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Please help me with my DWC Blue Cheese. Leaves yellowing and sagging.


Active member
Hello all,
All of my plants in my room are doing well except for one of them. The leaves are starting to yellow and feel soggy to the touch and they are sagging. I lost another plant that looked similar to this the other day too. Can someone help?

5 Gallon DWC

How long has this problem been going on? 3 days
Are you growing in a PVC grow tent? (example: Hydrohut or any other non brand tents) No
What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...) DWC (5 gallon bucket)
What STRAIN are you growing? Barneys Farm Blue Cheese
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) Seed
What is the age of your plants? 2 months
How long have they been in there mixture they are in now?(coco,soiless etc..) 33 days
How tall are the plants? 26"
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Flower
What Technique are you using? Plant was topped once and put into DWC
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) 2" RockWool and hydroton
What is the Water temperature? 69 degrees F
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy? Roots are white to tan but not slimy.
What Nutrient's are you using?(If growing soiless) Technaflora boost, bloom and awesome blossom.
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* 4 tsp Boost / 4 gal, 4 tsp Bloom / 4 gal, 4 tsp Awesome Blossom / 4 gal
How often are you feeding? (If using soiless) Change res every 7-10 days.
How often are you giving nutrients? (If using soiless) everytime I change res
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? Day 1 Flower
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect) Boost then Bloom then Awesome Blossom
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? 850 PPM
What is the pH of the "Tank"? 5.6 but it got to 5.0 for a few days
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? Yes
When was your last watering? n/a
What is your water temps? 69F
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional) Today
How often do you clean your system: example: Flush out water replace with clean water and nutrients? Every 7-10 days
What size bulb are you using? 1000 HPS
What is the distance to the canopy? 18"
What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)? 50%
What is the canopy temperature? 70 F
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) 70 F Day, 60 F night
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) 200 cfm
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? just fans blowing around
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? at some of the bottoms
Is your water HARD or SOFT? Hard
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? Tap
Are you using water from a water softener? No
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched? No
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? No
Are plant's infected with pest's? No


Dr. Doolittle
Just need a little more nitrogen, this happens in flowering, if your 2 weeks away from harvest let them naturally yellow as this is a natural process of the plant.


Active member
Just need a little more nitrogen, this happens in flowering, if your 2 weeks away from harvest let them naturally yellow as this is a natural process of the plant.

The leaves are wilting and drooping like the plant is going to die. It has plenty of N in my feed and should not be doing this at all. Anyone know what is going on?


Active member
Well no one seems to know but I'm thinking that this problem happened when my pH got too low. I have her on a flush now and we'll see what happens.
I was gonna say, if it's not the (N) then look to the pH. Stitch could be right, but because of the swing in pH the (N) became unavailable. Anyway, nice looking grow, best of luck!

*I'm no pro.


Active member
I was gonna say, if it's not the (N) then look to the pH. Stitch could be right, but because of the swing in pH the (N) became unavailable. Anyway, nice looking grow, best of luck!

*I'm no pro.

I was thinking the same thing about my pH swings locking out the N. Hopefully things will look better tonight. Thanks for your help guys!


Active member
The plant in question seems to be doing a little better today so I have to assume it was due to my pH getting too low. Thanks for the help! I told myself to just flush her but I'm always thinking someone will tell me something else. Hydrogen Peroxide always pops in the back of my mind when this happens but not sure why.
Your roots look like they're hurting a bit. I would consider using aluminum tape on the orange bucket. There is a chance that the light is penetrating the bucket and causing some root issues.
I would have been more inclined to agree with Stitch if you hadn't said that you lost a plant in similar fashion. The pH swing is the most obvious suspect. The reason that you keep thinking of H2O2 is two-fold: First, to cut down on possible pathogens in the water; Second, to further oxygenate the nute mix. Which brings me to another question -- are you sure that your pump/airstone combo is doing the trick? That just doesn't seem like a very big root mass given the overall size of the plant.

Last but not least, all blueberry strains are relatively finicky, and the blue cheese is the most finicky of the lot. I grew it in a setup with 3 or 4 other varieties, and it always shed the most foliage. But the yellowing, browning and curling of the water leaves never seemed to affect the final yield, which always surprised me.

Good luck. Hope it's as simple as pH.


Active member
Your roots look like they're hurting a bit. I would consider using aluminum tape on the orange bucket. There is a chance that the light is penetrating the bucket and causing some root issues.

Yeah I really need to paint the buckets and will on the next run.

