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PM diseased clones... to destroy or not?

I have 3 headbands out of the roughly 80 clones I am currently vegging... the Headband and only headband showed signs of PM on one or two of the lower leaves of each plant. I have quarantined them and treated them as well as the rest of the plants. Should I not plant them in either of my outdoor parcels?? I am afraid of the infested plants spreading the PM to the rest of the crop. I dont want to exclude the headbands from this years garden, but I dont want to chance it. I think taking a risk like that would be very stupid....

should I dispose of the plants or, if possible, plant them in their own location far away from other plants?

ideas/feedback please......


New member

Check out these links from UC Davis' IPM Guidelines for an idea of what it will take to control PM:


IMO, if your Headband plants were in the same room as the rest of the plants, I'd act with the assumption that everything else is infected and you don't see it yet. May not be the case but don't take any chances. It is also good to remember that once you see the spores ( the white powdery stuff ) then you are a week or more late in catching and preventing infection.

If you want to keep the plants, then you need to insure the plants are kept in conditions that do not favor powdery mildew and use fungicides that are preventatives. Easier said then done but there you go.

Keep them out of the shade , keep them pruned for good air flow, remove any infected material, scout for infection regularly, use fungicides, and anticipate possible outbreaks by paying attention to the weather. Slip up and you will have an outbreak that can turn into an uncontrollable nightmare.

BTW, there are *many* different species of Powery Mildew. According to Hemp Diseases and Pests by McPartland, Clarke, and Watson, the 2 that infect cannabis are S. macuaris and L. taurica. Here is a little blurb about conditions for infection.

Great book btw. It is not perfect but better than Rosenthal's Marijuana Garden Saver by miles.


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Foliar feed some sort of antifungal tea(there are many recipes out there), and you should be good. I get clones form everywhere, and have yet to get PM. Could happen though.