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Please Help, I need some serious advice. (pH, Deficiency,?? ) Cant figure it out.

Please help me out here. i have been struggling with this issue for over 2 weeks now. i dont know what to do now.

Here are all the pictures first, then my questionarre, then my own description.







purple bubbleberry




How long has this problem been going on?3-4 weeks
What STRAIN are you growing?blueberry skunk, Ice, PPurple bubbleberry
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)rooted clones
What is the age of your plants?6 or 7 weeks
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? since rooting
Were they in the same mixture when they were seedlings/smaller plant? If not, what mixture were they in before?aero-cloner
How Tall are the plants?14-18 inches
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?veg
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)future scrog, no training yet. just growing naturally
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)i think they are about 3/4 gallon?
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)im pretty sure its plain FF ocean forest
What brand Nutrient's are you using?first, compost teas made with EWC and molasses, and liquid karma, then and now fox farm grow big, also some ca/mg and lime were given in small amounts.
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? fed teas full strength, ff grow big at 1/4 tsp per gallon, only fed once. and one foliar feed with 1/8 tsp/gal strength (at about 150-200 ppm*Knowing the brand is very helpful*
How often are you feeding? fed teas twice when i got the plants. and grow big was fed once, a few days after flushing
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?--
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)--
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?distilled water 0 ppm, teas at about 130ppm, grow big and cal mag fed at 200 ppm
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?during first flush, 800-1000! now it comes out around 200-250 when distilled goes in, and around 420-500 when feeding with a ~200ppm solution
How often are you testing pH/ppm/EC/TDS? alot lately. testing all solution fed, and all runoff. was not before first flush
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?ding dang pH indicator drops. i know. a good pH/EC pen will be here roughly tomorrow from the interweb ordering service.
How often are you watering? when the pot is obviously lightweight and the soil is dry both by feeling under surface and by lifting pot. also just when plants begin to show the thirsty droop. ive grown a few plants and know better than to overwater. i just wonder how my major flush could have caused similar symptoms.
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?fed two plants last watering, 3rd plant hasnt dried yet to feed
What size bulb are you using? 600w hortilux
How old is your bulbs? 1 month
What is the distance to the canopy?24-32 inches
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)30-45 %
What is the canopy temperature?~70 F
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)not sure, i dont have a digital thermometer in there. i doubt it is more than 10 degrees though. that would seem alot even.
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)at least one full exchange per minute
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? air comes in through return duct filter/ light trap box at bottom of homemade panda film tent. small oscilating fan moving air and providing "wind" for the plants on the floor. 150 or so CFM inline 4" fan pulling through carbon filter, and hood. then pushing air out into adjacent room through 4" ducting. it provides plenty of ventilation and cooling, and runs constant.
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?the small oscillating fan blows at the plants pots and most of the plants
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? ususally moister, it stays a bit more moist than i would want, then dries quick and gets watered. i wished there were more perlite in the mix but its not terrible. no its not always wet.
Is your water HARD or SOFT?hard from the tap, and alkaline. ive switched to distilled water since noticing a problem soon after watering with bubbled tap water at ph at least 8
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? distilled nowWell water? Distilled? Mineral Water?
If using tap water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS of the water right out of the tap?(Only if you have a tds pen)
If using RO,Distilled,mineral water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS without any additives?(Only if you have a tds pen) 0 ppm
Are you using water from a water softener?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?no
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?there is one yellow sticky pest strip in one plants pot. no bugs on it.
Are plant's infected with pest's?none that i have seen. i looked good, and i know what most of the little buggers look like

Here is my story.
I got some plants from my caregiver.
I bring them home and feed them with compost tea from the local store to get the biology rolling.
Next watering is a homemade compost tea i made from EWC, molasses, liquid karma, and a pinch of mexican bat guano, and Tap Water...
the tap water went in above pH 8, and the brewing process brought it to barely below pH 8. i fed with this because it was at least closer to where the pH should be. I dont know the TDS of this mix.

