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Please excuse me for not speaking French

lucky dan

New member

I have just moved over here to the Limousin region of France.

Can someone tell me when the season for Psilocybe Cubensis starts?


lucky dan

Che Bleu

Active member
Des psylos… des champis quoi… "mangez moi, mangez moi, mangez moi" :D
I'd say end of september…
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New member
Comme tous les psylocybe cubensis a la fin de l'été / l'automne peut importe ou tu es ;)

Like almost everywhere, end of the summer beginning of fall....

Vive le Psylocybe Quebecensis Libre !!!!!!!!

lucky dan

New member
The Limosuin is truly a beautiful part of France, I love it here, I shall be looking for the psylos where the cows live :)

lucky dan

(thank you)


french psylos 2006 :

bon dimanche a tous ! (retour de festos la tête dans le ***.......:joint:)
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Active member
no cubensis in the french field but psilocybe semilancéata.

sont supers gros chez toi skar :)
ici je vais les ramasser dans les pyrénées en ariège sur les hauts plateaux d'herbes rases.
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