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Plants flowering...Neighbors have a bright light shining on my plants

My neighbors have a bright metal halide light that's sitting high up on a post that is on a sensor so it turns on right at sunset and turns off at sunrise. It casts bright light directly into my yard. Basically the worst thing ever for flowering plants.

In previous years I've used a tarp to block the light from hitting my plants and I've never had an issue during flowering. But this year I have two plants that are quite large and it may be difficult to block the light from hitting them.

The plants are probably about 35 to 40 feet away from the light, and it is a pretty bright light but at the distance the plants are from the light I think they might be ok...?...The amount of light hitting the plants doesn't seem too much brighter than the light of a full moon (hard tellin' of course).

Since the plants start to "droop"/rest down a bit immediately after sunset, as plants normally do as it gets dark, I'm thinking the light isn't bright enough to interfere with the flowering?...If there was still enough light on the plant for it to stay perked up/"awake" through the night then I'd think it would be an issue....?....

Any of ya'll have anything to say about this topic/situation?



Active member
I've struggled with the topic of light leaks for a while now. I've read that some people light their plants at odd intervals. Like 4hrs on 4hrs off instead of a 12/12 schedule. If this works successfully plants must accumulate some hormone/chemical that indicates when they should flower but it's a cumulative effect that's not interrupted by intermittent light. Sorry I know this doesn't answer your question but If the plants are still flowering I don't think the neighbors light is harming them. :whee:


Well-known member
I've always had a plant or two on the balcony, porch or backyard for the last 30 plus years. And there is always a streetlight, security light or neighbors porch light.

I've always been worried it would cause hermies, but I've never had issues. Now I'm not sure how intense the light is in your case, however it's my experience that outdoor plants seem to be a little more tolerant of light during the regular dark hours than indoor plants are.

After all, they do have to deal with the full moon every month, so it's my thinking that as long as the light source is not brighter than the full moon, it shouldn't be a problem.

I could be completely wrong, but based on growing plants outside in an urban environment, that is my opinion.


Worse case is only the part of the plant that is receiving the extra like will be stubborn to flower.... 40ft away id say your okay, there most likely is a formula to calculate the lights strength over that distance.


Active member
This is my first year growing photos outdoors and ive had the same concern. I have a few autos going as backup just in case.


Well-known member
Several years ago I bought a motion activated security light that was very bright. The Raccoons and stray cats triggered it on all the time. It looks so bright that UFO's could have used it for landing! Anyways I got some hermies and some seeds in the crop. The light has been turned off for several years now.

Mars Hydro Led

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
I suppose that distance will not affect the plants a lot. The PPE of HID light is not high. At that distance, plants can get nothing.