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Please help guys! I suspect this is Ca/Mg but I want to be sure. Stats:

Strain - Sour Diesel

Nutrient - House and Garden full line.

H2O - Tap (275PPM / 7.4 pH)

Dialed at 6.1 pH and 1150PPM. Last night the ladies dropped 60 points...1210 -> 1150.
Water temp is 65-70 degrees.
Room Temp - Day 82 degrees / Night 65 degrees
RH - 30% night 35-40% Day
Running A/C and CO2 on Sentinel Controller.

The last two nights I think my CO2 froze open and hit 3800PPM. Would this have damaged the plants like this?

The first picture is a plant 3 weeks in Veg and started showing this in the last 5 days...the second picture is a plant 4 days into flower and started showing it literally overnight (BAD).




Active member
6.1 PH would cause lockout. Looks like CAL MAG issue for sure. I believe you want PH of 5.8 in a DWC Undercurrent system. You want it really stable there too, not just when you mix it up. Like checking everyday and making adjustments.

The mag deficiency can be caused by PH, base water quality, nutes, etc. I find that it's best to first get the PH in check. Then foliar spray with CALMAG for quick fix. In 3-4 days after the foliar you should see everything green up if it was a CALMAG issue. Then wait. Often, adjusting the PH to the correct level will fix it.

If not, then we need to know more about the water you are using, nutes, and any additives you are using.

Good luck.


Active member
One more thing. Any leaf damage will not get fixed. After fixing things, you should be looking at the new growth. Though, leaves that are yellowing up could reverse and turn green again. Damaged leaves will not get fixed.


Thanks for the quick reply Herb. Glad I was on the right track. Will take the advised and go to work. Keep ya posted.



I started using h@g this run and started having problems from the start. In my opinion theydont have a very good veg nute.Went back to canna and cleared up immediatly. I start my ebb and flow buckets rez at 5.2 and once it reaches 6.4 readjust it. You cant just keep your ph at 5.8 constantly. Nutes get taken up at different ranges of ph and having it low and letting it raise lets it uptake them all right. If you try to keep it at exactly 5.8 24/7 it will drive you crazt and will end up messing with any buffers.
The veh room likes co2 as much as flower. H@g says you shouldnt need cal mag. I dont see a clamag issue anyways, altho not positive what it is.What I did find is there aqua flakes seems to be low on nitrogen too mee. I am also running sour d. My hydr sture guy wont even run h@g in veg. He says it seems to do beyond great in flower but didnt have good luck in veg. I would do a 4 day water only then refill rez with 50% nutes for a week and see how they look. keep us up to date.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
i get leaves that look like that if i put off a res change for a few days like u said it happens overnite i try my best to do weekly changes but at night nine this is exactly what happens. i like it to drift from 5.5 - 6.3 in bout 3 days then i top up with fresh ph water and its back down. best of luck bro if ya aint got calmag espon salt is a quick fix till ya can pick some up


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