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Ripped since 1965
Wait, what? I have never heard of anyone switching from a bigger pot to a smaller pot because it was too big. How can a pot be too big anyway?

A pot that is "too big" will not create any problems for the plant. A pot that is too small will create lots of problems. A plant that is root bound will negatively affect its health. Plus they won't yield a whole lot either. They tend to grow tall and skinny with small buds and no real side branching. And it's easy to build up nutrients to toxic levels when using smaller pots. Less medium = less buffering ability.

What is the harm of using a pot that is "too big"? What, possibly wasting a tiny bit of soil? Other than that, there is zero negatives to using a bigger pot.
The only time I use 1 gallon pots is for the start of veg and my plants are root bound by the time they are 1 foot tall, so I would never even consider flowering in such a small pot. It doesn't matter if other people have flowered in such small pots, that doesn't make it the right way. Your plant is only as healthy as your root system is (and will only yield as much as the root system allows) so why would you skimp out on such an important part of the plants growth? So you can cram a few extra skimpy little plants under the light? You'd be much better off using bigger pots and less plants. I go for quality, not # of plants.

Ok, anyway... Done with my rant now lol.

You are in the coco forum guy.:biggrin: People grow trees in 1 gal pots of coco. Forget soil and rootbound, think hydro in coco:tiphat:


Lol. My bad. I didn't notice I was in the coco forum (I'm new here lol).

I thought any plant could become root bound if the roots run out of space to grow. I've never used straight coco though, so maybe it has less of an effect on the plants health? Or does it actually stop them from becoming root bound?
If I were using such small pots, I'd use those fabric root pruning pots...

Anyway, sorry guys. I will just keep from posting in the coco forum from now on since I don't have any real first hand experience with straight coco. I've done soil & promix (and other coco/soil blends) & hydro & areo. Never straight coco though. But if it really stops plants from becoming root bound maybe ill have to give it a try...


Ripped since 1965
Lol. My bad. I didn't notice I was in the coco forum (I'm new here lol).

I thought any plant could become root bound if the roots run out of space to grow. I've never used straight coco though, so maybe it has less of an effect on the plants health? Or does it actually stop them from becoming root bound?
If I were using such small pots, I'd use those fabric root pruning pots...

Anyway, sorry guys. I will just keep from posting in the coco forum from now on since I don't have any real first hand experience with straight coco. I've done soil & promix (and other coco/soil blends) & hydro & areo. Never straight coco though. But if it really stops plants from becoming root bound maybe ill have to give it a try...

I haven't seen any of my plants in coco get rootbound. I flower in 2 gal fabric- smarties and root pouch brands. I just chopped 1 a few days ago. 6' tall and had 9 zips on it. Some roots prune themselves but that has little effect on why it doesn't get rootbound. Coco+fabric pot+multiple feeds= Magic:biggrin:
Try it, some straight coco in 2 gal fabric with 3 feeds a day and you'll never go back to soil.:tiphat:


Holy sh*t! 6 foot tall and 9 zips in a 2 gallon pot? Wow. That's crazy man. Those fabric pots make a big difference for me in soil but I couldn't imagine getting anywhere near that in a 2 gallon fabric pot with soil. How much light/wattage?

Lately I've been doing organic super soil with NFTG nutes if needed. How well would organic nutes and methods work in coco? Or would I want to just use more of a synthetic nutrient & feed schedule? I know how to do either so it don't really matter, just curious...
Would I have to water it 3x a day? Does it really dry out that fast? Would once a day work?
How does the end product compare to soil? Is it similar?

Thanks for the info man. Sorry for all the questions but you got me curious now.


Ripped since 1965
Holy sh*t! 6 foot tall and 9 zips in a 2 gallon pot? Wow. That's crazy man. Those fabric pots make a big difference for me in soil but I couldn't imagine getting anywhere near that in a 2 gallon fabric pot with soil. How much light/wattage?

Lately I've been doing organic super soil with NFTG nutes if needed. How well would organic nutes and methods work in coco? Or would I want to just use more of a synthetic nutrient & feed schedule? I know how to do either so it don't really matter, just curious...
Would I have to water it 3x a day? Does it really dry out that fast? Would once a day work?
How does the end product compare to soil? Is it similar?

Thanks for the info man. Sorry for all the questions but you got me curious now.

6 plants around a vert 1k. That plant got too big and wild on me, Critical Mass. I try to keep them around 4'-4.5. No way that girl could have put out on only one watering a day. The rest of my plants can but I do at least 2 watering a day and 3 if I can.
Coco in small pots with multiple feeds a day is the mantra. Set up a dripper to make things easy if you can't do it by hand. 1 feed a day isn't going to make rabbits come out of the hat.:tiphat:
The majority of them are in what id consider.soil....75 percent coco...a bag of.seed starter mix perlite and.worm castings....so the question is wait.till they show.sex or transplant now...need to know tomorrow is the only day I.have time to shop thanks.guys!
tinfoil hat

tinfoil hat

guys is it normal to be as paranoid as i am...i mean nothing happend but since i have a smart meter(one of those with digital numbers)...it seems like every house these days has them....im sooo nervous all the time...if i see cars outside...mind you i live in a neighborhood and its normal for people to park on sidewalks...i get sketched out...i just cant wait till its done and im chopping them down in a few months...im nervous about running 750 watts...now im even more nervous running 1000 when the males are culled..it doesnt stink...there are no light leaks and lights are on during the day...its just every noise and sound i hear makes me jump...just wondering if you guys have felt the same way..im not in a legal state...as im sure most of the growers here are not on...just wondering that is 600-1000 watts considered high...i have all cfl bulbs in my house...dont use the dryer and only have one tv...so im pretty conservative about energy usage...no one knows...plus i live a normal life and people know me as that every day guys who works a normal job monday thru friday...any imput to help calm my nerves would be great thanks!

