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Please please please tell me this is not a seed :(


4-5 weeks into flowering, and I see this on many of the calyxes. Have 6 plants in flowering, 4 white widow and 2 northern lights.
I have had one white widow turn hermie on me before, and I'm concerned that this has happened again.

Is this a seed in the making?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
only have bad news for ya

but don't worry about having seeds everywhere,
now you've seen what one looks like, patiently look for more

if you did not see a male pollinating or killed a couple males, you're all good, one seed is not always a sign of seed infestation, have had many plants with seed purposly and managed not get others pollinated...

besides look on the bright side, free seed, maybe you only have a few and it's a good thing
Good Luck, puff on

I'm about to cry. I see seeds everywhere on my WW's, NL I don't know, they aren't as developed yet.

I guess it will be really hard to find out which of the plants turned hermie. They are all clones from the same mother. Will I be able to use the seeds, or will they turn hermie as well?


poppin' outta control
unfortunately the seeds will have a higher rate of hermie than normal seeds, because the sex chromosome / gene has been unlocked.. Does not however guarantee a hermie, theres a good chance some beans could be girls..
Would that be for just the plant that turned hermie and fertilized itself, or for all the seeds on the other plants as well? God damnit. My whole grow turned to shit. They looked so tasty, FULL of trics. I'm just about to kill my whole grow with fire I'm so mad.


Active member
happens, just pray there arent hordes of them, that late there is no point in killing it that looks fairly developed.. some of the finest herb ive touched in my life has had at least maybe 1 seed per 2 -3 ounces if i was lucky. i always love finding a rogue seed in some killer bud, but i know it would suck if it was highly seeded. god speed.

best advice i can give you is to not stress your plants as much as possible and if you do plan it out so they have full recovery time. i know everyone knows this but stress usually always pushes for hermies, not to say you are.

just saying.


poppin' outta control
It sounds like you had a plant that "intersexed"... All seeds produced from the pollen of the plant that intersexed (meaning changed from female to male) will have a higher rate of hermie/ intersex.. If I were you, I would just make hash outta your seeded stuff..

Also, just so you know, even if you pop seeds that were made from a plant that intersexed, it does NOT guarantee its prodigy will be hermie or intersex, just a higher likelihood.

I have 4 or 5 plants in veg right now that began as seeds that were made from a Quirkle plant that intersexed. The quirkle "female" pollinated a blackberry plant, chem jones plant, and a few others.. Since The quirkle is SOOO bomb and so is the blackberry and the chem jones, I just had to pop a few to see what would turn out.. So far, NO hermies.. I just keep a close eye on them

I agree w/ the above, try not to stress your plants, ALTHOUGH, your plant definitly could have intersexed w/o being stressed! it might have been the case that there was nothing you did/ could have done to make things different, aside from keeping a closer eye on watching for pollen producing plant


Active member
thats whack man, dont kill your grow cause one plant is seeding. most hermies really dont develop full on pollen sacks, like a male would.. even if it does you can easily see them and pick em off. so its best to just grow it out, the others should be fine, even if it did that late now there probably would be no chance for the plants without any seeds anywhere to even have the chance to switch on you.

worse comes to worse and this information is too late you can always make tons of hash out of it, i never understood why people get so bummed having to chop a plant, to me just means hash day. :)
I have recently put up a new grow closet, and I had some problems making it 100% light proof in the beginning, so that might be it. But I got a suspicion that it's not the best genetics, seedsman white widow. I think it turns hermie very easily.

Other than the light leaks for a few days in the beginning, there shouldn't be any reason for them to turn hermie. Organic grow, great soil and good water, temps are perfect etc. I have other clones of the same plant, I'm getting ready for the next grow and making a new mum. Would it be wise to plant some new seeds perhaps?

The mum I have taken the clones from were actually a trifoliate, but none of the clones became trifoliate.

Should I just let them flower and make butter etc?

I'm not talking 1-2 seeds pr ounce here, I'm having MANY beginning seeds :( 100's probably.

