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Plants 'can recognise themselves'



i have used this in the past

When doing non monocrop I would use containers to garden with

The communication, from my experience and relative only to the strain i have grown in the past is that the plants need to share medium also

container gardening seems to contain some plants form completely overtaking others

conversely if you look at some seasoned growers

many grow mono crops in garden beds

the sister plants do not compete against each other but instead the plants all enjoy a larger root space and thus more biomass


I didnt say the roots were communicating

containers limit plants from overgrowing into anthers root space

its not about roots communication but its about containers limiting invasive growth of one strain over another


put a mixed crop in a shared bed

put a mono crop in a shared bed

run em side by side

plant growth is relative to available root space size, even tho some tech requires smaller root space for a similar sized plant (i.e. hydro )

but given the opportunity by some strains will out grown and over grow others and this can be avoided by growing mom rop using containers or by a number of other methods

in other words its a known phenomenon that many gardeners account for already wether they know it or not


Well I wasn't trying to bring up the roots at all, sure that aspect of it may be true too, but its not what Im concerned about.

I saw the article as plants WARN themselves, and I tried to relate that to a possible increase in potency, of course (not a way to avoid the plant roots from fighting). It could be as simple as keeping that weak clone you were going to just throw out and abuse the hell out of it, in front of the others.

Letting the cat in the grow to graze and nibble on leaves could do the trick.

Mine puts a few holes in a leaf and goes on.... Wonder if that keeps em scared? :biglaugh:

I don't like it much when the cat bites me.


Well I wasn't trying to bring up the roots at all, sure that aspect of it may be true too, but its not what Im concerned about.

I saw the article as plants WARN themselves, and I tried to relate that to a possible increase in potency, of course (not a way to avoid the plant roots from fighting). It could be as simple as keeping that weak clone you were going to just throw out and abuse the hell out of it, in front of the others.

I dont believe there is a full understanding ot the means of communication

I had read a similar article that i posted about siblings recognizing themselves (the converse of of mixing strains) but it reported basically the same phenomenon

plants seem to "sense" other flora at least in the world around them

I think it goes further than that , Mr Bongjangles posted the secret world of plants video which provides some evidence that plants sense the physical surrounds and react to it

over all it strengthens the argument, not trying contend your statement jsut clarifying my own

our collective observational experience will give us many answers if enough people share accurate information


Active member
nice article..

i've been sayin for a while that my plant talks to me when it's actively in my system. it's messages are encoded chemically and directly injected into the thought, memory, and pain centers of the brain.

when growing i'm sure it can sense that you are taking care of it, close to it, watering it, etc. and mainly that you are no threat to it...and when it hits end cycle, it rewards you in the only way that it knows how.

if you quiet the room,
and listen (just think),

maybe you can hear it too? :rasta:



I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
xoox's got the good shit.

I B listenin Bro,,,

Soma says plants will tell ya what they need (at first I thought he was crazy,, but,,,) - and after a couple years - I must be listenin better.

Maybe there is hope!


New member
I believe the plants communicate through quantum entanglement via DNA, which is instantaneous. The chemical responses are a physical manifestation of the internal thought or signal that is being communicated. All species share a collective consciousness, and us as caretakers become entangled with our plants as well. We touch them, which leaves our DNA, breath on them, which leaves other chemical imprints, and think near/about them, which energetically imprints them. It is known that plants respond to the emotional state of their grower across great distances. The communication occurs in the quantum field.

edit: Oh yeah haha, in "stories," a hair is often used in spell casting or magic. Modern day quantum physics is finally catching up to knowledge that has been held for thousands of years. A hair would provide a direction for the intention to follow, the DNA acting as a perfectly unique signature.


I believe you are correct. We can veneer ourselves with civilization as much as we like but all it takes is a day at the beach and watch teens react to each other. The pheremones are thicker than watermelon juice at a Galleger show. Watching the mating dance play itself out is like the Discovery channel without David Attenborough narrating.

And DNA replication is a much more scientifically useful term than "hiding the salami" that I would have chose.
Should I hang up pictures of male plants during flowering to help my little girls get "itchy"
Tigerbeat for teens?


Not to be a downer but the experiment is too flawed. Maybe the control patch had better soil? It sounds like some guy just put a few plants is making quite a large hypothesis with very little supporting evidence. psuedo science, meh

As for quantum tunneling I can't comment on that except to say that so far we have only observed it taking place on an atomic level. Quantum mechanics dont come into play at the cellular level which is way too macro for quantum mechanics to predict accurately.


i dont think that they "recognize" the other plant, as much as they dont recognize that a competing plant is there

whatever chemicals it gives off are its own. so if you have a bunch of the same clones together and they're giving off the same chemicals; they wont have as much of a chance to pick up any triggers from a different plant that could compete against them

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