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Plant Food Labeling Regulation, Need a way to circumvent


Hi guys i just read a very interesting article called "You're Being Robbed!" by Michael Straumietis (owner of Advanced Nutrients) in Rosebud.


He explains that a federal organization called the Association of Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) has regulated what can be put on the label of fertilizers and nutrients for plants since the 1930's. When the standards for "plant food" were made the people making the decisions were obviously in big agriculture and wanted to protect their market share . Although AAPFCO rules vary form state to state most companies must follow the strictest guidelines because they must have a product that can be sold in all 50 states. He says his product and many other small nutrient manufacturers have higher tech products than their big name competition, but they can't prove it because of these regulations.

Obviously the man would hav an incentive to portray his product in a positive light but the article seemed to have merit to me. I'm trying to decide what nutrients to buy, but this article makes it seem impossible without some unregulated source of info. Hopefully there's a site out there that tracks these things? This might be common knowledge in the growing community, sorry if i have wasted your time.
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Why not mix your own nutrients from raw salts!

Avoid expensive misleading advertising which you pay for with your own purchases.

"you're being robbed" by big Mike if you buy from Advanced overpriced Nutrients (not matter how good they may or may NOT be).


Big Mike got caught straight up lying on his labels by OR. Instead of taking it like a man and fixing his lying ways he chooses to try to drag everyone else down and blame it on regulators.

Now he has lies covering lies. Why anyone would buy anything from that piece of shit is now officially beyond me.

That article almost made me puke.


Well general hydro for me then , thanks guys just saved me a lot of money. (newbie grower, don't think I'm ready to mix my own)
Good choice on the GH. You'll soon learn pretty much anything from Michael Straumietis mouth is misinformation trying to boost his hugely overpriced product to justify the 5000% mark up his company charges. Some of the things he says are pretty comical at least, but none of it should be taken as any sort of science, just pure advertising.


Active member
(newbie grower, don't think I'm ready to mix my own)

This would be the best time to learn to mix your own.
You will be forced to learn about plant nutrition, and bypass several years of expensive supplements. Go ahead and use GH for your first run, but make the next purchase raw salts. One crop is plenty of time to learn to what you need to mix your own.


i don't know, but doesn't it seem a bit silly to you to recommend a self proclaimed newb grower mix his own nutrients? i mean we want the guy to have some success and enjoy the great pleasure of smoking his own bud right? or you want to send him on a year long 1st grow of trail and error till he still ends up buying some reputable nutrients, lol. not saying no one should mix their own. or that you can't save some pennies and dollars by mixing your own, but the good quality nutes like canna and gh etc are really not expensive when you look at the big picture. considering all the potential errors it can save you, i'd never recommend mixing your own nutrients, specially not to a new grower.

good growings


In a point of view he's already mixing his own nutrients.

If someone can mix 5ml Micro + 5ml Grow in a gallon of water,
he should be able to mix 2.5 gram of Jacks professional + 1.7 gram Calcium nitrate (or whatever "schedule" he'd like to follow)


fair enough, but there are more ways to go wrong with mixing your own. i'd recommend learning how to grow first, then if one's interested learn about mixing nutrients.


I'm sure mixing my own wouldn't be all that difficult (assuming i had the right recipe), but my initial investment is probably MUCH higher than the average first time grower and I need to limit my amount of risk to the bare minimal and start cashing in ASAP. Also I worry that if i mix my own it won't be nice and homogenous and will clog my sprayers (I use aquamist sprayer heads)

K.I.S.S. is for me


I read this letter from Big Mike and I have to say that hes correct in that the Association of Plant Food Control Officials are thieves. They are the ones that keep having products pulled from the selves. They are simply looking to make money off the hydro companies. They pulled gravity, phosphoload, and many others over the years now. This group is outdated and just another stop sign that the hydro industry faces. I am not an AN nuthugger and AN is not the only hydro company that doesn't list everything that they put in their products on their labels. The reason that alot of hydro companies are simply not listing whats in their products is in large part due to this group. On a side note. I know that there's alot of haters on AN but having learned a great deal about the hydro industry in the last couple of years, I can say that most of the different hydro companies have a done people dirty. Just like an other business alot of the people in charge have gotten there on the backs of others.


I am so happy I found this forum. ICMAG rules!

If it wasn't for you guys I would be using all the overpriced Advanced Nutrients. $200 worth, Instead I have the $20 MaxiBloom. AWESOME, Thanks Guys!


Big Mike got caught straight up lying on his labels by OR. Instead of taking it like a man and fixing his lying ways he chooses to try to drag everyone else down and blame it on regulators.

Now he has lies covering lies. Why anyone would buy anything from that piece of shit is now officially beyond me.

That article almost made me puke.

Currently Advanced Nutrients holds the record here in Oregon for the highest number of products on the state's Stop Sale List. It's not even close.




New member
I read the article recently. It sounds just and justified, but the way it reads is AN making a publication only for the purposes of bitching about the AAGR (something I forgot the acronym). But yeah Sunlight Supply is no good compared to AN.