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Please Help!! Out Door Purple Skunk Problems? Lime Green?

Hey Guys whats up, I havent been on here in a few years, but I was hopin I could snatch some peeps advice/help/criticism, what ever I can get, So heres the questions
I realized that these question seem to be for hydro maybe? I dunno so here it is n e ways, Im outdoor in 100 gallons!!
I'll tell u more at the end of the questions!!

How long has this problem been going on? 4 Weeks
Are you growing in a PVC grow tent? (example: Hydrohut or any other non brand tents)No
What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...)100 Gallon grow pots
What STRAIN are you growing? Purple Skunk
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) Clone
What is the age of your plants? 3 months +
How long have they been in there mixture they are in now?(coco,soiless etc..) In Soil Premixed from excavating company, peat moss, 40% perlite, oyster shell, dont remember what manure, n some other stuff that should off been watered down by now?
How tall are the plants? Eye Height in the bags and bout 5 feet across (wide)
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Flowering, 5 weeks according to calender n when i started keeping track
What Technique are you using? Technique? Drain to Waste?
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) Soil n Nutes?
What is the Water temperature? Never Checked
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy? Whitish brownish on the top in which i can see!
What Nutrient's are you using?GH
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* General Hydroponics, Expert chart, I was following the Chart!! Drain to Waste Expert with all the additives, rapid start, diamond nectar, liquid koolbloom, floralicious plus, florablend, floranectar, n calmagic, all on the chart
How often are you feeding? Was feeding twice a week until my problems started,
How often are you giving nutrients? once a week now!!
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? 3 weeks ago
Did you go to straight bloom nutes when you went into bloom or did you keep them on veg nutes for a while? If so how long? No, I Think I went a week too long but dont know?
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect) Micro first into the water, then gro, then bloom, then additives but I cut the Gro off wednesday n i fed 1/2 dose of what the whole chart says!!
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using Dont have Meter??
What is the pH of the "Tank"? I have checked the nutes with a cheap fill the container half way put three drops in n shake to get colors!! Im usually sitting around 7.5-8.0 after mixed up!!
How often are you testing your pH/PPM/EC/TDS?About once every three feedings
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equipment? No
What is your flooding frequency? Um, I let them go dry once a week, n just start to wilt so that i know the soil is drying, i have to work with my garden around my work schedule n the heat outside, so its hard to let them dry out perfectly!
What is your water temps? Im not Sure, I know its cold water going into hot ass black grow bags
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional)I was using Sea Green, 1.5-.05-4.0 in veg july and in the beginning of august, then stopped using it when started flowering, went to GH Expert Drain To Waste Chart ONLY!! and also like i said I just cut off floragro, cuz im 5 weeks into flowering,
How often do you clean your system: example: Flush out water replace with clean water and nutrients? I added florakleen in veg, every other feeding then stopped when i started flowering in the beginning of august, and on the 28th of august i did a straight florakleen Flush mixing 1 tsp per gallon, n ph downed my water to 6.5-7.0 for the flush cuz my waters always so high!! Giving my purples around 8-10 gallons each of that, letting them dry out the whole next day, n then flooding them with probably around 20 gallons each 2!! barely running water to the outside of the bottom of the bags!!
What size bulb are you using? THE HOT ASS SUN, lol
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) During the day in august we had 2 weeks straight of over 105 degrees, n that is also when problems started showing? so i thought they were under fed because of the lime greening n early yellowing.Right Now its 92-99 degrees during the day, n the low at night is 60 degrees!!
Good airflow through the room? Outside yes Ive cleaned out the bottom of plants for good air flow!!
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Is your water HARD or SOFT? Water is ran through Tap a water filter so it has no chlorine!! A Good Filter for growing!!
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?
If using tap water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS of the water right out of the tap? I Dont have a Meter, I should probably get one huh?
If using RO,Distilled,mineral water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS without any additives??
Are you using water from a water softener? I Guess My Filter?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched? I have been pulling the most yellow leaves cuz i cant stand looking at my plants!!
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? I used, Protekk 0-0-3, n caterpillar killer (light dose) in veg, right befor flowering and magic green a few times in the beginning of flowering cuz i was told it would darken them up!!
Are plant's infected with pest's Thrips Only

So heres the deal, my plants like i said started turning lime green in the transition into flowering, I have some 9 foot blue dreams that look beautiful, just a tiny bit of yellowing on the tips but they are ridiculously healthy.. So i mix in 30 gallon drums, n folow the EXPERT DRAIN TO WASTE CHART with all the supplaments, additives, vitamins plus calmagic, etc. when i transitioned into flowering, . Im thinking i pushed them a little longer with the veg state when i noticed they started stretching dramatically, n then switched to the transition which is on the chart 4-4-4, which is in ml..which is grow, micro, then bloom!! then i switched to 1-4-5 , and now im in week 5 which is 1-4-6, and i stopped the floragro completely now cuz micro has as 5 for nitrogen!! I flushed on I think the 28th and didnt feed for 8 days, hoping and thinking that it was enough flush, and then fed 1/2 dose.. minus the flora gro, ive been reading and trying to figure this out but Im super confused and flustered and just dont know

My plants are doing the claw, turning lime green n yellowing badly, and under the leaves are turning red but only under the BIGer water leaves, also my pistils have been slowly browning already, its wierd, the bottom half of the plants are standing up looking healthy but all the problems are on my main colas, the leaves close to the buds are dark green but almost ALL of the water leaves are turning light green n doin the claw!! Im Really confused about frustrated with whats going on, The inside of the plants are REALLY dark green and also the sides that dont get the all day sun still have there dark color, its purple, they should be dark green plants right? like i said, it all started in the super hot 2 weeks we had, I was feeding the purple the same as the Blues, and they just dont seem to be liking life!! I will get pics up this week sometime so u can get a better look also but I could really use and will appreciate any advice, questions, please Help!!!!!

n Heres a link to the schedule i have been following you need adobe to view it, which all of u should already have!



