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Police Officer's

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First off, I'm not a cop, but I have many family members that are, and have huge respect for them. I was wondering why so many are against cops? I believe it is an honorable career choice, I would have done it if I wasn't in love with mary jane, and so many are looked at as if they are horrible people. I don't think they are. I know cops are against marijuana, and that will probably be most of your reasons for hating them, but they are just doing their jobs. As long as you are doing everything legal, you don't really have much to worry about, right? I know if you show respect to them, they will respect you back. I also know that there are bad cops out there, but that is not the majority of them. They are doing what they think is right, and they are the first one's we call when something goes sour. So why the hate?


New member
an honorable job? when u sign up to be a cop (if thats how its done) you know u will be locking up non violent offenders lets take for example cannabis smokers, how is locking up someone who smokes anything honorable? u take an oath to uphold the law, and if that law states you have to lock up someone who smokes a joint i have little to no respect for someone who takes on that job and says that oath.

h^2 O

where's karmagirl ...
the reason cops are douchebags is because they are sell-outs and welfare cases - we support them by paying their salary, and they sell us out by shooting us in the back of the head while we're laying down handcuffed on a train platform


Cannabrex Formulator
For every altruistic person who becomes a cop because be really believes in protecting the public there are 25 cops who went in to it for other reasons....like they like having the power that a gun and a badge give them, or they like being a legally sanctioned bully, etc etc etc.

Way too many people go into law enforcement for the wrong reasons (like many professions) and way too many of them abuse their position and the power it gives them.

Mebbe thats why many folks hate on cops.


first abortion, now this... why dont you go vote for sarah palin


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

over 800,000 arrests for possession in '08
in the US, someone's been awfully busy.......



Cannabrex Formulator
first abortion, now this... why dont you go vote for sarah palin

I too have noticed that Mr 619 likes to start threads that are guaranteed to raise a frothing shitstorm of bullshit and flaming.......

I wonder why that is?


I'm sorry I have an opinion. I guess that I should just shut up and go away right? Who are you guys going to call when something happens to you? They aren't the one's making the laws, they just enforce them. It's too bad so many of you are so quick to label someone.


Tropical Outcast

I was wondering why so many are against cops?

So why the hate?

Because they claim MJ is what destroys your life.

But it's not MJ, it's THEM who does!

619Sativa how about telling your loved Cop family members you being in love with MJ?

Doing so may even convince you! But think twice before you ask!


Active member
Cops must be different from where you are because in my neck of the woods cops get caught about every 8-10 yrs as being part of the crack cocaine and meth peddling rings in the city. Furthermore, cops have a job to do, to lock you up and to take your property and to do this they can lie all they want. Are some cops good? Yes. Are most cops good? No. As far as I am concerned the world would be much better off if we had stronger protections for people protecting themselves and less cops in the world.



over 800,000 arrests for possession in '08
in the US, someone's been awfully busy.......

That says it right there.

They might just be doing what they're told, But in most cases what they are told is complete bullshit. And they will follow it like religion. which we all know never leads to anything good.

Just wait till you get pulled over with some smoke on you. Then tell us how much you like the cops.

take luck.


Freedom Fighter
I'm sorry I have an opinion. I guess that I should just shut up and go away right? Who are you guys going to call when something happens to you? They aren't the one's making the laws, they just enforce them. It's too bad so many of you are so quick to label someone.

I was going to reply...but then I seen all the Jesus stuff in your sig...
You can't reason with that...it is like oil and vinegar--:2cents:


Cannabrex Formulator
Anyone who goes for the job is accepting that they may have to enforce immoral laws, like jailing pot smokers.

Therefor, anyone who is a cop has chosen to put themselves in a situation where they may have to act immorally. That makes them on at least a certain level an immoral person.

You say "they aren't the one's making the laws, they just enforce them".....well, the same could have been said for the Einsatzgruppen, the SS Totenkopf camp guards or countless other scum who did not originate the evils they performed, but carried them out none the less.
They chose to be there, and to stay there...just like the cop choses to be what he is, regardless of what he may have to do in the line of duty, moral or not.


My family knows I smoke. They may not agree with it, but that's as far as it goes. I am completely legal anyways, so I don't worry about cops. It seems the only reason you would have something to worry about is if you were breaking the law. I know there are people who don't live in a medical state, and yeah, the cops bust you, but why label all cops as bad when they are only doing it to ensure they have a job. And I don't agree that most cops are bad, I would say the opposite. Not saying there aren't bad cops out there, but why so much hatred. It seems a little ridiculous to me.
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