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Please Help Diagnose Sick Plant in Budding Cycle


I don't know but i dont think so. I know lime is whats needed to stablize ph. you may want to post over over in the organic section. i bet you will get ur answers there. let us know.


Sounds good. Never been able to find dolomite lime in any of my garden stores guess I better get some over the internet.


Active member
Growth has slowed down considerably. I flushed her out 3 days ago and the pot is still heavy with water, normally it would have been light by now, so now there's also the possibility of root rot.


Plants not drinking is one sign of Root Aphids, or other root issues, which would fit in with your other problems.
Your PPM @ 2500 is way too high.
Pull plant from pot and inspect roots with a loupe and bright light.
Be patient. Look for movement.


Neither do I, but in this case it might actually help the situation. I just don't know.

If leave it I might have nothing by harvest, so I have nothing to lose. I also found that crushed oyster shells plus epsom salts is a good substitute for dolomite lime. I can get the shells from my gardening center and I have epsom salts.

I'm going to mix a new batch of soil tomorrow. equal parts compost and perlite and a few tbs of crushed oyster shells. I don't want to complicate things. Then I'll resume feeding with my bloom 0-10-10 fertilizer, maybe a small amount of nitrogen fertz?

@RetroGrow- if I see movement in the root mass, that's aphids? Anything that can be done about that?


Neither do I, but in this case it might actually help the situation. I just don't know.

If leave it I might have nothing by harvest, so I have nothing to lose. I also found that crushed oyster shells plus epsom salts is a good substitute for dolomite lime. I can get the shells from my gardening center and I have epsom salts.

I'm going to mix a new batch of soil tomorrow. equal parts compost and perlite and a few tbs of crushed oyster shells. I don't want to complicate things. Then I'll resume feeding with my bloom 0-10-10 fertilizer, maybe a small amount of nitrogen fertz?

@RetroGrow- if I see movement in the root mass, that's aphids? Anything that can be done about that?

it could be something else. i have what i think r springtails and i am in straight perlite. just because you see something moving dont assume its aphids. a good trick i found was to cut a potato in half and stick it in the soil next to the stem root down. if something is down there they will be over the potato in 3-4 hours.


I guess I'll find out tomorrow. My grow room is fucking spotless if I have some shit in there they came in with the compost.

Damn, stress test, that looks very familiar.


Active member
i didn't read through the rest of the thread only till the bottom of page one. forgive me.

nitrogen deficiency.
ph is pretty low for soil, but so far i only see nitrogen deficiency.
if its only day 26 of flower then why are you saying it is too late for this plant? will it explode soon? none of my plants ever do that. just feed it more nitrogen and call it a day. come back and let us know how your plant is doing in 2 weeks.


i didn't read through the rest of the thread only till the bottom of page one. forgive me.

nitrogen deficiency.
ph is pretty low for soil, but so far i only see nitrogen deficiency.
if its only day 26 of flower then why are you saying it is too late for this plant? will it explode soon? none of my plants ever do that. just feed it more nitrogen and call it a day. come back and let us know how your plant is doing in 2 weeks.

No, I don't think it'll explode, but I've lost a lot of foliage due to this deficiency and it's spreading to the buds. If I lose the buds then what's the point of it all? I plan on feeding her nitrogen. Would it be a good idea to mix equal parts 5-1-1 and 0-10-10?


did you post this in organic section. i really would if i was you. those guys will know what to do. somebody will take you under their wing and help. in the infirmary u have a hodgepodge of growers with different backgrounds. i usually do not spend that much time here but i got caught up in a few threads.


No, it hasn't been posted in the organic section.

How would I go about doing that, just start a new thread and post a link to this thread? or Start a brand new thread and basically describe everything from scratch?


i would start a new thread and condense everything. i think they will know whats up right away. you need someone like wrongwrong, but someone will stay around till the end. you will find them over there.


Active member
just copy paste. im sure they'll tell you the same, if you read the plant it tells all. salt buildup and overfert would show definite burning and spotting, leaves would wilt etc. ph is low but not too bad, i would find out why your soil is so acidic. are you ph adjusting up your tap water before watering the soil or down? if the tap water is high in ph just add more or don't ph down to 7 before you water and the runoff should come out higher. i usually find the healthiest plants are running off to around 6.5-7 range. too high above 7 and i usually see clawing from over nitrogen and if it goes much below 6 i see mag def and p and k pop up over night.

all i see on your plant is nitrogen def. but seek other opinions before making a decision, at the end of the day you are the only one who can see and touch the plants and decide what's best.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Do a deep close root inspection but to me looks like a MG def.
Epson Salts, 10grs per gallon of water, usually solves that problem to me.
I would pull out all the more affected leaves, they are a "door" to all kinds of nasties.
And that way you would be able to see the difference between the new and old growth more clearly.
I hope it all turns ok for your girl


just copy paste. im sure they'll tell you the same, if you read the plant it tells all. salt buildup and overfert would show definite burning and spotting, leaves would wilt etc. ph is low but not too bad, i would find out why your soil is so acidic. are you ph adjusting up your tap water before watering the soil or down? if the tap water is high in ph just add more or don't ph down to 7 before you water and the runoff should come out higher. i usually find the healthiest plants are running off to around 6.5-7 range. too high above 7 and i usually see clawing from over nitrogen and if it goes much below 6 i see mag def and p and k pop up over night.

all i see on your plant is nitrogen def. but seek other opinions before making a decision, at the end of the day you are the only one who can see and touch the plants and decide what's best.

The water form my tap is 6.5. I adjust it to 7 before watering. Runoff is definitely coming out lower, at 5.5 but it's been slowing creeping up.

I foliar fed with an epsom salt treatment last night. I'm just waiting for her to use up all the water in the pot before my next watering which will also have epsom salts.

I'm still debating whether or not to do a transplant. It kind of scares me because I'm a newbie and I could easily kill the plant, but on the other hand, if this shit spreads to the buds might as well be game over.

paulo73, I've been pulling out all the affected leaves man. She was so lush compared to now.

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