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Please I need some help !!!!!


I will not be able to post until later so I will give you my ideas now.

I don't think your too root bound, looking at the roots. Maybe a little but each plant is different in what it likes. That is why I have become a big fan of bigger pots. Bigger pots mean bigger yield and more ease of growth. I think it has to do with the nutes your using and I think it has to to with giving them the veg nutes. Plants hormones change when they go into flowering and their needs change. So I think they are not getting what they need right now. This is what I would suggest. I would give them a flush. I know it will be a pain in the ass but you will leech all of those veg nutes out of the soil. When you flush use 5-6 gallons of tap per plant( don't worry about ph'ing it) then, at the end of the flush give them a ph'ed dose of food. That will replace what you leeched.

Now, you could just start giving them the flowering mix and avoid the flush. I think you should flush. I would want to get the excess nitrogen out of the soil. Some plants like veg nutes in early flower in order to stay green others hate excess nitrogen and it will delay flowering. I have run indicas that needed veg nutes 7-14 days into 12 and 12 in order to stay green. If I did not give it to them they would be yellow by day 35. I have run hybrids that hated any excess nitrogen in flowering and it would delay flowering and cause weird growth.

Now could this be a ph issue. I do not think so unless you were watering way out of the range continually. Most good soils are ph buffered. They add dolomite lime to keep the ph in the 6.5-7 range. Most people always go with the standard it's a ph issue, when in reality it's two other issues. Root bound will cause this. The plant has trouble taking in what it needs properly and it will get leaves just like yours. They get yellow and all kind of different spots and plant growth changes and becomes more lanky. I know this first hand because I let my plants get root bound all the time because of space. The second mainly occurs in smaller plants that are in bigger containers. Many grower will put a smaller plant in a container to big for the root system and then give them a big dose of water. In a few days the top of the soil is dry so they give it more water. Well what they do not realize is that there is a ball of mud in the center of the planter and the roots are suffocating. They continue to do this and soon the plant start to display all sort of weird growth. Plant roots need air as well as water. So a good wet dry cycle is important.

Hope this helps. I would like to see a picture of the whole plant in order to judge its overall health. I will be back on late tonight.


acouple crappy pics ,i totally forgot to write down when i flicked them to 12hrs but i think there is around 3weeks left


i had a feeling this was the case. man those are fine. did you get the meter working right? I would not fuck around too much especially with ph. When did you measure the runoff? right after the flush? Did you refeed? What was the ph of what you put in? 5.0-5.2 sounds weird but i never tested my runoff. Sounds weird especially if you just leeched the soil. I would imagine the ph should be close to what you put in.

I think the problem you are having is just because they did not have the right nutes for the stage of life they are in. With 3-5 weeks left you just want to concentrate on bringing those babies to the finish line. Right now those plants only concern is putting on bud, they could care less about anything else. So do not expect the problem to go away. It might go away or it might continue at a slow rate. Hopefully, it just won't progress fast. This is what dialing in a strain is all about. Just give them the flowering nutes in a good ph range and don't do anything drastic. And make sure that meter is working right. I never used a meter in soil but I am in hydro now. I grew in soil for 7-8 years and switched to perlite hempy buckets feeding them lucas formula a year ago. Best move ever. Talk about easy.


i could only get the meter down to .2 away ,so good enough,i measure the runoff right after i drained 3 plants into a tub,i havent refed cause they are soaked,should i hit them lightly or do u think it matters


When you flush, the last gallon can be food. Not a big deal. Did you ever get the 7 solution? Something does not sound right with that meter. Before you feed again I would take that meter back to the store and make sure its right and get the 7 solution before you start relying on it. Meters are not perfect and can be tricky. .2 off only using the 4 solution may be way off on the other end. I do not know much about meters though. Also, you can ask them about the water in your area most good hydro stores should have a good understanding of your local water.

Your so close to the end and your plants are pretty healthy so don't go changing to much drastically especially ph.


I had some thing that looked like what you have last grow, was root bound. plantes locked up and looked just like yours.

same here, as soon as those lower branches start showing signs of unhealthy leaves I check the roots...

seen here, this specimen had been in a one liter pot for a couple weeks too long... now I go by one gallon for each month of the plants life... cheers:tiphat:


plants are only 2 foot tall and in 2 gal(i posted some pics)i will go get no.7 tomorrow,i tested my tap water today and it read 7.1

should i feed at the week i am supposed to ,when they dry up alittle but simplify the food so the ppm isnt high

the buds really dont look as big as i thought thye would for only 2-3 weeks left


I have an Oakton ph2 also. I got the 3 point solution when I got my meter. I have checked it against all 3 and it has always been spot on. I wouldn't add anything until I knew my meter was spot on. Any thing else would only be a guess and may cause more problems.


ok 7.1 sounds more like it but still get the 7 and talk to the store guys. Its no shame to have them show you. You also have to store the meter correctly in order to have it continue to work properly.

I would just start feeding the flowering formula again when they are ready. What strain are you growing? They look to me like they are at the stage where they are going to pack on the weight now. Every strain is different though. I would say you have more than 3 weeks left but its so hard to tell. Yield is based on strain, size of plant and training. Your plant is only 2 feet tall so don't expect too much. I would think you will get between 21-35 grams looking at the plants. Just depends on the next couple of weeks.


Honestly, you will probably only use that meter once or twice just to make sure you are in a decent range once the nutes are mixed.


i would be happy with a lb from 17plants(under 1 600w lumatek) but im not sure if thats going to happen,i have no idea what strain they are since my buddy cross bred by accident somehow lol,i asked him and he has no clue lol,geezes more then 3 weeks hey,the guys are kinda old tho ,they were cut as clones jan 29 lol,transplanted into beer cup on feb 13,then transplanted into 2gals on feb 26 and i think i flicked them over to 12hrs on march 5th

on a side note my buddy has been using general nutes and hes has zero probs,im gonna switch next go around


You have only been flowering for a day less than 5 weeks. I would count on 4 more weeks, again that is strain dependent. Better to pick later than earlier. Now that I know you have 17 plants under a 600 I might revise my numbers a little. I would probably go for about a 8-10 ounce harvest. Anything over and you should be very happy for a first time grower.


well i just mixed up a fresh batch of nutes (10gal,enough for 2 feedings)i started with 6.5 ph added my nutes wich brought it down to 5.3 so i brought it back up with ph up to 6.4 ,so i guess im good for that ,i measured my ppm and it seems high 1590 ,chart says i shouldnt be higher then 1400,so do i add more water? to bring it down?


Cannabis Helper
yes add more water to bring it down, now remember that you have added PH- and PH+ this raises the ppm or EC.

Proper care ,storage,calibration and over all cleanliness will prolong the life of your probe/sensor, And the have a short shelf life and a probe should be replaced every 6 months if its used daily.


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