After this, problems kept showing up. I soon after switched to Distilled water, which had a pH of just over 6. I first felt like i had shocked the plants with the highly alkaline watering before. so i started using plain distilled water to bring the pH down. I started noticing improvements, but then it seemed like a deficiency/ lockout/ burn type of problem.
leave edges rolling upwards, and some spotting and necrosis on the fan leaf tips.
Next to develop was a lighter green appearance near all the growing tip regions. and the stems and leaf stems were all purple at this point. the new growth's stems were still light green, but soon turned purple after.

I did a flush with the distilled water, and borrowed a TDS pen.
The Largest, bbs,was at around 500. not too bad i thought, but i still flushed it some, to around 200.
the second, seeing most problems then, and still.. Ice, came out at 900ppm. i thought that was way high and also flushed it until it came out around 180-200.
same with the 3rd plant. it was around 500-700 and i flushed it to around 200.
Since they dried out from the flush a week ago, i have given them a small watering of a new compost tea, made with distilled water and pH of 6-7. also 130ish ppm.
then i fed the first two plants with a light grow big mixed with ca/mg. feeding solution was around 200, and runoff around 450.
since then, the biggest plant has been curling leaves down badly.

it seems like all plants are doing it at the growing tips.
they have a slight twist to them, and they are lighter than they should be, with the slightest little burn on the tipp.

Any Ideas?!?!?!?
ok. im pretty sure this is not over watering. it might look like it since i dumped about a gallon of water through each pot. i let them dry out completely before i water.
and i was seeing problems before the flush, hence why i flushed.

also, when i do go to water, what should i use??? plain distilled? distilled with some ca/mg?? or a light feeding, and what sort of concentration?

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Over fed ...... bleaching from the inside out = over feeding

Bleaching from the outside in = under feeding


heya thcrefugee,

cal/mag and lime?? why? too much calcium locks out magnesium. and too much magnesium locks out calcium and phosphorus.

the curl... are your root zone temps getting below 65* at night? Cold roots will cause a plant to curl down like that.

I would just keep watering with distilled water no ferts until the issues clear up.


Señor Member
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? since rooting

check the root ball IMO with a re-pot you'll solve all the problems.......
heya thcrefugee,

cal/mag and lime?? why? too much calcium locks out magnesium. and too much magnesium locks out calcium and phosphorus.

the curl... are your root zone temps getting below 65* at night? Cold roots will cause a plant to curl down like that.

I would just keep watering with distilled water no ferts until the issues clear up.

I mixed in a 1/4 tsp of lime to 1 gal distilled water, i used this at one point, since it appeared as a possible ca/mg deficiency, also to help stabilize the pH in the soil some, possibly.
I also have some Ca-nitrate, and some Mg-sulfate, for mixing to supplement ca/ mg when using RO/ or distilled water.
these were given at different times.

Also, i felt like using distilled water for too long would be hurting the plants in some way. is it a bad idea to try very low concentration feedings every third watering?

What is a good runoff ppm for soil for me now?
im seeing around 200ppm runoff right now, using distilled water going in.

Thanks for your helps.
Please offer more if anyone else reads this and has opinions.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I would have flushed that plant. N toxicity will also cause leaf curl. The plant looks locked out to me. Flush 200ppm is a bit low for that size plant 500ppm is good with a PH of 6.5. Looks pretty bad from here. Let the soil dry then feed with 500ppm until recovered..
Thank you!

that is the answer im looking for. Im pretty positive its locked out for one reason or another.. pH or [salts]
so should i water with a baseline 500ppm fox farm grow big, pH adjusted to ~6.5, Every watering?
Or should i do this every Feed? as in water, water, feed, etc.
and keep watering with distilled plain?

