But I don't jump the gun and think that all cops are out to get us.

The Americas were colonized and taken from the rightful inhabitants of this hemisphere by means of a 400 year genocide that saw the deaths of 95 million people in name of progress, greed and saving heathen souls from the terrors of a Jesus free life.

The US govt waged a blatant campaign of extermination of the original owners of their country for close to 200 years.....but all you can rant about is the glory of the founding fathers and how they represent the most wonderful values ever. Those same founding fathers who were all slave owners......

You definately seem to have yer own agenda here, and sure like to stir the pot on ICmag with topics guaranteed to piss people off, senor....
mebbe you should smoke more dope, get off yer high horse and stop posting threads you know are gonna turn into flame-fests.....


Active member
Shows how open minded you are. I am a christian, so I must be a white male who hates minorities and wants to christianize the country. I have not always been religious. My mother was athiest, I was raised athiest, yet after thinking for myself, I chose a religion. I agree that extremists are dangerous. I like to speak my mind, doesn't mean I am trying to change someone else's opinions. I know that ALL politics have issues, but the difference in our country is that because of our constitution, we are able to change things that we see necassary. Nothing is perfect, but fighting for freedom is priceless.

I am not talking about you. Glad you are so defensive. My comments about bigotry and racism were not directed at you, I was using the generic you meaning you(imaginary non present example of a person). Again, I don't disagree with you about speaking about things for the sake of speech but my point is that in instances where two people are diametrically opposed neither side will budge and neither will achieve their goals unless their only goal is free speech or expression. And we aren't able to change things we see necessary, we are able to try to change them.


The founding fathers, who you respect so much, were viewed in the exact same way as cannabis smokers who say FUCK THE POLICE today. Except they were colonialists who said FUCK BRITAIN. Same concept, except you view us as terrorists and the equivalent of racists ("labeling classes") and they are "freedom fighters"!

The difference is that our founding fathers and all Americans were being oppressed in every aspect of their life, and pot smokers today are not. We may not have as many freedoms as I would like, but it is nothing in comparison to what they went through. When did I ever call anybody a terrorist or racist?


I don't hate cops dude. I don't respect them just like I am starting to get bad vibes about you. What's the worst a cop ever done to you? No experience, huh? I figured as much. Virtue is the only antidote for power and most officers possess very little. Or what they had before joining the force is compromised over time. In other words, if ya play in mud, ya gonna get dirty. Power corrupts.
There were no Praetorean guards in Dodge or Tombstone. There was but 1 sherriff. Everybody could have and did carry guns. That's all the protection I need. Who the fuck needs to call the cops when you're packing? They'd just as soon shoot you down (57X) when you pull out your wallet as help you.....well, if you are black, and then be declared innocent. Even if they are writing you a ticket; just SAY something they don't like and see what happens. It seems like you have lost your rights as a citizen while "Lord Fuanteroy" with a H.S. education, a badge, and a gun, lord it over you for the 10 minutes he is writing the ticket. Just read about what happened to Professor Gates in his OWN HOME that even president Obama had to intercede in.


New member
Come on 619

Simple logic 619.

Every Cop who becomes a cop has to take tests to make sure they know there states laws, including cannabis laws. After passing exams n stuff they then get to become a cop and be sworn in. Okay 619, how can any person take that Oath while knowing the cannabis laws in thier state escpecially with mandatory minimum sentences for cannabis? Putting people who smaoke in jail for any reason is wrong. No one should take that Oath to uphold that law, too many people are suffering because of it. I will never show respect for any cop, they know what they signed up 4.


didn't the bible say something like only those without sin should cast judgement? and if all of us are sinners, how does a christian cop justify their job?
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