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please help, days away from flowering, my girls look like hell.



Well, here we go, had some heat issues originally, temps creeping around 92 but i got that under control, peaking at 86 now with RH of 40%. I am feeding GH floralicios grow, florabloom, floramicro and floragrow and coming to 1000ppm. Ratio Roughly its 2-6-2-1 respectively and in that order. We ae about 8 weeks into veg and ready to flip and go to flower but recently ive seen some banding on my soils. Ive got some OG and some Headband, both in soil and in rock whool (flood and drain), the hydro girls look beautiful, and the headbands that are in soil are nice and bushy, dark green and full canopy, ready to go, its the Soil OG that is giving me a headache, they are in 3.5gallon buckets with foxfarm potting mix, rooted from clone in rockwool to this substrate. we feed roughly every 36hrs, just a "splash" enough to soak the soil. Pesticides were applied on saturday at "night". The girls are a looking healthy except for some heavy banding in the older leaves. Pics below.

PLease help!

thank you


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"easy growing type"
Well, here we go, had some heat issues originally, temps creeping around 92 but i got that under control, peaking at 86 now with RH of 40%. I am feeding GH floralicios grow, florabloom, floramicro and floragrow and coming to 1000ppm. Ratio Roughly its 2-6-2-1 respectively and in that order. We ae about 8 weeks into veg and ready to flip and go to flower but recently ive seen some banding on my soils. Ive got some OG and some Headband, both in soil and in rock whool (flood and drain), the hydro girls look beautiful, and the headbands that are in soil are nice and bushy, dark green and full canopy, ready to go, its the Soil OG that is giving me a headache, they are in 3.5gallon buckets with foxfarm potting mix, rooted from clone in rockwool to this substrate. we feed roughly every 36hrs, just a "splash" enough to soak the soil. Pesticides were applied on saturday at "night". The girls are a looking healthy except for some heavy banding in the older leaves. Pics below.

PLease help!

thank you
Hi MasterChef, Did they look like this on Fiday? Just wondering if this happened after the pesticide. A pH of 6.3 in soil will affect the nutrient uptake bro. Soil for the OG should be in the upper 6 range. Flip your other girls but if you have another space that OG needs to be healed in a veg room for a week or so. Once you get her pumping again just drop her in flower with the other girls. Just a thought bro.

Looking like the beginning stages of potassium toxicity from what I can gather on MyNameStitch thead about The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! Looking up Potassium it appears identical to your photo. Now if you look at the chart below:

You'll notice that at a 6.3 pH you are indeed taking up Potassium. But you're missing Phosphorus, Calcium, and Magnesium which are vital elements. Keep your pH in check and you'd rarely see an issue.. From what I read you're not heavy handed when it comes to feeding since all your other girls are perfectly healthy so at the very least fix that pH and report back to us..
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weed fiend
Sorry, not familiar with the term "banding".

I think your pH is too acidic.

You could top-dress with lime if the pH runoff is in the 6.0 neighborhood. Weed likes 6.5 to 6.8 in potting soil. A slight range is better than a single point.

You've got what looks like Mg def and K def. Little plants don't absorb very much Mg. Mg needs increase in mid/late veg and early/mid flower. Rising Mg needs may be what's pushing your K def.

Sorry to disagree with your good advice, SDG. Everything you say is exactly what I'd do but I think the K is a def. It looks like a burn but it's actually transpiration that burns the K depleted follicles along the leaf edge. Just my opinion.:)

Your plants might like your waterings better all at once. Allow the soil to drench, even a slight runoff is healthy to rinse buildup. Let the pots dry substantially before watering again. Better oxygen absorption at root level when it's not constantly wet. Best wishes.


Oh they definitly dry out completely in between waterings, that why i said roughly 36hrs, so i should up the bloom and grow? should i take the ph up past 6.5? those charts look pretty good to me. I would like to mix both sets of advice...lol, should I do one at a time? I have a week built into my schedule, I can let the OG recover during that time.


weed fiend
Unless you're enjoying the three-part flora, you can drop the Grow and just use micro and bloom, wire-to-wire. It's called Lucas and there are variations depending on preference.

6ml Micro and 9ml Bloom is what I'm currently using. I'm feeding the green stuff to tomatoes and azaleas, lol.

Some folks use 6/10 m/b.

I think Lucas started with 8/16 m/b but it's a bit strong for less than 600w HID.

I wouldn't use floralicious plus past early flower. It doesn't flush well and a buildup could affect taste.


weed fiend
Oh they definitly dry out completely in between waterings, that why i said roughly 36hrs, so i should up the bloom and grow? should i take the ph up past 6.5? those charts look pretty good to me. I would like to mix both sets of advice...lol, should I do one at a time? I have a week built into my schedule, I can let the OG recover during that time.

