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please some advise on how to grow huge single cola plant


New member

I need some advise on how to grow huge single cola plants..

My goal is to reace 2-3 oz on each plant in a 2,5 gallon pot..

Im going to use soil...

Im going to run Seedsman WW 60/40 sativa..

How long would I veg her? Im thinking of 15 inches..

The space for each plant is 10 inches in diameter..

Each plant will have at least 110W....

Any inputs and tips would be nice!



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
one cola and 2-3 ounces is gonna take the RIGHT plant... i dont know enough about ww to know if its the one... and once you find the plant itll depend on how the plant grows...


I've never seen 2-3 oz come off a single cola even with strains like Critical Mass.

So my guess would be to grow vertically. Llights stacked on top of each other, veg it to about 24", it should finish up at 4-5'.

Prune all side branches you don't want. The vertical lighting should give you some dense nugs from the soil to the tip of the plant. A lot of it will be about you getting the right pheno.

prince kali

if i were you i would try to grow a healthy plant, take good care and see how you get rewarded.

sounds like you grow from seed? is it a stabilized strain?

dont aim too high with an unknown strain..
10 inch in diameter is not enough for what you wanna do unless you flower them as soon as rooted.

good luck


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I've never seen 2-3 oz come off a single cola even with strains like Critical Mass.

So my guess would be to grow vertically. Llights stacked on top of each other, veg it to about 24", it should finish up at 4-5'.

Prune all side branches you don't want. The vertical lighting should give you some dense nugs from the soil to the tip of the plant. A lot of it will be about you getting the right pheno.

i have one strain that will do it so i know its possible.... but its all about the right plant... and that can take YEARS to find....


New member
I've never seen 2-3 oz come off a single cola even with strains like Critical Mass.

So my guess would be to grow vertically. Llights stacked on top of each other, veg it to about 24", it should finish up at 4-5'.

Prune all side branches you don't want. The vertical lighting should give you some dense nugs from the soil to the tip of the plant. A lot of it will be about you getting the right pheno.

Yeah I think 2 feet will be good, they probably strech 2x , 4 feet would be optimal...

Vertically is no option.. But they will have enough of light..

Thanks alot man!

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
That really depends on the strain. There is a release of SWT #3 coming soon and they produce some of the biggest main colas I have seen. Good luck :tiphat:.


New member
if i were you i would try to grow a healthy plant, take good care and see how you get rewarded.

sounds like you grow from seed? is it a stabilized strain?

dont aim too high with an unknown strain..
10 inch in diameter is not enough for what you wanna do unless you flower them as soon as rooted.

good luck

"10 inch in diameter is not enough for what you wanna do unless you flower them as soon as rooted."

How do you mean?

If I could get a single cola with a diameter of 8 inch, and 2 feet high.. this have to yield atleast 2 oz?

Thanks man


May I ask what you're trying to achieve? You could get 2-3 oz per plant in a 2.5 gallon container no problem.

With a single cola? Without a pre-selected pheno? I don't really see that happening. An 8" diameter cola... I'm PRETTY sure that's unheard of indoors. That's as bigger than a lot of peoples thigh.... 4-5" sure... 6" even. But 8"?


New member
May I ask what you're trying to achieve? You could get 2-3 oz per plant in a 2.5 gallon container no problem.

With a single cola? Without a pre-selected pheno? I don't really see that happening. An 8" diameter cola... I'm PRETTY sure that's unheard of indoors. That's as bigger than a lot of peoples thigh.... 4-5" sure... 6" even. But 8"?

Yeah U might be right of I need a real good pheno..

How about that plant, its in a 10" diameter pot...

That cola gotta be a 8" ? What could yield be 2-4 oz?

Thanks man!


New member
May I ask what you're trying to achieve? You could get 2-3 oz per plant in a 2.5 gallon container no problem.

With a single cola? Without a pre-selected pheno? I don't really see that happening. An 8" diameter cola... I'm PRETTY sure that's unheard of indoors. That's as bigger than a lot of peoples thigh.... 4-5" sure... 6" even. But 8"?

I want to achieve the highet possible yield in my space, I think the best way is to grow 2-4 feet tall single colas...

If I make a scrog or multicolas I dont think they will be the same height...



New member
I agree it is very strain depenndent but possible with optimum grow conditions. These SWT#3 were grown organiclly in five gallon pots. Iv'e grown some big yielders but nothing with a single cola that yielded like this....ya grown from clone which I considervery important when trying to maximize yield.

Damn, yeah I wanne grow something like that!

How much did it yield?

Thanks man!


To Have More ... Desire Less
simple ...enuff.....1st the strain......DGS......LUI13.


then VEG until 2ft tall........then put into 12/12 flower...
2nd....trim.....ALL....I REPEAT ALL.....under growth and side shoots....
this becomes U'r clones.....
this is called LOLIpopping......with the plant focusing all its flowering energy on JUST the main TOP....it will produce....ONLY one main dominat cola....that WILL be HUGH..............


New member
simple ...enuff.....1st the strain......DGS......LUI13.


then VEG until 2ft tall........then put into 12/12 flower...
2nd....trim.....ALL....I REPEAT ALL.....under growth and side shoots....
this becomes U'r clones.....
this is called LOLIpopping......with the plant focusing all its flowering energy on JUST the main TOP....it will produce....ONLY one main dominat cola....that WILL be HUGH..............

Thanks mayen!
big boss i personally would say not to worrry so much about the yeild 1grow healthy plants give them the food they need and dont overdo it . give them time to show u which 1s r the yeilders clone those and ur off to the race track. everytime yeild was my only worries shit ended up going southbound... keep them healthy and they will yeild 4 u !!!!!shrpshooter


I think you'd yield more out of a DrBudGreengene's type set-up. He grows smaller plants, but in much larger numbers. 16 plants per sq ft, main cola only.

Perpetual SOG is hands-down the largest yielder. How big is your grow area? I'll run some numbers for you and you tell me what you think after.

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