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Plant size in correlation with quality


Active member
For example: will a single plant scroged produce the same quality as a multiple plant sog in the same given space? jw


Active member
Only difference is length of time for veg. Single plant needs much longer veg times. Quality depends on growing environment not veg time.


Active member
a smaller plant won't take the advantage of being able to focus more energy on quality rather than size?


The Tri Guy
A plant doesn't have a centralised production facility that has to cope with demand. Each section of the plant is a production transport or support system for the local production of more of the plant. As a part of the plant grows, it collects energy for the development of its own support. The only limit will be root space available or available nutrients. If you starve or restrict the roots, then you will run into trouble, but in general, if the plant has space and time, it will just produce in each section, what it would in a similar size stand alone plant.


Well-known member
I think the only deviation from this would be seeds, where an immature plant won't do as well as an adult that's just gagging to flower. Though this may not be entirely relevant as size rather than age is the concern here.


Active member
I have run both ways, in fact I started with SCROG. I actually get larger quantity with long veg low plant count. But no difference on bud quality. I still prefer SOG over SCROG because the extra month veg time on SCROG robs me of 2 harvests a year. The extra weight I get of of bigger bushes doesn't make up for the 2 extra harvests I get from SOG. And again quality is no different only quantity. Also there is the added cost of electricity, for the extra month of 18/6 veg lighting, I save using SOG. I veg 3 weeks from roots showing and flip.


The Tri Guy
I would agree that if plant counts are not important to you, sog is the correct choice, if plant counts count, then bigger is better.


Active member
I would agree that if plant counts are not important to you, sog is the correct choice, if plant counts count, then bigger is better.

Agree with you completely. My only point was no difference in the quality of the finished buds. Florida is way behind the times so screw plant count. 1-50 no difference here.


Active member
Agree with you completely. My only point was no difference in the quality of the finished buds. Florida is way behind the times so screw plant count. 1-50 no difference here.

Actually 1-24 no difference.. i remember when it use to be 1-99 then when the law changed most cut down to 24 plants but more locations:biggrin:

however 1-300plants does not carry a minimum mandatory but 1-24 is max of 5 years and 25-300 i believe is max 15 years now. Either way its a crap shoot cause they weigh it regardless and those 24 plants can easily come back to several hundred lbs according to them :wallbash:

To go a bit back on the subject, i've ran sog style and big tree's or bushes depending how you see it and noticed no difference in quality


Active member
I have run both ways, in fact I started with SCROG. I actually get larger quantity with long veg low plant count. But no difference on bud quality. I still prefer SOG over SCROG because the extra month veg time on SCROG robs me of 2 harvests a year. The extra weight I get of of bigger bushes doesn't make up for the 2 extra harvests I get from SOG. And again quality is no different only quantity. Also there is the added cost of electricity, for the extra month of 18/6 veg lighting, I save using SOG. I veg 3 weeks from roots showing and flip.

2 month veg and 2 month flower vs 1 month veg and 2 month flower is only a difference of one harvest a year. I just grow for personal use so the one harvest I wont be feining. I don't have room for mother plants so fewer seeds used. I was setup to do 30 plant rockwool cubes drip system but seemed too commercial/basic for my use. maybe in the future if the dwc scrog grow I start next week ends in dismay


New member
There is something to an article I read some time back. Cannabis plants need to run at least 5 weeks in veg. Something about maturity. Well I have witnessed it and can cull most of the males and identify females in 5 weeks. Most strains will show by then. You have to be dialed in and identify quickly. It doesn't last long with lights still on 18/6.


A plant doesn't have a centralised production facility that has to cope with demand. Each section of the plant is a production transport or support system for the local production of more of the plant. As a part of the plant grows, it collects energy for the development of its own support. The only limit will be root space available or available nutrients. If you starve or restrict the roots, then you will run into trouble, but in general, if the plant has space and time, it will just produce in each section, what it would in a similar size stand alone plant.

He asked about quality. Why don't you speak from experience instead of spouting off.

Restricting roots does not run you into trouble. This is the hydro section.

The variables makes for no universal answer. But there can be a quality difference IME. The characteristics of the plant, spacing of the tops, rhizosphere, all play a role. Some plants will not produce the same quality as a larger plant vegged longer vs small plant with less veg.

Cramming in more smaller plants will not get you better quality, you get smaller lower quality nugs. A larger plant/veged longer with large branches and colas produces a higher quality product. - in my experience.


pure dynamite
Hello. I had to delete some posts in here. Please stay ontopic and try to discuss this in a calm and civil way. Also, if you have a problem with a PM or post, flag/report it. We do not need drama in this thread. Or any other thread.


The Tri Guy
OK, experience, not lots of little plants, 1 plant, why would I waste veg time to get lower quality?



Active member
Imho, if you want to run a sog setup, you really need a dedicated mother/veg area, and a strain that will work with single colas. That way each plant is the same, and has the advantage of having some "age" on it. Pack 50ish 12" plants in a 4×4 flood and drain, add preferred lighting at 12/12, lolly pop it, and expect at least a pound and a half of just colas. That is at if they were only 14g each, but that is a bud that matches what the mom makes on a stick.