Active member
Just to be sure but did you say your PH is 7.5-8.0??? The 'claw' is over fertilization and dark green is usually, if not always, too much Nitrogen which if they are in flower, you shouldn't be giving them unless they really really need it.
Pictures please........would really help in this situation.
Just from the little I have gleaned off here before having to run out,,,,PH lockout with over fertilization....
Obviously wait for others to reply and once again.. pictures would help immensely!!

Good Luck
Pics update

Pics update

So i got some pics,
the first one is of the plants doin the claw?
second is of the worst looking plant in my garden, yellowing n lime greening the worst!!
third is of how dark my plants should be!!
I dont get it im super confused, i dont think think could be a deficiency, more of a lockout? but i cant figure out of what!! Im feeding wednesday around 6 so any tips on the feeding will be helpful, im cutting off the diamond nectar a little earlier than the chart says, because its supposed to fall of the chart next week, and its is just MORE p-k i dont think im needing!! Plz check em out n let me know what you think!! im 5 n 1/2 weeks in on calendar n i dont want plants to get n e worse than they already look..


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What I can see is that you have 100 gallon pots outdoors and you already gave manure and on top of that you gave the GH program twice a week. On top of that you were as high as 8pH. Your pot size holds enough nutrients for a good couple of weeks with that program even at half strength with such big pots. In my opinion they are being fed too often resulting in over feeding as well as lockouts from the Ph being off. In soil I like a Ph of 6.5ish. Personally I wouldn't use the GH Flora series outdoors and only use it for hydro. If that's all I had to use then I would have fed them once every 2 weeks at half strength. And a Ph of 6.4-6.8.

If you had a tds and Ph meter you could try and test some run off to see where you'll stand but that may be hard cause of how big the pots are. I'm not sure. I'm more interested in the Ph of in the pots being between 6-7 and things should start getting better as well as don't feed so often. I would also look into changing your nutrients to something more organic and more suited for your application.


Active member
DUDE!!!!!!!! First off, why did you wait 4 weeks to report this issue? That's problem 1.
2. read Dumbledore 420's post!!

Way way WAY overfed and the PH of 7-8!!...Soil should be no more than 7...6.3-6.8 are where they 'should' be

Saving grace could and might be, at this point (3 weeks ago would have been better;) ) is to get a PH tester..even an aquarium testing one will do just fine!!! Fill a bucket of water..PH it and then flush your babies....please stop feeding them until they recover.....

<add edit>.....as for the issue with the sun and temps....remember that 'weed' grows all over the world and really thrives in tropical climes....albeit, it should be the 'right' strain but most can handle the sun and heat if gradually exposed to it...

As always, wait for others to reply before running off like a chicken without a head and maybe making the problem worse...
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Thx guys for the advice, im broke as shibby right now and im trying to round up some money for a meter so ph-ing will be easier, i already use a cheap ph tester that is for pools, and I have flushed, about 2 weeks ago, and they have already been showing signs of coming back just slowly, the thing is we use a chlorine filter on our tap and I think that water is around 7.8, my tops if u look at the pic on the left, and on the left the tops of the plants are standing straight out when before every leaf on the plant was curled!! I flushed on the 27th or 28th of last month n since then like i said they got a 1/2 dose, n im out of PH Down now.......... So since im 5 weeks in, do u think I should just keep watering them down, when I flood them i dont have to water for 2 days, no nutes for how long? purple skunk is only a 8 week strain n i shootin for 9 + especially since this happened!!

N yes GH was the nutrients left over from some indoor grows, n its the first time im trying it outdoor n so far, im never using it again!!

Thx again!!


I would sure stop feeding and Ph your water when you give water. 100 gallon pots holds tons of nutes ESP when some of it is locked up due to Ph problems. Sounds like you flushed so just give water. The reason why I said no to GH is because its a salt base nutrient which is probably bad for the outdoor environment. That's why I suggested staying organic. If you were all organic you wouldn't have to worry about the Ph of your water.


Oh and its not the GH that's giving you problems. I love the Flora series. You just don't know how to use it correctly. Feeding charts are not really that great to use and usually result in over feeding.


Active member
The most important thing you can do right now is to pH your water/nute mix down, down, down. If you can't afford pH down, how about white vinegar from the grocery store. A gallon of 5% is pretty cheap. Not the best option, but about as cheap as you can get to my knowledge. Gives a shot of P also. Take your water down to about 6, and if you see improvement, keep doing it. You might take it even lower on the second app., like 5, then go back up to about 6 and stay there. Getting the pH under control may fix your problems by making things available that aren't with pH 8. Good luck. -granger
Hey fellas, im getting shit on lock down finally, i found out my ph runoff is 8.2 soooooooo YYAAAAA im a little high on that, n I got ph down and more florakleen today cuz i finally got money, so i watered with phed water at 6.5 today n tomorrow Im gonna knock it down with the flush at 6.0? n hope It knocks down, im gonna use 15-20 gallons per 100 gallon pot.n thank u all, ill let u know how they look in a few days, like maybe wednesday!! thx again