I wouldn't up anything at this point because it's already in the potting soil. The roots aren't absorbing and your fans are depleting as a result. But fans only provide a bit of what you need.

Raising the pH will make available the nutes you've been feeding.

SDG's advice is spot on. Raise the pH and allow to recover. Your OG will stop feeding on the leaves and the roots will absorb like they should.


"easy growing type"
MasterChef, I would listen to DiscoBiscuit. I usually refer to his posts when I encounter problems myself..

As good as a 5 pound bar of gold :)..


Raising the PH is exactly what I planned on doing, gonna go up to 6.6 and figured that will knock out the mg def. I also thought to foliar feed with epsom salt. Sound good?

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you Thank you


Active member
yea that looks like mag for sure...my OG in FFOF soil get that same look sometimes...a dash of cal/mag in the next watering combined with some foliar sprays usually gets them looking perky again...i didnt know that OG liked higher PH i will definately try that out, im usually around 6.3-6.5...


Disco Biscuit thats great advice, my tomatoes look like shit. How much do you dose? lol



weed fiend
I'm sorry masterchef, I lie sometimes. I've got a big bottle sitting here and trying to figure out how I'll use it.

For tomatoes, I'm actually using floranova grow at the recommended strength. About ready to switch to floranova bloom, lol. Even giving em a lil' floralicious plus.:D

I went back to flora lucas for mj, thought I'd use this floranova stuff up instead of dumping later when it's bad.

I limed the tomato soil as well. Once pH is in check, nutes, strength etc is usually an afterthought.


lmao right. anyway i dont think ill switch the recipe quite yet, this mix is tried and true, supposedly, well see what happens, already foliar fed, due to be fed fed tomorow morning, looking forward to seeing any changes. Ill keep you updated.



Ok so this may be a dumb question, if so forgive me. Ive already noticed that the girls look happier after the epsom salt foliar feed and the tweaking of the ph of my food, my question though is will the fan leaves that are displaying the defficiency, discoloration etc come back? or should i be looking to new growth to show evidence that my treatment is working?



I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Sorry, not familiar with the term "banding".

I think your pH is too acidic.

You could top-dress with lime if the pH runoff is in the 6.0 neighborhood. Weed likes 6.5 to 6.8 in potting soil. A slight range is better than a single point.

You've got what looks like Mg def and K def. Little plants don't absorb very much Mg. Mg needs increase in mid/late veg and early/mid flower. Rising Mg needs may be what's pushing your K def.

Sorry to disagree with your good advice, SDG. Everything you say is exactly what I'd do but I think the K is a def. It looks like a burn but it's actually transpiration that burns the K depleted follicles along the leaf edge. Just my opinion.:)

Your plants might like your waterings better all at once. Allow the soil to drench, even a slight runoff is healthy to rinse buildup. Let the pots dry substantially before watering again. Better oxygen absorption at root level when it's not constantly wet. Best wishes.


I wouldn't up anything at this point because it's already in the potting soil. The roots aren't absorbing and your fans are depleting as a result. But fans only provide a bit of what you need.

Raising the pH will make available the nutes you've been feeding.

SDG's advice is spot on. Raise the pH and allow to recover. Your OG will stop feeding on the leaves and the roots will absorb like they should.


Eliminate deficiencies almost overnight...

Nutrient/water schedule: By weight, as needed.
Nutrient recipe:
16 crushed Aspirin,
3/8 cup Brer Rabbit Molasses, (8Tbs)
8 tsp Jack's Classic All Purpose (20-20-20),
3 Tbs Epsom Salt,
8 Tbs Lilly Miller Vitamin B1 Plant Starter.
Mixed in 3 cups hot water (boiling hot) to dissolve solids.
Makes 1 quart concentrate. Stored in Refer.
Mixes 16 Gal. @ 1/4 cup per gallon.

Ok so this may be a dumb question, if so forgive me. Ive already noticed that the girls look happier after the epsom salt foliar feed and the tweaking of the ph of my food, my question though is will the fan leaves that are displaying the defficiency, discoloration etc come back? or should i be looking to new growth to show evidence that my treatment is working?


The damaged leaves won't come back.
BUT--- Don't remove em cause unless they are dead and falling off, they are still part of the plant factory and are still providing for the plant.

IF you have corrected the problem then the damage will stop and new growth will be healthy.


awesome thanks! great advice guys, from all of you. THANK YOU! will keep you updated,

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