Edit: As mentioned, I see tens or hundreds of seeds on all 4 of my white widows, so there is definitely a whole lot of pollen in there.


"some problems making it 100% light proof in the beginning..I think it turns hermie very easily."

Any plant will go hermie "easily" with light stress.


Active member
i can tell you from experience and using a tent with vents and many open places that light control is almost directly a cause of feminized seeds going hermie a huge majority of most cases, seeing as you had light leaks earlier on i bet thats what triggered it if your environment is perfect like you say.

i hate to bash on genetics but i think people get way to involved in the term, ive grown shwag seeds that were in horrible conditions and kept in open sunlight, smoke filled rooms, moved and touched for over 6 years grow into some of the most stunning plants ive grown over the years.

if ive learned anything its the environment that produces a good plant, anything goes wrong there it will show.

yep id just let it grow, i mean you are almost done so whats done is done. just finish, check the others if they are good and you cant find too many by eye besides that one plant i wouldnt worry, like said its rare they produce pollen sacks to be able to pollinate other plants anyway.



Not to start an argument but I dont agree with the above statement. My setup has never been light tight, close but there are definitely light leaks. I have never had a hermie ever. I am pretty sure you could stress the hell out of C99 and it wont hermie on you!! Trust me, I have tried!!
"check the others if they are good and you cant find too many by eye besides that one plant i wouldnt worry, like said its rare they produce pollen sacks to be able to pollinate other plants anyway."

Like I said above, at least all 4 of my WW are pollinated, and I just inspected my NL and it has very big calyxes so I'm guessing they are pollinated as well :( I'm guessing I'm not even half way through flowering, probably much less with the NL anyway. Damn IKEA closet, it's so crooked and bent that it's a real PITA to lightproof.


Active member

Not to start an argument but I dont agree with the above statement. My setup has never been light tight, close but there are definitely light leaks. I have never had a hermie ever. I am pretty sure you could stress the hell out of C99 and it wont hermie on you!! Trust me, I have tried!!

well you should agree, i dont want to argue either but having light constantly leak in is one thing, but having a dramatic switch is what is the trigger, which is what he did. im not stupid and i know plants in normal outside environments get small amounts of light at night, so in most cases its nothing to worry about but if you say had a grow room which had light leaks, then you attempted to completely darken it for night it would effect the plant and stress does induce a plant given the genetics to be more likely to go hermie, i never said it happens every time i just said its a pretty likely cause to when it does happen. its not rocket science they already have a high chance of going hermie being feminized seeds anyway.

LST isnt that stressful hence the low stress part. im not trying to argue but what have you done that dramatic to stress your plants? i really would like to know.

i know you probably have quite a good amount of experience growing considering you live where its widely accepted, but i think its kind of biased opinion saying just because you have never had it happen, im not just referencing myself as others can clearly agree.

being its not c99 its not really reliable to just say something like that considering he said himself this widow has done this before, its possible that strain is much more sensitive to stress than c99 so its not really a good comparison in my opinion.


Active member
"check the others if they are good and you cant find too many by eye besides that one plant i wouldnt worry, like said its rare they produce pollen sacks to be able to pollinate other plants anyway."

Like I said above, at least all 4 of my WW are pollinated, and I just inspected my NL and it has very big calyxes so I'm guessing they are pollinated as well :( I'm guessing I'm not even half way through flowering, probably much less with the NL anyway. Damn IKEA closet, it's so crooked and bent that it's a real PITA to lightproof.

well when you said this one widow has done this before, i assumed it was one plant sorry. hash it is then.

lol you could always do it the old fashioned way and just pick out the seeds.. :comfort:


Active member
if your not trying to be stealthy you should just buy a tent. they are hella cheap these days and well worth every penny.


Active member
big calyxes

doesnt mean much, if grown well enough every part of a plant will be massive. seeing as your stuff looks pretty frosty, im gonna guess you got the growing part down. id still wait it out and check then. still sucks but maybe there is something you can salvage. some gems. :)

most my girls calyxes get pretty big about that time in flowering, no seeds though. not even baby ones.