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plantys outdoor 2010



sup last year I did 50 smart pots that were 65 gallons each I got my plants out in late june early july and still managed to average a pound per container...this year we're adding a heated green house and our 300 gallon planters will be ready on time. stay tuned


Yes, last year we had 65 gallon planters plants out in july and averaged 1.25 pounds per plant.

This year we're goin with 300 gallon planters ladies out in may...hoping for 5+


Active member
i wanta know how long it will take, and how much soil you will use to fill 300 gal. pots when youre done please?


What's up bro I already know. To fill 1 of the containers I am going to use :

6 Bales Sunshine Mix #4
1 Bag Grade #4 perlite
1 50# bag fish bone meal or steamed bone meal
7.5# gypsum
7.5# dolomite lime
4 25# bags sup r green
8oz myco apply endo blend
2oz biozome

Will water in with Biotron innoculant. Would like to have my planters filled by the end of March so they can cure April and May for a strong june planting

I can probably get all the planters filled and mixed in about a weeks time. I'm having the soil delivered in a couple weeks once it isn't raining so much.

Sup CaliColi! Been a minute! You would be proud of me!


I'm going with a lil bit of a different mix after talkin to my buddy..Still using the sunshine mix / perlite a smy base but adding fish meal, fish bone meal, nutri rich, kelp gypsum lime bacterials instead of heavy steamed bone and sup r green which is mostly bedding


Active member
Thanks for the breakdown planty... I am trying to get my soil plan together for 2010. I have my planters full of last years mix which was simply Roots Organics and Roots 707. I am trying to decide whether to amend or start from scratch with a mix like yours or Tom's.

What would you do the old soil if you were going to reuse it?

Hovah: 300 gallons planters hold about 25 of your typical 1.5 cuft bags of dirt.


Have you gotten a soil test done yet to figure out what you're working with? That would be the first step. After you do that it's pretty simple. There's no one right way to do things as my buddies were tellin me last night Nomaad..Just keep in mind that theres Short, Moderate, Long term release, some that are all 3 or a combination and choose the sources that will give you the profile that you're looking for....


Can't wait till the day I can grow a one pounder. Where I live is one of the best places to grow in the world. I need to start using huge pots , it's hard because I have to hike to my grows. Closest patch is aboub an hour hike.


Active member
Or I could just use the soil as is and feed aggressively.

Tom actually gave me a list of the tools i need to do soil testing... Its in the Tom's Soil thread. I might just hit peaceful valley and grab the tools when I get back from El Honduragua. If I decide not to, where do I go to have the soil tested?


You will not be able to do the analysis that I'm recommending with a ERGS, Na+, and refractometer...Those are basic tools similar to a pH test kit.

You want those tools, but you also want a soil analysis...How will you know how much and what to aggressively feed if you don't know what's still there from your last years fertilizer program and soil mix? You're going to grow in the containers for another 5-6 months after they've already been grown in for that same amount of time already by the same type of plant which is very hungry for certain things ( N , K , Ca , Mg, Fe, S ) Knowing where you're at with all those in your container is pretty important before you decide to do anything...PVFS also provides this service...Get them a sample before you go to Honduragua and read your results when you get home :)


Active member
How will you know how much and what to aggressively feed if you don't know what's still there from your last years fertilizer program and soil mix? You're going to grow in the containers for another 5-6 months after they've already been grown in for that same amount of time already by the same type of plant which is very hungry for certain things ( N , K , Ca , Mg, Fe, S ) Knowing where you're at with all those in your container is pretty important before you decide to do anything...PVFS also provides this service...Get them a sample before you go to Honduragua and read your results when you get home :)

yeah, of course you're right. i wasn't really going to reuse my soil as-is...i was just throwing that out there.

PVFS is not on my way to the airport, or I'd do it. I should be able to find a place that is on my way... know of anything on the 101 south of willits?


Ag Unlimited in Ukiah can probably point you in the right direction.

Also, the mail works real well too..


My plan is to go with fish meal, fish bone meal, worm castings, nutri rich, gypsum, lime added to a sunshine mix #4 / grade 4 perlite base. I'm going to keep it on the moderate side so I can hit them with Organic Gem & Cold Processed Kelp with out fear of stalling them from too much N early on and not the climate to use that type of EC...once the summer really breaks I will top dress with more of the same and add N & P bat guano and sea bird guano... gakkkk that stuff is nasty! but it sure gets em going!

The reason why Coco is a No Go is because I'm not experienced with it , I don't want to fill a bed with some thing I am not confident using. I'm putting a lot of hard work and effort in to this years garden so I'm going to leave experimenting for another season. Coco dries out pretty fast so maybe you could cycle more water/nutes thru it and grow bigger plants that way..I don't really know. I will have an empty green house that I could always mess around in...maybe I'll try some coir beds in there.

Royal Gold Coco used to come in 2 cu ft dry bags with long and corase fibers and some chunks ...this is when it was the bomb. Now it isn't even close...if some one was going to get some coir what brand would be best? Keep in mind these beds are 300 gallons.


Chill brah...it's his grow not yours. Suggestions are one thing; forceful demands are another. And when you are a self proclaimed noob asking about the very subject you are so adamantly defending (less than a week ago mind you) it really holds no weight. It sounds like you just want him to experiment on something you want done.

Just sayin'...

What's the word on coco/soil mixes?

If you were to use an organic soil with the beneficial microbes, mycorrhizae, and everything, how well would that work with coco?

I'll probably sound like a noob asking this (which I am!), but FoxFarm recommends their Big Bloom to help prevent salt buildup in coco coir....Is there anything to that?

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