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Police Interceptors last night.


Active member
Did anyone see Police Interceptors? Basically what happened was police went to a house on an unrelated matter, smelt cannabis went it the loft found 3 large plants almost finished plus a wire bypassing the electric. They nicked the man and women inside. But the voice over said neither were convicted on either charge as there wasn't enough evidence. What do you think? They blamed each other? Said nothin? Grassed on someone else? Or the program was mistaken? CPS couldnt be arsed? Any other ideas?


somet ay right ,,they committed 2 -3 crimes ,stealing the eleccy would definatly get u in court


Well-known member
To achieve that I bet an officer hadn't submitted a statement on time and their brief got the case discharged under the speedy ruling protocol. Just a guess.

Looked like some cheese to me. Lol

Dr. D

Active member
I don' t watch TV but i was watching that at my mums on Saturday, quite interesting to watch the slimey bastards tactics!


I don' t watch TV but i was watching that at my mums on Saturday, quite interesting to watch the slimey bastards tactics!

its a heads up for anyone with lack of odour control ,,the police don'tneed a search warrant to enter property .if they believe a crime is in progress they have the right to investigate and can kick the door in :fsu:


Well-known member
What's that..... Knock knock... Sniff sniff. Section 32 for you sonny jim. We are coming in.

Not a nice feeling at all.


basically if it's knock knock you better not fucking open up unless you know who's standing outside, if you grow. but yeah smell control is totally essential, last place to try and save on, that and changing the locks on any grow location and making the place bettering ram proof, lol. maybe some rubber coating to knock the ram right back causing the robber trying to batter his way in, to land on his ass. :)


Well-known member
I need to install a carbon in my living room. It's that smell of smoke that makes me paranoid. Door only opens via previous phone call to arrange.

Mind you I can only normally smell a smoke session out side when ojd and true are down.

mack 10

Well-known member
section 32 sucks ass. @ herby yeah hear you on the carbon in the living room. smoking bud rather than the grow is what prob got you noticed in the first place.


Don't watch Cop show's they piss me the fuck off..

Yeah i can only take so much of em, they are on virtually every channel every night now in one form or another im sick of the sight of them.

also still on the moan tip -not to happy about police forces being kitted out with fleets of bloody imprezas. well at least they wont be getting them anymore with budgets cuts and whatnot . Give em smart cars instead and save a few quid.


also still on the moan tip -not to happy about police forces being kitted out with fleets of bloody imprezas. well at least they wont be getting them anymore with budgets cuts and whatnot . Give em smart cars instead and save a few quid.

trouble is if we give em smart cars how the fuck they supposed to catch a thieving scumbag in a nicked m3 or scooby ,,,its only the weed laws that need changing ,cops still need to do a job and protect us


yea at one time i use to love weed coverage on tv but nowadays theres just to much of it.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Depends what the main charge is ..... plus WTF is 'a wire' supplying power before the meter doing in the loft .... sounds like the commentary was bollocks, why ruin a good story by telling the truth?

All cops are assholes, the IQ level required to become part of 'the thin blue line' is deliberately set below average ..... example: Q - what domestic pet would you use to guard your house, 3 letters .... last year nearly 10% answered cat

So keep in mind that the person in the uniform REALLY is your intellectual inferior and cannot understand some of the things you say ....

Personally I take this as being the ultimate symbol that this country is fucked, we have people who are chosen NOT to be as intelligent as us "in charge"
I saw that too. The plants looked like they were almost done. Shame.

Did you see the bit where the copper tried to get the sparky to say that the bypassing of electricity almost inevitably made the property into a fire-trap? The poor electrician just didn't want to be drawn in to the propaganda and mumbled something like "Not necessarily", or words to that effect. LOL

At least they got off! :)

Big Eggy

Active member
So keep in mind that the person in the uniform REALLY is your intellectual inferior and cannot understand some of the things you say ....

I'd have to disagre, My Mrs dad was in the police force and worked on many drugs busts he now works for SOCA. He is as shape as a razor and has some amazing storys to tell.

He says that they only target Large scale operations by criminal gangs normaly involved in more than just weed production.. These are the same gangs that are involved in people smuggling, forced prostatution, Gun Running etc etc. we need the police to protect us against these bastards.. And if that means it being a bit dry from time to time all the more reason to grow your own.

He knew what i was doing grow wise when i first met him although i never rubbed his nose in it so to speak. last year he was looking over my Veg patch which included 4 rather large weed plants. Nothing was said and we contioned the BBQ in good spitits and he didn't send the boys round.

I do think it depends on where you live in the UK as to how proactive the Police are about busting small grow ops. I reckon anything under 600watts with no dealing involved then you would never show up on thier radar.

just my opinion though..

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