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Poisoning The Well...


So as I'm sure many of you know, Senator John McCain has proposed a bill designed to limit the freedom and production of dietary supplements (vitamins). The bill is called The Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010.

Why does it matter?

The bill proposes amendments to legislature that would make possessing, taking, or producing any sort of herb, vitamin, medicine or remedy that does not have direct approval of the FDA is punishable by law.

Essentially, this is in an effort to gain entire control of the food supply, slowly depriving citizens of nutrition necessary to live.

Proponents like USA Athlete organizations that consist of hunks of meat filled to the brim with synthetic steroids claim that this is a major necessary legislation in that it would prevent illegal steroids from being sold under the guise of "supplements". Crazier assholes believe that this prevents independent companies from selling harmful, natural products, under the guise that they cure disease.

Unfortunately it's true that the pharmaceutical industry in conjunction with the United States government control the population. Of course they both answer to the bankers, but things are systematic for a reason...anyway, in less that 10 years everyone is going to be so sick eating processed bullshit and taking prescription drugs that are really whats causing illness to the point where we really cannot do anything at all except wither and die.

Wake up! You think the powers that be live on macaroni and processed beef steaks? Think again.

If you think any synthetic substance that you put into your NATURAL body is good for you, you are mistaken. Soon it will be illegal to posses a vitamin c tab unless its made by pfizer and actually contains very minimal amounts of synthetic vitamin c, not enough to to prevent scurvy.

Check the facts.

DSHEA was a good thing...food and medicine belongs separate! It's already ILLEGAL to sell banned substances under the guise of a "supplement". As soon as the same industry that controls medicine completely controls food (as it basically does at this point) we will all be dead. Do the fucking math.

How, in the epoch of technological superiority are so many millions of people sick for weeks from colds that they should have been able to fight off? How come kids who take acne pills for 7 years develop serious intestinal issues? You think drugs HELP you? Wake up! Before you know it you'll be packed next to me, stinking, trading lice in the back corner of a FEMA camp located conveniently up the street at the community center.

YOU ARE THE SYSTEM! Think about it...if WE ALL stopped using banks, stopped using K marts, stopped watching NBC then..well...

...The system is designed to keep you trapped. You think you are going to change the rules and the system by playing in accordance with it?!

The major premise of our constitution explains that it is THE PREROGATIVE OF THE PEOPLE TO REPLACE A TYRANNIC GOVERNMENT WITH A NEW FORM...BY THE PEOPLE! What makes you think that a TYRANNIC GOVERNMENT is going to set up a system that can be broken by following its rules? This line of thinking leads to the worst kind of inaction! You think voting democrat or republican changes any fundamental issue? You think that you are not a "comrade"? Think again, comrade.

Take advantage of the internet before we sleep through the legislation that prevents us from using it for anything but making twitter posts.

You can't beat the system by playing in it. Find out what's important.

read dshea
read dssa http://mccain.senate.gov/public/ind...Store_id=2fe2fa5d-636b-4705-97df-8318a24f718f


Wake up zombies! YOU ARE THE SYSTEM not THEM..YOU are the SHEEP....WE ARE THE SHEEP...stop waiting for someone to tell you what to do and what to think (and im not talking about telling you what fucking dress to buy at target)

YOU help us


Active member
immaculate: one of my favorite quotes ever, too bad im maxxed out for karma today or i'd rep you

i seriously hope that this bill doesn't pass. if it does, it means death for a huge industry. this will really fuck over the oral steroids market, since one way they operate is by purposely obfuscating the chemical names and stuff on the packaging to slow down the feds from figuring out its a steroid. it fucking pisses me off right good to see these mother fuckers acting like they're trying to "protect us" when in fact they are trying to squeeze the fist tighter with every bill that comes out. this is not about making supplements safer, this is about making sure nobody can sell pills that Uncle Sam doesnt want you taking. fuck you, john mccain. i agree that something needs to be done about for example newbs buying these supplements off the shelves to gain muscle and not knowing its a steroid, but the solution to that is to LEGALIZE IT and REGULATE IT you fucking idiots!


New member
"The bill proposes amendments to legislature that would make possessing, taking, or producing any sort of herb, vitamin, medicine or remedy that does not have direct approval of the FDA is punishable by law."

thanks for taking the time to put this up.........

it would be crazy if this passed.................................


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Sen. John McCain’s (R- Arizona) office has confirmed that the Senator no longer supports his own bill that would significantly tighten the regulatory requirements for dietary supplements. Currently, the manufacturing of supplements is not monitored or controlled by any governmental agency. There is no way to know that the supplement you purchase contains what is stated on the label, if it is pure or if will do what is indicated.

