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Please Help ( quick question )



This plant was in soil and it started getting all yellow

So i rinsed the soil off it and put it in this jiffy pellet ,

Will it start to get green now like is supposed to be

since its not in the soil with whatever nutes was in it

will it get better now that is in the jiffy pellet ?



i posted this thread 7 days ago

i cannot believe that i could not get just a simple yes or no from any of you :frown:

i think iv been pretty patient about this

and haven't been bumping it up every 10 mins trying to aggravate everyone

i know im a noob and i dont know to much about growing

but i feel like the question was simple enough for some who knows what their doing to answer


Going thru the experience is worth more then any of us can tell you...that'll get ur noob label ur puttin on urself squared away :).............well, its been 7 days, so has it pulled thru lol?


its still yellow

it was in m.g

i fucked the pellet up so i put it in a jiffy / perlight mix

but its still yellow and not any better

well its a little better but not much

still got some yellow in it

also growth has not improved either , its practically the same size it was

maybe a 1/2 in taller

i do not water everyday , just every few days after it mostly drys out

this is the best pic i have i just took it

sorry its not any better

thank you all so much for replying
I'd suggest using House & Garden's Root Excellurator on the next watering, that is if you have access to it. 1ml/gal. Works well and helps develop a strong root system.


Kiss My Ring
well, for one; moving it around playing musical media will put a damper on its growing.

if it is still alive after a week, and two transplants, consider it a survivor. good luck.

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