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Please help...hurry



Maybe -

This will work for you for this short round and quick grow that you're planning. Go for it and get the seeds wet NOW. You're running out of time! FULL sun all day will help you out alot - any shade for any of the day is only going to slow you down.

Might I highly suggest, for the future, that you read the beginner organically sticky. Spend some time reading and asking questions. You'll be so glad you did.

I'm glad to hear you didn't go the GH bottle route. You're a perfect candidate for organics - it's easy, it's inexpensive and it works oh so much better than any bottle ever did. Your buds will come out much nicer than hydro bottled buds.

Sure, you can use Fox Farms and for what you're doing it'll be just fine - it's just that you (anyone) can do SO much better, with SO much better results.

Good luck.



Gone but NOT forgotten...
The childrenz is throwing that neg rep around again because they don't (or can't) deal with the facts...happens all the time really. Some peoples kidz....



The childrenz is throwing that neg rep around again because they don't (or can't) deal with the facts...happens all the time really. Some peoples kidz....

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Stan the Man -

Like it matters *lol*

I find it absolutely ludicrous the amount of really bad information floating around the Internet. It only takes one person that has no idea how to garden spreading a useless piece of information; a new grower on a forum reads it, takes it for truth and then in turn passes this useless piece of information on to others and before you know it there's 10 million people who think that flushing is a sound and standard practice and that it really benefits them - they actually believe it and won't listen to reason because everyone else is doing it - so it must be true.

Then there's "trying to change the pH of an organic soil", or "Fox Farm is organic" or "don't bring in soil from outside unless you sterilize it"... It goes on and on.

I guess at least it gives me something to snicker at.




I was referring to thier bottled nutrients Maybe. I believe that out of all of them, only thier "big bloom"? or something like that is actually listed as organic. I apologize, I'm not sure about thier soil - but I think it is, or very close. I don't believe they put chem ferts in it.

Sorry about the confusion.



Big Bloom is labeled organic - that's the only liquid product from United Compost & Fertilizer - excuse me - Fox Farms that is organic.

Their Happy Frog is labeled organic but not their FFOF, LW, et al.

Pretty tough to come up with a f*cking potting soil which can't be registered 'organic' since 80% of the base materials are 'approved for organic food production' i.e. peat moss and almost any aeration amendment.

Tough indeed but obviously easily handled by these guys.......


I'd think it'd be hard as hell to make a soil that isn't organic!

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