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Please IP ban or perma ban rude individuals

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I believe we have a very peaceful, intelligent, mature and loving community on ICMag (one of the reasons I call it home). However, sometimes we have individuals that seem to be bent on disrupting these positive attributes.

I believe JJ does a fantastic job... but a man can only be so many places. I believe we should have a stricter code of conduct in which kindness and proper manners are heavily enforced. I believe our numbers will be slightly small but substantially stronger.

So I plead that you IP ban people and/or stop all temporary bans. If they were bad enough to get banned, they are likely going to repeat that behavior again.

I realize that dynamic IP address change, but it would at least make it difficult for static IP's.

Looking forward to your thoughts.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
ok how else would you propose we ban speach
not agreeing
some people poke and praud others into being mean and vocal.

If your skin is not thick enough to handle a sticks and stones comment, then that's tough luck.

As long as profanity is not rampant, I don't see the problem. But tough talk is sometimes needed.


Active member
Agreed, thick skin is a must if you're going to participate in any kind of community forum on the internet. For whatever reason, anonymity really brings out the asshole in some folks.

That aside, the peace-loving hippie stereotype don't apply for all of us. I know I'm a huge fan of a little verbal jousting and not entirely opposed to the online version of that from time to time either...always in good fun, of course. Lighten up dude, it's just the internet. :tiphat:


Active member
if someone wants to be a jerk here, there is no ip ban or any ban that will stop them, i'm sorry and i don't mean any disrespect at all, but as an i.t. guy for my day job it's just laughable to me, there are so many ways around an ip ban regardless of whether the jerk user has a static or dynamic ip


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Mcyummin aka yummybud was tough!! you can do it too!!!! Shnike mcyummin could be counseling peeps now for dinero.. peace n pufs..


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
We do try and curtail/stop vicious verbal insults and malicious mundane profanity by one member upon another...

To tell you the truth I abhor the repetitive use or slanderous and boring invective.....the baiting and tormenting of good members by those hell-bent on causing trouble...

....and we do what we can, but as has been said above, just by banning someones IP or their current member name does only hinder a determined troll/flamer slightly....and as soon as they crop up again under some other guise/sock-puppet handle we can only ban them once again...


Active member

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
We do try and curtail/stop vicious verbal insults and malicious mundane profanity by one member upon another...

To tell you the truth I abhor the repetitive use or slanderous and boring invective.....the baiting and tormenting of good members by those hell-bent on causing trouble...

....and we do what we can, but as has been said above, just by banning someones IP or their current member name does only hinder a determined troll/flamer slightly....and as soon as they crop up again under some other guise/sock-puppet handle we can only ban them once again...

Thank you.

I do believe perma IP banning some individuals will stop them from coming back.

I believe all of you give people to much credit, in regard to their technical skills of getting around an IP ban. Most people don't know they can call their ISP and get their IP changed. Most people don't know how to use or where to find a proxy server.

Thank you Gypsy. The following is not address towards you at all.

For the rest of you, I feel sadness and shame in my heart that you are tolerant of people that abuse you and others with kind hearts. I have never really be verbally abused on this site, have been on the internet since 1994 and been part of numerous online communities (ranging from MMORPG's to forums). Yes, people are rude on the internet, but that doesn't mean that we need to tolerate it. You say grow a thick skin, I say fighting it is growing a thick skin.

IMHO just tolerating it, is copping out and the weak/fearful way.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
all u need is some software that hides your IP. You dont need any skills at all. and the software is free on any Torrent site

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
all u need is some software that hides your IP. You dont need any skills at all. and the software is free on any Torrent site

I believe you're referencing a proxy, IE SSH tunnel.

I hate to say it.... but if you're just getting some sort of proxy software and server software off of a torrent, you are most likely sharing your computer with a hacker. They will have direct access to your IP address and route all of your incoming and outgoing data through their computer. This is an easy way to do Ddos attacks or plant Trojans onto your computer.... doing any range of things from key logging to controlling background processes.

Unless you get your proxy from a reliable source or create your own, you always run the risk of exposing your computer to malicious individuals. I've used TOR in the past with success... but I wouldn't recommend it for the above reasons.


Un - Retired,
as I've said before we don't use IP Bans except to ban some spam sites
as we don't collect or store IP's so we can't use them to ban people so its a mute point


as I've said before we don't use IP Bans except to ban some spam sites
as we don't collect or store IP's so we can't use them to ban people so its a mute point

And that is the way it should be. I guess Celcius wants his IP on the server stored. :)

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
this is the internet.
everybody is a tough guy hidden behind a keyboard.
the way people act online shouldn't be a surprise.
i'm pretty sure being rude is a prerequisite to gaining net access.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I believe you're referencing a proxy, IE SSH tunnel.

I hate to say it.... but if you're just getting some sort of proxy software and server software off of a torrent, you are most likely sharing your computer with a hacker. They will have direct access to your IP address and route all of your incoming and outgoing data through their computer. This is an easy way to do Ddos attacks or plant Trojans onto your computer.... doing any range of things from key logging to controlling background processes.

Unless you get your proxy from a reliable source or create your own, you always run the risk of exposing your computer to malicious individuals. I've used TOR in the past with success... but I wouldn't recommend it for the above reasons.

My post was just to make a point that banning IP wont work they can get back on by using these software's whether they get hacked or not. I have used Torrents for 4-5 years and never got a virus or have been hacked. My virus protection has detected all intrusions.

I use software that does hide my IP that i paid for. I use there premium service


Active member
My post was just to make a point that banning IP wont work they can get back on by using these software's whether they get hacked or not. I have used Torrents for 4-5 years and never got a virus or have been hacked. My virus protection has detected all intrusions.

Lemme guess...your anti-virus program was also downloaded from a torrent, right? :tiphat:

Even if not, how could you possibly know whether it has "detected all intrusions" or not? That doesn't really make sense.

Mr. Celcius is actually right on the money...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
No I purchased it. I can only guess that the Virus protection I use is working properly. I would think that if it did not work we would here about it. This was my works laptop so the software virus protection is a corporate version.

As far as tor I use there service for Movies only never any apps

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