I would have been more inclined to agree with Stitch if you hadn't said that you lost a plant in similar fashion. The pH swing is the most obvious suspect. The reason that you keep thinking of H2O2 is two-fold: First, to cut down on possible pathogens in the water; Second, to further oxygenate the nute mix. Which brings me to another question -- are you sure that your pump/airstone combo is doing the trick? That just doesn't seem like a very big root mass given the overall size of the plant.

Last but not least, all blueberry strains are relatively finicky, and the blue cheese is the most finicky of the lot. I grew it in a setup with 3 or 4 other varieties, and it always shed the most foliage. But the yellowing, browning and curling of the water leaves never seemed to affect the final yield, which always surprised me.

Good luck. Hope it's as simple as pH.

I have the biggest air stones that the grow shop had and a really strong air pump so I don't believe this is an issue. You are correct that the root mass is small but that is because it went from Ebb and Flow in Veg and then I transferred them to DWC when they went into flowering. That's good that the shedding of the leaves didn't affect the yields. I'll look forward to that!


Dr. Doolittle
Bloom ferts for cannabis, the ones your using right now normally do not supply enough for the stage of flowering your in.

Not to mention the pH going down for a few days and back up, if the pH was the problem it would have corrected itself and stop spreading by now....

Your npk ratio of Nitrogen on the ferts your using are not over 2, not all combined.
Also if the pH was the problem, there would be showing other ill effects too if the pH was still off....

Also when you switch a plant to a different system, they have to change the way they absorb nutes.

When you take a DWC plant and put it into soil, you have to spread the roots out before putting it in there..... ebb and flow roots do not sit in water..... they have to adapt, but not saying this is the problem, just saying for reference in case you did not know this.


Active member
Bloom ferts for cannabis, the ones your using right now normally do not supply enough for the stage of flowering your in.

Not to mention the pH going down for a few days and back up, if the pH was the problem it would have corrected itself and stop spreading by now....

Your npk ratio of Nitrogen on the ferts your using are not over 2, not all combined.
Also if the pH was the problem, there would be showing other ill effects too if the pH was still off....

Also when you switch a plant to a different system, they have to change the way they absorb nutes.

When you take a DWC plant and put it into soil, you have to spread the roots out before putting it in there..... ebb and flow roots do not sit in water..... they have to adapt, but not saying this is the problem, just saying for reference in case you did not know this.

I'm sorry but this is so wrong. I'm using Technaflora Boost which has a NPK ratio of 3-0-2 and Bloom which has a NPK ratio of 1-4-7. There is plenty of Nitrogen in this and that is why all my other plants are perfectly green except for 1. The pH was definetely the problem and that's why the spreading has stopped. I also know that plants have to adjust when put into different systems but thanks for the advise. I would understand what you were saying if all my plants looked bad but it was only 1. Thank you though for your help!


Dr. Doolittle
the 2 was a typo, I looked up your nutes on the site before I posted,
is this the part you were talking about that I Was wrong on?

I said

if the pH was the problem it would have corrected itself and stop spreading by now....
You said early in your posts it was spreading, I can only go by the information you tell us, otherwise anything I say is not worth it.

If you said it was not spreading, then I would have said the pH was a problem.......

You said in your post

The leaves are starting to yellow and feel soggy to the touch and they are sagging. I lost another plant that looked similar to this the other day too. Can someone help?
So we had a miscomunication...... sorry about that the way you worded your post is that it was spreading.

I have seen people use higher N nutes and not have enough, but it also depends on the amount used and weather or not your using it by the directions.

The amount if I remember correctly, I will double check.... that they want you to use more, so when you do not use the amount they tell you, you end up cutting a lot of nitrogen out as well as the rest of the nutes......

important thing though is its fine and fixed!
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Active member
the 2 was a typo, I looked up your nutes on the site before I posted,
is this the part you were talking about that I Was wrong on?

I said

if the pH was the problem it would have corrected itself and stop spreading by now....
You said early in your posts it was spreading, I can only go by the information you tell us, otherwise anything I say is not worth it.

If you said it was not spreading, then I would have said the pH was a problem.......

Miscomunication...... sorry about that

Yeah just a miscommunication. I know you know what you're talking about usually but you know with the 3 part nutes there's plenty of N in them unless you take away the boost and micro. Plant is doing well now once I got the pH to 5.6. Peace!


Dr. Doolittle
. sorry about that the way you worded your post is that it was spreading.

I have seen people use higher N nutes and not have enough, but it also depends on the amount used and weather or not your using it by the directions.

The amount if I remember correctly, I will double check.... that they want you to use more, so when you do not use the amount they tell you, you end up cutting a lot of nitrogen out as well as the rest of the nutes......

important thing though is its fine and fixed!

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