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Plants exploding in cab! Do I have enough space? Do I need to pull a few plants?



The history leading up to this post/thread can be found here.

The questions I need answers to are below:

Should I pull the bagseed plants and focus on the Hashberry and WW x BB?

Should I leave them?

Am I overthinking this?

In a nutshell, this is my first grow. I began with some bagseed and Hashberry seeds. I almost killed everything and then proceeded to successfully bring them back. In the meantime, while those were growing, I sprouted 3 White Widow x Big Bud seeds, 2 of which survived (all plant death thus far is grower error).

Plants were grown under a 250w MH lamp. All plants were transplanted into 1.5gal Air-Pots. Nine plants fit inside the cab. Last week, plants were switched to 12/12 under a 250w HPS bulb.

After one week of growth under 12/12, I was very surprised after seeing the results the other night. I temporarily lost my camera, so I only have photos from today to report.

Basically, the plants really exploded this week. Again.

I have them growing with an automated drip system, which allows the plants to "maintain" until I return on Friday. Each weekend allows me time to re-tie the plants (LST) and soak them in tap water in the tub. Once the soil is moist and the plants are rehydrated, I follow with watering using a stronger nute solution.

I am making a slow transition to GH FloraNova Bloom, and taking it easy on the nutes. I hit them hard early on and learned that the plants will "tell" me when they need to be fed. In addition, during the week, I am still using a light nute solution to maintain the plants during my travels.

Yesterday, I re-tied them, soaked them and re-installed my drip emitters. Couldn't wait to open up the cab today and I see that they are literally exploding in there.

As mentioned before, I have 9, 1.5 gallon pots in my cab and my room is running out of space! Let's pull it out and see what exactly we're looking at, here...Be careful now, these plants are REAL bushy.

If I remember correctly, I am growing the following:
  • 4 - Hashberry (sex to be determined)
  • 2 - White Widow x Big Bud (feminized)
  • 3 - Bagseed (sex to be determined)

I thought I would be able to determine sex by now, but I'm not sure. All plants appear to be females. Could I be so lucky? I wasn't expecting it, if that was the case. However, this is all I can see of bud sites so far...

Not the best picture, I know...but until the flowers develop further, I won't be able to be positive of the sex.

My plan after germinating all plants was as follows:

  1. Grow 9 plants out
  2. Test different LST methods, see what plants were capable of handling
  3. Determine sex of plants, pull males
  4. Utilize remaining space for leftover female plants
  5. Grow to harvest!

Now, I'm running out of room and concerned that the lack of space may negatively impact my plants.

Should I pull the bagseed plants and focus on the Hashberry and WW x BB?

Should I leave them?

Am I overthinking this?



Get another cabinet, put half of the plants in there and get 2 x the amount of bud. :)

Wish I could, but that is not an option right now.

Perhaps I could try my luck with a bunch of clones?

Please advise and provide additional guidance out there...:bow:


Life is one big grow........
so you still have to pull males?? if it shoud be no problem!!
Net them and it will be fine!! SROG style...and cut out the lower branches



that guy removes ALL fan leaves at day 20 flower, guess you could try that, he boasts bigger yeilds because the lower nugs grow well,

looks like a real way to cram alot of buds into a space,

you could also try removing some branches,

Hmm...I'll have to read that thread a little bit.

Removing branches makes sense, that way, all "energy" from the plant goes into increased flower/fruit production. At least, that's the way it is with other fruits and vegetables...I assume cannabis is no different.

Before going choppy on my plants, I'd really like to ensure their sex - as it stands currently - Both of my WW x BB plants are extremely healthy, as are 3 of the 4 Hashberry plants.

In order to ensure quality bud that is produced, I am leaning towards removing all of the bagseed plants to allow more room for good production from the quality plants.

Thanks for the reply.


so you still have to pull males?? if it shoud be no problem!!

Still trying to determine, sex brother! With the plants in early flower, it's still difficult for this newbie to determine what flowers are what.

I'll take another look at them tonight. Any suggestions? I've read up on it and it just seems as though I need another week of flower to fully differentiate male from female flowers.


Net them and it will be fine!! SROG style...and cut out the lower branches

I don't think I'll scrog them 1st time around. I like to be able to pull the plants out individually. I'll feel a bit limited if I scrog it now.

Man, even though the plants are healthy and happy, I'm starting to freak out over not having the most ideal conditions for my first grow.

Going into flowering, I just want to ensure that I have conditions as perfect as can be for the maximum potential harvest.

Ya know? :D

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
I'd wait...

I'd wait...

Until you know which are males, then pull the males and see what kind of space you have. Another little trick I use sometimes is to trim the tips of the fan leaves. Lets a lot more light through the plant while keeping the fan leaves intact for photosynthesis. The debate is still on-going for me as to whether the fan leaves are really needed in flower, but i have seen better bud development when I've left them intact.


GreatLakes THC :joint:

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
If your bagseed came from sativa genetics, I'd say ditch them because more than likely they will not be suitable for indoor growing due to the flowering lengths.

If you don't know what genetic prominence the bagseeds are likely to be, I'd say wait just a little longer until you can cull the males, if there are any.

How long have they been in 12;12?

Are they done stretching?

I don't think a bit of crowding is a problem, as long as there is plenty of airflow.


If your bagseed came from sativa genetics, I'd say ditch them because more than likely they will not be suitable for indoor growing due to the flowering lengths.

If you don't know what genetic prominence the bagseeds are likely to be, I'd say wait just a little longer until you can cull the males, if there are any.

How long have they been in 12;12?

Are they done stretching?

I don't think a bit of crowding is a problem, as long as there is plenty of airflow.

Thanks, Sam...I appreciate you dropping by!

I would guess that the bagseed is sativa. Good ol' mexican brick dirt weed. Terrible smoke, but decent buzz.

These plants in questions very much appear to have sativa characteristics. My initial thought was to keep all plants separate so if they turned out to be female, I could keep them flowering longer than my indica dominant strains.

However, seeing as though I am also planning on using my cab as a dry room, it's probably a good idea to have plants ready for or near harvest around the same time.

They've been in 12/12 for 8 days now.


take clones of the ones you pick to kill. veg your new ones till these others are finished