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Police: All Empire State shooting victims were wounded by officers


For some reason the blue gang not being able to hit what they were aiming at does not surprise, not even a little. They need to go back to a 6 shot revolver....then again maybe a 5 shot would be smarter.


Active member
damn things are getting crazy.next time in mexico think i am picking up some quality bullet proof clothes. lol. i seen a cool jean jacket bulletproof for 800$$$ looked nice


I like how the cops get to decide which videos of thier actions you get to see.
Why bother trying not to shoot any by standers when its all chocked up to felony murder.


The city is already trying to blame hollow point bullets. But a bystander had to go roust the two cops. To go investigate the five shots fired from hundreds of feet away. Those two cops just walk up to this guy that just put five bullets into another. The perpetrator had one bullet left. I am sure he had it reserved for himself when he made it to his happy spot in the park. But the ill trained cops just made him pull his gun in a reactive measure. And all hell broke loose. Most wounded were so by ricochets of police bullets off of the concrete after the subject was down. More would have been harmed or killed if the police had not run out of bullets. I am glad I do not live in NYC with cops like these and will not have to pay more taxes to pay for the upcoming lawsuits.


I'd say that "well trained police officers" and "hitting 9 individuals in the crossfire" are blatantly self-contradictory. I had the concepts of having a clear field-of-fire and knowing what your backstop is down pretty solidly by about the age of 10.
But how can you compare this to shooting rounds off in your backyard? A real fire fight is much more intense.


I'm eluding to the fact that if well trained police officers are hitting 9 individuals in the cross fire - armed civilians are likely capable of the same.
I feel if there were armed civilians there. They bystander would have shot the perpetrator. Then rousted the two cops from sharing doughnuts with a couple of hookers.


The city is already trying to blame hollow point bullets.

Sure, that makes perfect sense...

In a crowded city such as New York City, it'd be far better to use FMJ's. It'd certainly be safer to use bullets that continue on through walls and multiple bodies rather than hollow points,that disintegrate and lose velocity upon impact...

Real clear thinking there from City ''Officials.''


For some reason the blue gang not being able to hit what they were aiming at does not surprise, not even a little. They need to go back to a 6 shot revolver....then again maybe a 5 shot would be smarter.


I've always said that anyone that can't hit their target with 6 shots, shouldn't be in possession of any firearm. Anyone in the position of protecting citizens and in a crowded area, such as Ny City, should be positive they'll hit their target in one shot...Two maximum.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
But how can you compare this to shooting rounds off in your backyard? A real fire fight is much more intense.

Certainly a real fire fight is more intense - that is why the training needs to be so deeply ingrained that it becomes almost reflexive. Most CCW holders that I know are life-long gun people, either target shooters or hunters. The vast majority of cops aren't - they have about the same ratio of avid "gun people" as the rest of the general populace. Most cops qualify yearly or bi-annually, and never pull their weapon in the course of their duty.

Incidentally, your linked video is horseshit. It is the same as taking a bunch of driver's training students and expecting them to perform well in an advanced driving course. Take a bunch of Gunsite Ranch graduates and see what the results are. Most seasoned CCW holders will be somewhere in the middle.


Please watch the above video, sir

In my mind, that video/''test'' is utterly useless.

First and foremost, I'm sure they picked the goofiest kids they could find. How about they pick a few war veterans that are 40+ years old that were raised to use/respect firearms?

Secondly: They poise a couple inexperienced, college kids against a presumably expert firearms Trainer??

That would be like putting Micheal Jordan up against the armchair Basketball Pro in a game of Basketball.


Active member
I miss shots all the time. By an inch... maybe 2 at a distance.
That guy wouldn't have lasted 5 seconds with a gun in my hand. Hell, I'm scary accurate with a rifle from the hip. *shrug*

Aren't cops supposed to have range practice?

I LOVE the reaction in Colorado though... all the 'officials' are screaming for more gun control... the population is currently arming itself better and bitching about too many gun controls.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

p.s. This is another reason I don't appreciate populated areas. More idiots and more police (idiots).


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
This kinda crap will come back to bite every law abiding gun owner in the ass, no matter what..and it's bullshit. But the game goes on, doesn't it? When guns are outlawed, outlaws will have guns. Fuck

Yeah I edited this post...I'm an outlaw anyway..and I'm keeping my guns


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Hey, don't be so hard on them. Thank God this didn't happen in Michigan. If it had happened in Michigan, there'd be no survivors...

same w/california cops,
stone cold killers.

and in hopes of elevating spirits in this thread I'll say this & I think my bro Cravenmore would actually back me up:

There's hardly any such thing as an innocent bystander in NYC.