Also, what do i want to see my soil runoff at?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
no flush it with tap water. Use 1g of 500ppm 6.5 leave it be. Let it dry out 3 days.. You can let the PH swing 6.3-6.8... I feed every watering. I do not follow the directions on the bottle.You can use your RO water here. All RO water needs epson salts or cal/mag added. There is a nutrient line where you dont need to do this but I cant remember it. I use 1/2-3/4 stregth of PBP with Canna pk 13/13 later in flower that it...
no flush it with tap water. Use 1g of 500ppm 6.5 leave it be. Let it dry out 3 days.. You can let the PH swing 6.3-6.8... I feed every watering. I do not follow the directions on the bottle.You can use your RO water here. All RO water needs epson salts or cal/mag added. There is a nutrient line where you dont need to do this but I cant remember it. I use 1/2-3/4 stregth of PBP with Canna pk 13/13 later in flower that it...

So i flush with a gallon of 500ppm 6.5 Nutrient solution? my tap water is normally around 150ppm, and pH of 8+
So you mean to take aerated tap water and add my grow nutrient until i reach 500ppm, and then pH this to 6.5

then continue to feed with this, every single watering?

joe fresh

Active member
don't water until the root ball dries out



joe fresh

Active member
DO NOT FLUSH, you plants roots are rotting right now, let them dry out...they will regenerate on their own...follow my instructions above, use an enzyme if you like to help the roots along and maybe a rooting product, but dont doo this untill you have let the pot dry out...

by overwatering you alter the soil ph, and strip the soil of any nutes...if you flush then they will rot for sure

joe fresh

Active member
Thank you!

that is the answer im looking for. Im pretty positive its locked out for one reason or another.. pH or [salts]
so should i water with a baseline 500ppm fox farm grow big, pH adjusted to ~6.5, Every watering?
Or should i do this every Feed? as in water, water, feed, etc.
and keep watering with distilled plain?

Also, what do i want to see my soil runoff at?

if your looking for a specific answer then why ask the question, you will wait till someone says what you wanna hear?

check runoff of soil, if the EC is less that 4 and the ph between 5.6 and 7 then you are fine but over watering...

if EC is over 4 garanteed over feed...if the ph is under 5.6 then garanteed over feed...

but im sure its overwatering...



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You can transplnt to a biger pot then flush with tap water add 1g of 500ppm @6.3 ph at the end of the flush. Let that sit for 3 days or until the soil has dryed. Then start feeding normaly. If your in flower keep it low until you see the plant recover 500ppm @ 6.3-6.8. Every time you mix up a new batch change the PH from what you used before. I start @6.3 I use it mix up a new batch @ 6.5 then 6.8 and back to 6.3... I also see a cal/mag defiency. Dont for get to pick up some cal/mag for the RO or you could mix RO with tap water. If you did a flush already dont do it again. Thats why she is so droppy if you did. Let her dry then start feeding 500 up to 1000ppm in flower

So i flush with a gallon of 500ppm 6.5 Nutrient solution? my tap water is normally around 150ppm, and pH of 8+
So you mean to take aerated tap water and add my grow nutrient until i reach 500ppm, and then pH this to 6.5

then continue to feed with this, every single watering?


I mixed in a 1/4 tsp of lime to 1 gal distilled water, i used this at one point, since it appeared as a possible ca/mg deficiency, also to help stabilize the pH in the soil some, possibly.
I also have some Ca-nitrate, and some Mg-sulfate, for mixing to supplement ca/ mg when using RO/ or distilled water.
these were given at different times.

Also, i felt like using distilled water for too long would be hurting the plants in some way. is it a bad idea to try very low concentration feedings every third watering?

What is a good runoff ppm for soil for me now?
im seeing around 200ppm runoff right now, using distilled water going in.

Thanks for your helps.
Please offer more if anyone else reads this and has opinions.

Hammerhead said nitrogen toxicity can cause this curl, calcium nitrate has nitrogen in it... too much nitrogen will also lock out potassium.
thcrefugee you are getting some great advise in this thread. by some of the better growers on IC.

rain water is distilled by mother nature.

i think joe fresh has hit the nail on the head with this one. over watering was the initial issue starting 3-4 weeks ago and over time the over-watering has caused all the nutrient deficiency symptoms.

you can buy a soil moisture meter at most home improvement stores for around $5, then all you do is water when the meter is in the red.

good luck with your ladies.
let us know how things are going.

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