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Plant looks like it's butt got kicked

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
It's in coco
topped with Silica stone
feed is 6ml per gallon GH micro and 9ml gallon GH bloom
PH 5.8
Giving cal mag weekly and hygrozyme.
Strain is Big Blue
4th week of flower

This all started last week end when Michigan State played the Spartans.

Any help is appreciated.

Here is a pic


Active member
cant tell if ur serious. but.. those are overfed. the clawing of leaves means to much nitrogen. the other plant has the "fucked" syndrome. meaning...its fucked. lol.

good luck.


Well if you look at the 2nd plant you can tell its not at 4 weeks flower. This man just murdered a plant for a joke. Typical Michigan fan unethical and no moral character. MURDERER!

h^2 O

how do you get buds the entire length of the plant????? Mine looks like SHIT...there's bud on like the top 10% of the plant and the rest is empty stem


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
This thread is great on more then one level.

"Michigan State played the Spartans" - We still get what you are trying to do here, if only you would have clutched that one sentence.

HARDMODE and the ALL BUD pheno has all been involved in the first page, which automatically means this thread is destined for greatness.

Michigan State beat Michigan this year, and the last 4? So I think you may have your coozies backwards, easy to mess up especially after that sentence.

Michigan State is the number one agriculture school in like the world? So the limp plant does not belong in that coozie for that reason either.

Better luck next year :)


Very well put PK. I guess this is a state fan. I did not bother to research who won the game this year. I mean come on who really cares about Big Ten Football anyways. Big Ten football. Division 2 football and ladies softball are all about the same.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Gosh I had to set this up weeks ago. That is a plant I had put straight to flower from clone and yes it is all bud. You didn't get the most obvious thing here though. University of Michigan is a private expensive college, and a lot of the kids are over feed rich kids.

Oh yeh the spartan cup was something I trimmed last week.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I have felt like that after more than one game.

I have found that if I drink lots of water afterward it gets rid of the symptoms quicker. But I don't think that will work with that spartan plant.

The other looks a lot like one of my 3 day old clones.
