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Plants are on weeks 2 and 4 no sign of bugs

I am on weeks 2 and 4 of flower right now. No sign of bugs anywhere and things are looking good. What should I do as a preventative measure. I have pyganic but haven't used it this cycle. Should I do a garlic chive mixture or something. I want to keep it organic. I am Dirt poor right now due to bad life circumstances so cheaper the better. I have no neem oil, don't think I can afford any either. Just wanted to stay on top of things. I really need this run to work out. Any and all advice appreciated and thanks for your time. Happy days all.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
remember anything you spray needs to be done at lights out so the pistils dont get burnt.

any mild preventative might be a good idea, but keeping a close eye on them is the best thing, and it sounds like you are doing that.

by early flower im usually happy to leave them alone if they are free of pests, most of the IPM is already done by then imo.



Well-known member
Quit worrying and keep taking care of them like you are doing. Keep things clean and don't introduce any bugs,

You could buy some inexpensive insecticidal soap or make your own and spray occasionally.
Not worrying. Never had a bug problem like last run in 12 years. Kinda threw my game off. Appreciate the responses everyone.
Agreed on Just keeping a close eye for any signs of trouble. Which would mean spending quality time with your plants...which we all love doing anyways. I couple of cycles ago i found that my malawi had a little leaf damage from spider mites at about week 5 of flower. I mixed up some monterey garden insect spray, which is a Spinosad based product, with a little soap. Sprayed infected area one time and never saw a single mite for the rest of flower. And that damn plant takes close to 20 weeks to finish.

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