This bill is dead.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Here's some more. You can turn the panic off.

The Senator originally proposed the bill in February. McCain’s office now states that the Arizona Republican will now collaborate with Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, on revised legislation that allegedly provides for transparency and safety within the supplement industry but without the intensive regulatory intervention proposed in S. 3002. No timeline is set for introduction of a new bill.

I have to wonder if the manufacturing lobby has cooped the Senator. What possible reason could there be for passing these much needed controls and not insuring that the industry complies with them?

Joel T Nowak, MA, MSW



Several weeks ago, Senators McCain and Dorgan introduced S. 3002, the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010, stirring up vocal industry reaction at what it felt was 'over the top' regulation.

Last week, Senator McCain withdrew support for his own bill, announcing instead, through a letter to Sen. Tom Harkin, chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, that they had reached 'common ground' on key provisions of that bill to be incorporated into other legsilation including S. 510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Bill.

These provision include:

-requiring all dietary supplement manufacturing, processing and holding facilities to register with the Secretary of Health and Human Services;

-ensuring the Food and Drug Administration has the authority to issue a mandatory recall order if a dietary supplement is adulterated or misbranded or "the use of such supplement could cause serious adverse health consequences such as death;"

-requiring the FDA commissioner to publish guidelines on new dietary ingredients "as soon as possible;"

-mandating that the FDA notify the Drug Enforcement Administration when a new dietary premarket notification is rejected because the product contains a synthetic anabolic steroid.

In a press release issued by S. 3002 supporter USADA on behalf of itself and a group called Supplement Saftety Now, Travis Tygart, USADA CEO notes, "These are needed improvements. The agreement provides much-needed additional consumer protections, without risking access to legal supplements."


Active member
just read that paragraph about the new bill. "needed improvements" MY ASS. the new one is just as bad! did you read the last bullet point? if one supports the right of people to put whatever they want in their bodies, which one certainly should being a member of this site, then everyone needs to write their senators expresses outrage over this.


Here's some more. You can turn the panic off.

Wow, you just turned the panic button way up. You need to read the content of what you posted. It surely doesn't support turning the panic button off.

But of course there should be no panic button. But people have become so dependent on the system that it is impossible to think of a situation without it. Everyone still has the choice to not participate. Make it before its too late.


I hate to be the voice of dissension but it's about time that these dietary supplement capitalists faced regulations. They tested 20 odd kelp based pills in about 2004 and found many of them were loaded in heavy metals. So much for health supplements! The industry is a scam and needs to be regulated. Too many people have been making billions of dollars off unsuspecting customers for too long. Regulate them and make them pass the same stringent testing that is applied to other industries to keep the bastards honest.


will now collaborate with Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, on revised legislation that allegedly provides for transparency and safety within the supplement industry but without the intensive regulatory intervention proposed in S. 3002. No timeline is set for introduction of a new bill.

-requiring the FDA commissioner to publish guidelines on new dietary ingredients "as soon as possible;"

-mandating that the FDA notify the Drug Enforcement Administration when a new dietary premarket notification is rejected because the product contains a synthetic anabolic steroid.

and a group called Supplement Saftety Now, Travis Tygart, USADA CEO notes, "These are needed improvements. The agreement provides much-needed additional consumer protections, without risking access to legal supplements."


Matter that Appreciates Matter
The bill proposes amendments to legislature that would make possessing, taking, or producing any sort of herb, vitamin, medicine or remedy that does not have direct approval of the FDA is punishable by law.

is pretty different from:

requiring all dietary supplement manufacturing, processing and holding facilities to register with the Secretary of Health and Human Services;

-ensuring the Food and Drug Administration has the authority to issue a mandatory recall order if a dietary supplement is adulterated or misbranded or "the use of such supplement could cause serious adverse health consequences such as death;"

-requiring the FDA commissioner to publish guidelines on new dietary ingredients "as soon as possible;"

-mandating that the FDA notify the Drug Enforcement Administration when a new dietary premarket notification is rejected because the product contains a synthetic anabolic steroid.

I mean one is regulation and the other is oversight.


Rubbing my glands together
The WHO(World Health Org.) has been wanting to do this on a world wide basis for many years. I just don't want to go to a doctor to get a script for Vitamin C that's been approved by the FDA and manufactured by Merck or another pharmaceutical company which is exactly what they want.

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