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
As far as wattage ur way good. No worries there. Ive had friends run 4k watts with all the bells and whistles, no ac cause of winter but they were fine. I personally think that if u need ac and dehuey about 2 to 3k watts is as far as id go in a regular house setting.

Sounds like its time to search for a anti anxiety strain. Im trying flo, and vanilluna for said effects.
Man I so.wish I.could...but cannot bc my job drug tests...trying to find a new one in a med friendly state this.is for my wife who suffers from chrons


He crazy dont be so crazy :) portable heat lamp 1200 watts. 1 fish tank (reef) 400 to 800 watts. Any combo and your at 2000w. Smells a big 1 for u soo just watch that n your good to go. Also loss lips sink ships. B safe.
and yes in the beginnig some most of us got a little wierd too.
hey guys...fan and filter came today! all 6 inches...just waiting for my speed controler and 1 gal. grow bags which will be here at the end of the wk! smell isnt really much of a problem...just a little stinky when i walk in the room...but no more than if u just burned one...but this way its here just in time for the flowering to start...plus i wont even be running it on full blast...at least in the beginning...today i flushed my plants with just water...since they were starting to get the bear claw look from too much N...when would you guys recommend switching to bloom ferts? stilll really no sign of sex but its been 5 days since i switched to 12/12...i also was thinking of doing an experiment and switching one of the soil plants to coco once the 1 gal bags come...if this works...im thinking of switching the medium on all the soil ones if it goes well...im very impressed with the growth of coco...anyways...ill post pics tomorrow...thanks for all the help!
also i was impressed that the fan on full blast was about as loud as a hair dryer...but you could really feel it pushing the air....im gonna use insulated ducting and bungee cords to hang it as well as the carbon filter...then the floor fan will be pushing the air right up and through...


Dont transplant if your already flowering ... your gonna be causing extra stress ...when it needs to be fucusing on setting up budsites.
droopy sad plants

droopy sad plants

hey guys...so after flushing them with straight water to try and get rid of the bear claw leaves...its looks like some of them still have it and some of them look really droopy...some though look pretty good...last night my 4 biggest coco plants- the tops were literally flopped over and limp...i experimented and gave all my coco plants a light watering of bloom ferts this time...since there is no N in it...and they tops literally perked right back up after about 20 mins...so here are my questions...when do i start feeding bloom ferts ...everything ive read says not until 2 wks after flowering has started....tomorrow i will be at one week...also...do they look like they are dying...and how do i get rid of the curled bear claw look of the leaves...for the soil plants i wondered if they are drooping due to being over watered...although the soil is about 70 percent coco with plenty of perlite for drainage...a few of them are showing a little ball looking thing by the stipule...but i cant yet honestly tell if they are male or female yet...any idea when they really might start to show? thanks guys!


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I think they may have perked right up like that because they were drooping from lack of water. I don't think it had anything to do with adding bloom ferts. They looked like they were allowed to dry out too much from what I can tell from the pics. Any type of water (with or without ferts) would have done that same thing.


Active member
i don't know what your plans are, but if you plan on transplanting, now would be a good time. your leaves for the majority are showing overwater symptoms. in those little ass pots i doubt it. i think whats happening is it looks like overwatering because the roots are dying off a significant amount everytime you let them get really dry like that. it was fine in the beginning. but by now those cups are full of roots. you can't be letting em dry out like that. when they dry out the roots die a little, when you water again those dead roots don't resuscitate they stay dead and new roots have to grow. if you let the pots dry out again then you add more issues to the mix.

at this stage for those big plants in comparably tiny pots you either need to stay on top of the watering. multiple tiny waterings to keep it at a certain level of moist in the "soil"(coco whatever) mix. you should take some pictures of the nodes if you're having trouble identifying sex. but if they're been on 12/12 for over a week and i recall you saying you though one was sexing last time i was in here.

you should have seen sex on something by now if nothing else the first one you mentioned a couple of weeks back.
hey all...so literally 1 week from the day i started flowering- checked them this morning and alas flowers have shown!...ill post some pics later today...i pulled 12 males in total...they all had the clusters of balls right by the stipule...even many of the females are showing 2 little white hairs!....5 out of 9 coco plants were male and the rest had white hairs...so not too bad..just a little over 50 percent....the other 7 were soil plants...having 12 fewer plants definetly freed up some space...i should have my 1 gal. bags here today so i can transplant...i have been giving the soild plants just a little water to keep them moist and the plants seem to be doing a little better from it...id really like to put them in coco...is that doable at this stage or a bad idea? please let me know...thanks again guys