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big day!

big day!

some big news!...finally got everything i need for my setup...the fan and filter are installed...running on about 70 percent speed and zero smell! better yet...it is very quiet...no louder than my oscillating fan that was in there before...i have culled 13 males...12 yesterday and one today...i will be checking daily...my experimental plant seems to be doing well...i transplanted it yesterday and watered it with some canna a and b...doesnt look much different but certainly no worse...im leaning more and more towards putting them all in pure coco seeing as the "soil" they are in now is about 70 percent coco to begin with...what is most surprising is that the plant did not appear to be root bound at all...im giving them a little bit of water in the am and then in the night...and it seems to be working well...ive backed off giving them any fish fertilizer till i either transplant or they have a little more time to recover...there is still N in the soil b/c i mixed it with worm castings....right now im following the canna feeding chart and the feed/water/feed seems to be working well with the plants in pure coco...anyways...lots of little white hairs are now starting to appear...ill keep you posted...any suggestions would be welcome as i plan to transplant probably by tomorrow...just wanted to see how the experimental plant reacts first!


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Active member
make sure you loosen the rootball when you transplant and you have to start a wet dry cycle again while the roots fill the bag.
flowers finally!

flowers finally!

so in the last few days they all showed flowers...shit everything certainly happens fast...well i made the brave move to put them all in coco instead of in soil...the reason being coco yields more...and after looking at so many coco vs soil threads coco is the clear winner...i ended up with 25 females and 17 males...not bad considering over half are ladies...so now the fun part..the flowers are definetly starting to grow...i realized i was feeding the coco plants way too much canna a and b ...i did some more research and most people feed their plants between 5-7 ml for the entire flowering cycle not the 11.7 like the canna web page suggests...funny enough the 2 shorter plants that started in coco didnt seem to mind heavy feedings..the others have the major cat claw look to the leaves and i dont know how to be rid of it....the transplants seem to be doing ok...its been almost 3 days since i repotted them and they are definetly developing...i them so they are nice and we and am going to wait a few days so they really dry out...whats interesting is that the leaves were all a light green color and after one feeding they are getting much darker ....almost to the color of the plants that were started in the coco...im surprised to say this is much different than outdoor growing...so many more factors...but i really hope to get more than just a couple oz's...and thats why i need everyones help! the light is up to 1000 watts the plants are roughly 20 or so inches away from it...the fan/filter is working wonders...and i hope they continue to grow...my main concerns are...should i feed every day..or feed feed water...or flush them every wk or wet/dry...the problem is there is so many differnent approaches with coco i just cant seem to get a straight answer...i just want a decent amt of bud for all the funds ive sunk into this project so i can give my poor wife some relief from her constant pain....anyways...let me know how you all think they look...if you think they are a total shit mess garbage waste of time thats fine...or if you think i have a chance to harvest some decent bud id love to know! thanks guys!


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Ripped since 1965
Eyes on the prize- you can do it.:biggrin: First off raise the light so the bottom of the bulb is level with the tops of the plants. You can lower it in a few weeks. Yes they look overfed, overwatered but the new growth looks good so forget that old growth. Most defiantly stay at the lower level 5-7ml. Too bad you don't have a ec meter so you could hold it at 1.2ec. Forget flushing. I don't see anything to catch runoff. No biggie you don't need runoff. Maybe every 5 days give them 2.5-3.5 ml. Keep posting piks, people will help you get some meds for your wife. Hold Fast:tiphat:

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