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please help


I guess I've been very lucky that I've had very little experience dealing with these kinds of issues.......I am thinking it's a deficiency but the truth is I dont know.....The medium is pro mix bx with only perelite added the fert's are flora nova grow and flora nova bloom.......I gave them a little bit of cal mag this week but they are still doing this and causing the plants to want to finish prematurely......What dose this look like? ph is in line so it's either deficient or over ferted.....Can anyone who's had similar issues point me in the direction I need to be and recomend a way to help........





Active member
im no expert here, but i will try and lend some thought. if you are absolutely sure pH is in check, my next diagnosis is overferting judging by the burmt, curled leaf tips, possibly to the point of nute lock-out. looks like calcium, could be manganese, not really sure. what's your dosage rate? what rate are you feeding? also, did you spray the organicide with the lights on and at what rate did you apply, full...half...quarter strength?


usuall feed is 2 teaspoons of floranova per gallon once a week......The organicide is premixed ready to spray......Maybe I'll dilute it..........they get sprayed while lights on but are removed from the light for a few hrs till dry.......But they havn't been sprayed in at least 10 days.........The pots are not unusually heavy which would lead me to believe they are over ferted.......I am leaning twords a deff. they just started getting cal mag this week and I'll see if that helps....If not then a full out flush I guess......The buds look fine except that over all it looks like its day 50 of 75 when actually it's only day 35.....


Active member
Did you turn those leaves over and look for mites? That's what it looks like to me.. mite weakened leaves and the spots... hard to tell tho without looking at the bottoms of the leaves.

mgk (stoned) :smokey:


they are treated for mites...plus there are no webs......but i suppose i should check them more throughly.....buds look ok...




Agreed, and tasty too. Bud Pornographer, ha ha ha.

Im Hard.

Namaste :joint:


They look almost done...just let them finish.

obviously you didn't read the thread....they are at day 35 of 75 not at all nearly done but prematurely finishing..........c'mon please someone help me figure this out surely on the biggest canna site around someones gotta be able to diagnose this..............



Have you done a significant flush yet?,not in have you left the plant to eat nothing,have you flushed and left it a day and restarted your feeding program.

Are you only testing PH or are you testing ppm and EC as well. Your PH can be fine and you'll still have solidified salts in your medium.

So basically your adding adding adding when in actual fact you might need to be reviewing and subtracting certain elements,

What is the PH of the water before you mix your solution/food.

I say a flush is always the quickest way out of these WTF situations because it elliminates everything you were considering and gives you a fresh platform,I also believe the plant refreshes as it now has to look to itself for nutes until you obviously feed it,this gives the plant an opportunity to tell you whats wrong more directly if you will.

Have you considered the environment , heat,humidity and so on.

I hope things are looking up.

Namaste :joint:

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