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Plants drown in coco?


New member
I posted this in the hydro forum, but maybe in the sick care ward I will get more feedback. I am also gonna ask in the coco thread..

I have made a few changes in the orginal post, as some info I gave was wrong and not very educated.

Hi...I built a bubbler set up, based loosely on an Aeroflow system I ran ages ago. T

I set up and ran the system with some various bagseed b4 I popped the NYC and Bberry in. Slowly, each of the 4 test plants started dying.

I have alot of experience growing in most all mediums, but I have never run a system like this with coco. I say this to assert I have eliminated the basics, and with each one taking a turn for the worse over time, not all at once, I fear it isn't something enviromental.

Here are a few pix, and then maybe some folks can offer suggestions:

My plungers and drains

the underside with 75L res

wilty 12:00 plant...was doing and growing great for 7 days

3:00 is now maybe getting sick, but 12-14", overall good

So I have each container with it's own air stone. There is 1 water line for each container as well.

The pumps are on 24/0 as are the lights.

H2O level was about an inch or so above the bottom of net pots.

1st plant got barely beyond seedling. First sets of leaves turned inside out. 2-3 days after introduction into system.

3-4 days later, plant at 9:00 position started wilting. 2 others looked great, 12:00 being best.

4 days later, 9:00 is gone, over or underwatered, I assume, just wilted. Plant at 12:00 starts to look wilty. By morning, it is done, sure.

On day 13, plant at 3:00 is 12" tall and looks great, but leaves are curling, too. Roots were/are healthy white in both plants. Multiple roots are floating on 3:00 plant.

So, having used Devils Balls, aka Hydroton before, you ran the system when you ran the lights. I am afraid with coco, it holds too much water and I have overwatered and/or drown the roots and kept them from developing.

Can some folks give me feedback about what I might address?

Maybe I should just top feed for 15-30 minutes, every 3 or so hours when light is on, rather than pump 24/0

One other thing...I am using BS nutes mixed 3 tsp to 60 liters, hardly anything, from crystal form a 20-20-20 while I wait for my GH nutes..remember, this is just a test. My PH is about 6 and my meter is also on the way. But I have tested and adjusted w liquid drops. Doors ar always open, venting is great, temp is 78, res is a bit lower. Light is 250MH. And containers are taped to keep out light now. A few more pix under "Microgrows" forum, topic Aero NYC Diesel Bubbleberry.

Did I leave anything out? Tell me what you can, my $$$ seeds are near ready to go and I can't risk drowning my girls!!

THX in advance!


New member
One other variable I have been considering...since I mentioned this is bagseed, it is NOT indoor genetics, simple, 100% land strain, fresh from the local farm.

I am wondering if the genetics just don't "mesh" with this kind of setup..Hydro, syn nutes, HID lamp, etc when it was always grown outside and has only known sun, natural type stuff.



5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
is the coco just chunks of chopped up dry brick coco ?

Plenty of threads about people finding it still full of salt, it is always worth giving coco a flush anyway and use the best quality you can get.


New member
All of our coco is from inland farms. We have no sea.

The coco is chopped up from whole husks. They are about 1" size chips.

The coco here is mostly used for orchids. The medium is not treated for anything before use. I wash and soak for 24 hours before use.

Any advice on watering/feeding schedule? DOes coco hold alot more water than hydroton?


Registered User
Wow... never have I seen such big chunks of coir... and most comes from Sri Lanka, hence the salts. Interesting shit dude.

Coir wants to store up whatever salts it has available, and from my understanding, stores em in the husks, which is what we happen to use. It likes positively charged molecules & will store em, but once a certain buffer is reached, readily releases them.

You kinda need to balance that with a preflush... sets it up to exchange out the nutes readily + stabilizes the pH. And with big ole chunks... have no idea on how that would work... esp since the roots likely won't grow into the husks, but around & on it. Shit might be stuck & slowly releasing from the core of the chunks for a long time. Just never seen nor been around em before...???

But yeah, coir holds a lot of water & you really can drown the roots if you keep em constantly damp... but you have chunks, so... once again...??? Coir shouldn't be used in a bubbler system, for sure.

My first thought would be to go back to the grorocks you are familiar with. And that open bottom tank is likely going to create some algae growth... and perhaps some other bad shit.


New member
Hey yall...thx for the kinda advice.

The PH is at 5.5 now..I can be sure as my digi arrived Monday..no more color chart guess work with an aquarium solution!!

It does fluctuate, but not too bad. It is the 1st 24 hours, so maybe a biut to fine tune it. We'll see in the next few days.

The transpant went well and the ladies look good. MUCH lower water levels, as I think that was it for sure. The lower ships were pretty drenched.

So for the transplant, I soaked 3 nights, flushing day. Then I selected the smaller-ish chips, not chunks, for the medium. I cannot get hydroton here so if these are no good, I will go back to just soil. I really like the growth of the hydro, but I guess no use if I can't sustain life!!!

Here is the thread to the grow, with new pix, if you like to follow and comment. Thanks again and all the best in your grows!


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