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PM at 7 weeks, figh it or fuck it?

The best thing about milk is you can use it nearer the end and NOT apply chemicals. Milk won't hurt you or your plants. It will not eradicate PM completely, most studies don't indicate that it will. In a pinch it will save a late crop. With the change in PH on the surfaces of the plant, as suggested by some, milk may do the plant good.......

Whatever you do, jump on that shit. It may seem like it's only on a few plants now but that shit will spread and infect everything before you know it. I THREAT PLANTS WHEN THEE GO INTO FLOWER EVEN IF THEY DONT SHOW SIGNS. Good luck!
and that .lol.peace and and a health harvest


Active member
I'm just going to second/third what has been said here about milk.

I use milk usually at about 1:9, but sometimes 1:8.

Not only do the plants love the phosphorus and potassium, its completely safe on your buds, and wont effect smell or taste.

What I've found is that milk works better at prevention. I spray it in veg, because it supposedly helps build their immune system as well.