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Please help me, i cant remember the word/phrase


Prometheus, who repeatedly outsmarted Zeus at his own game, is usually synonymous with foresight. Promethean is the adjective from that. Epimetheus, his brother, is used to represent hindsight.

Pericles was the leader of Athens during its Golden Age and occasionally you'll see the word Periclean applied to a great leader.

The Delphic oracle and Delphic sybil were given the gift of prophecy, i.e. foresight, and Cassandra was someone who received the gift of prophecy along with the curse that her prophecies would never be believed.

The gods lived on Mount Olympus and got to take in the whole of human endeavor from their privileged, omniscient vantage point, which is sometimes called the Olympian view.

Do any of these match what you're trying to think of?


Prometheus, who repeatedly outsmarted Zeus at his own game, is usually synonymous with foresight. Promethean is the adjective from that. Epimetheus, his brother, is used to represent hindsight.

JACKPOT :tiphat:

on a tangent, has anyone ever seen any of those TTC videos on Demonoid? They are essentially lectures from 'the experts' about many subject matters, but most are about history, and if your into a particular subject matter, they can be really good.